All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 1777: Wang Daoling

The aura in the mountains is indeed sufficient, far from being comparable to the era of the end of the apocalypse in the later generations. After going deep into the mountains, Shen Long chose a good place to try to practice according to the methods taught by Yan Chixia. The result of many days of self-cultivation in modern society.

Don't worry, it's not time to practice now. What's the matter of Jian Xian Tao without flying sword? Or according to Yan Chixia's method, first find the right heaven and earth treasure offering Feijian.

Shen Long resisted the urge to meditate all night, got up and searched for all kinds of celestial treasures. Now he has opened his eyes, and there is no strange treasure in the mountain that can't escape his eyes.

Sacrifice flying sword requires five elements in one. The gold, silver, copper, iron and tin hardware essence that serves as the sword blank I have prepared. All are high-purity metals collected by future generations, which are much better than what can be found in this era, then next It's time to look for the essence of Otsuki, the essence of Renshui, and the essence of pentad, and then pick up the Chaoyang fire to refine the sword.

Of course, the essence of Otsuki must be found among the old trees. Shen Long pressed one hand on the thickest tree nearby, and exchanged with it, he knew where to find it, and then with the help of somersault cloud, he He flew to the deepest part of the mountain and found a towering giant tree surrounded by dozens of people in a valley.

"Lao Zhang, this car is polite!" When he reached the tree, Shen Long arched his hand. The old tree that had lived for so long had already passed the wisdom, so Shen Long first politely said hello.

"Huh, you young man is a bit strange. I seem to see a little trace of similarity on you." The towering giant wood shook its branches to express its surprise.

This may be the things Shen Long got from the tree people in the world of "The Lord of the Rings". After a polite, Shen Long explained the intention, "I visited Lao Zhang this time, but I wanted to ask Lao Zhang to borrow the essence of Otsuki for me. Sacrifice the Flying Sword. "

"If you don't succeed, I think that although you are kind in the future generations, the essence of Otsuki is my lifeblood. How can you borrow someone?" Jumu shook the leaves rustlingly. "Hurry and go, I'll chase people if I don't go. "

"Lao Zhang, don't be busy catching people first, the juniors don't plan to borrow it for nothing." Shen Long had already prepared and stretched out his right hand to reveal the jade bottle in his hand. The jade bottle was naturally the fairy water brought out of the secret realm of Shangri-La. Lao Zhang willing to lend me, I use this thing to exchange, I do not know what Lao Zhang intended? "

"This!" A slender branch stretched out, and Jumu seemed to feel that the jade bottle was a good thing.

"Lao Zhang can try it first." Shen Long smiled and picked up the jade bottle and dripped a drop of fairy water on the branch. After only a moment of effort, the old skin on the branch quietly faded away, and the leaves turned to goose yellow. It was really blooming. Flower bones, a few flowers grow.

"Good thing, with this thing, my cultivation will definitely advance, but I don't know how much Essence of Essence is needed by my husband. If there is too much, the little old man may not be able to take it out!" Ju Mu suddenly became polite, even called Have changed.

"No more, just a few minutes is enough!" This time the business was completed, Shen Long handed the jade bottle to Jumu, and Jumu shook his body and stretched out the branches to give Shenlong a glow of green light This is the essence of Otsuki that he has accumulated over the years. After that, Shen Long thanked, "Thank you Lao Zhang for your kind gifts. If you have the opportunity in the future, come and visit again."

How to say people are also seniors in the cultivating world. It is also good to communicate more with it. This is Shen Long's anxious sacrifice of the sword of refining. There is not much time for the time being, so next time you can have a good chat.

With the essence of Otsuki, there is no shortage of the essence of Renshui. According to the knowledge imparted by Yan Chixia, he can completely judge that the fairy water in the secret realm of Shangri-La can extract the essence of the top grade Renshui, then the next thing to look for is Wu The essence of earth.

Talking about this thing, Bai Ze also provided Shen Long with a lot of information. Liu Zongyuan recorded in the "Reserving the Land of Yongxing Longxing Temple" that Yongzhou Longxing Temple has a hall in the northeast, and the land of the hall rises with bricks. The person is four steps wide and one foot and five inches tall; the beginning is the hall, and it is high and tall, and all those who hold the son are dead; Yongzhou lives in Chu Yuejian, and its people are ghosts, and everyone in the temple is god. , People don't dare.

To say that the essence of pentad is better than the rest? Shen Long said goodbye to the giant wood, took the doubling cloud, and soon arrived at Yongxing Temple in Yongzhou, where he found the ruins of Xiyang and refined the essence of pent clay.

At this time, a suitable place was opened for refining the sword. Shen Long, the place where the sword was made, was also selected. The Longquan Qixingjing, not far from Qiantang, was the place where the sword-making master Ou Yezi refined the sword. It's better to refine Feijian for yourself here.

After taking the essence of the pent earth, Shen Long flew to Longquan, found a suitable Fengshui treasure beside the Qixing well, and began to prepare the prepared materials. Only when the auspicious time had arrived, he could refinish his sword.

Shen Long sat down cross-legged and carefully cultivated the gas. When the sunrise rose, he suddenly opened his eyes and the time to sacrifice the sword was chanted. He recited the mantra in his mouth and pinched the tactics in his hand. The essence, the essence of renshui and the gold, silver, copper, iron and tin are laid out according to their orientation, so that they are suspended in the air.

Then the real fire of the sun is used to extract the five-financed metal casting sword blanks. When the blanks are shortened to the length of the leek leaves, the essence of Otsuki, the essence of pentad, the essence of renshui and the true fire of the sun are merged into it. Bite his tongue and spray a blood on the tip of the tongue, this natal flying sword even if the sacrifice is successful.

"The way of sword fairy is really mysterious!" This leek leaf-sized flying sword is suspended in front of his eyes, and Shen Long instinctively feels that it and his own destiny can be imagined as if it is part of his body.

"Go!" Flicking the sword tactics and reaching for a finger ~ ~ Feijian flew forward swiftly, facing the wind and growing, and instantly became a three-foot long sword, around the boulder pointed by Shen Long After a turn, the boulder was cut in half.

"Good sword! The world is infinite, Qiankun borrowed the way! Go!" Shen Long began to practice Yan Chixia's magic sword technique, so that she had an addiction to a sword fairy, and even stepped on the flying sword for a while, just Feijian is still a little narrower, after all, it's not as comfortable as sitting in somersault cloud.

It has been two days since it came out, and it is time to go back, otherwise Bai Suzhen and Xiao Qing should be anxious. In the future, they will have the opportunity to practice swords again.

Back to the mountain outside Qiantang City, dug some rare herbs, filled the medicine basket full, Shen Long slowly descended the mountain and went to the city.

On the street outside Baohetang, I saw the neighbors around the neighborhood watching a bustling Taoist. This was a streamer standing behind him, with his name on it—Wang Daoling.

Hey, shouldn't this toad be in ... should it be in Suzhou?

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