All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 1776: Sword refining

When Xu Xian opened Baotang, he had no business for many days after the opening, but Shen Longke was different. On the relationship, there was a king and they gave them a face, and Li Gongfu was supported by the three teachers and nine streams, plus his own medical benefits. Cheap, the ordinary people who have no money to enter the pharmacy have come, and Baohetang has been booming since it started its business.

"Auntie, your illness doesn't matter, you don't need to take medicine. Go back and buy some mung bean stew for a few days ... Uncle, you don't need to take medicine for your illness. Go back and buy some leek and eat it. No, they are all neighbors in the neighborhood. It ’s worth the money to say a few words! "Shen Long was busy greeting the patients.

"Huh, other pharmacies can't wait for patients to buy more and more expensive medicines. Why does the Dongjia advise them not to take medicine? It's hard to understand." The guys in the shop whispered.

"Hey, these people have no money originally. The Dong family is so kind-hearted, and everyone knows that we Baohetang sympathizes with the patients, so that more and more patients come to the door, and the sales are calculated every day. There are also a lot of medicines to go out, that is, the owner will inevitably work harder! "An old man actually saw the door.

"Government, it's time to eat. The lady has prepared your meals for you." While talking, Xiaoqing came out from behind. The chatting buddy hurried to live. This man didn't rub the sand in his eyes, and saw them. Lazy will definitely scold.

"Xiaoqing, wait a moment, I will eat these uncles and aunts after reading them!" Shen Long continued to pulse the patient.

"Mr. Xu, you should go to dinner first. We are not in a hurry. We are not in a hurry." Rarely encountered a doctor who was willing to see the poor. The attitude of these patients was very good. If the doctors of later generations hospitals met, You have to envy death.

"It's important to see a doctor, it's important to see a doctor. It's too late to take it after you have seen it. Auntie, you don't have a problem with this disease. I'll prescribe five medicines for you. After these five medicines come back, I'll see you again. "..." After waiting to see these patients, Shen Long returned to the backyard with a lot of gratitude.

"Officials, you are now a busy person. You are busy all day long, and even the time for the lady is gone, and the lady and I are bored to die in the backyard!" Xiao Qing also helped Bai Suzhen complain to Shen Long while eating. .

"Xiaoqing, the officials are doing the right thing, you can't say that." Bai Suzhen blamed, "I think I'm afraid you want to go out and play again?"

"Ma'am, Xiaoqing is right, you are really boring to stay in the backyard alone; in fact, even if Xiaoqing doesn't say it, I want to discuss it with you, don't you mean that you have also studied medicine? If it's boring, it's better to be with me Is it better to have a consultation in the front yard together? Although there are no men and women in the eyes of the doctor, it ’s okay for aunts and grandma. I ’m a little bit inconvenient to see the young girl. If you are willing to help, it will be much better! ”

"It happens that there is still a place in the drugstore. I use a screen to separate. You are here to diagnose and treat the girl's family. When we are free, we can talk through the screen so that you will not feel bored." , The more your red dust will be contaminated, the heart will slowly fade to the mind of the Buddha.

Moreover, with a common cause, will feelings become more stable, but this is Shen Long ’s experience from later generations, even if it is a mythological world, can it be developed in the workplace; and female doctors, this time can unlock achievements Too.

"If you can help the officials, of course I am willing." Bai Suzhen also thinks this idea is great. She is really boring to stay in the backyard, and she really learned medicine, and she is certainly happy to be useful.

"Okay, after closing the night, I will arrange the place for my lady." In fact, this arrangement has another advantage. You Fahai want to take away a young wife who was raised at home, and take away a famous female doctor in Qiantang The difficulty is not the same. When the time comes, ask the big girls and daughter-in-laws of Qian Tang whether they agree or not.

"But, but, I'm not the only one in the backyard? Then I'm not bored to die!" Xiao Qing was dumbfounded. She originally wanted Shen Long to stay in the backyard so that he could play his flute and tell stories. Well, even Bai Suzhen was abducted.

"Xiaoqing, can you also help the lady! Help the patient pour tea, take medicine or something." Can you still be a nurse if you can't be a doctor! I don't seem to have unlocked this achievement, "Also, I think those guys listen to you, or you will take care of them too!"

This is equivalent to Bai Suzhen's nurse, as well as the supervisor of the pharmacy store in Baohetang. With you there, Bai Fu dare to be lazy there.

"This is good, this is good, officials, I listen to you!" Xiao Qing was also happy this time, but it was all happy.

In the evening, Shen Long arranged the place and announced the appointment of Xiao Qing.

The next day Bai Suzhen began to see a doctor. After seeing a few patients, Bai Suzhen's medical technique was recognized by many people. This time she was shy and embarrassed to find a female patient who came to see Shen Long for treatment. They came to Bai Suzhen. Seeking medical treatment, for a time, Bai Suzhen was even busier than herself.

When I returned to dinner in the backyard at night, Bai Suzhen was still immersed in joy. "Officials, I finally understand why you should be a doctor. It feels so good to help others!"

"Uh um, I didn't expect that opening a pharmacy can be so prestigious!" Xiao Qing was also immersed in the call of Miss Qing and Miss Qing from the guests ~ ~ Even the demon is no exception. Shen Long took the wine glass, "The lady is working hard today, to give you a drink for the husband; Xiaoqing is also working hard, come, let's have a drink together!"

"Dry!" The three wine glasses touched together.

From this day on, Bai Suzhen's expression became richer. She would laugh happily when she saw the patient healed, and she would cry sadly when she saw that the patient had no money to buy medicine. Come more and more like a person.

With more and more experiences in dealing with people, Bai Suzhen and Xiao Qing have gradually become aware of the human relationships in the world. Will consider how to use mortal methods to solve, Shen Long is very satisfied with this change, so that it is not easy to provoke right and wrong.

When Baohetang's business was on the right track, Shen Long began to think about another thing. It was also time to go to the mountains to find the treasures of heaven and earth and refine his sword.

On this day, he excused medicinal herbs in the mountains, left Baohetang, and entered the mountains, preparing to collect materials and burn swords.

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