All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 1778: Take your hands

Is this Wang Daoling the first villain in "The Legend of the New White Lady"? He was originally a toad in Qingcheng Mountain, and Bai Suzhen was also a neighbor. But he was greedy and harassed. She repeatedly harassed the goblin on Qingcheng Mountain. Bai Suzhen seized the opportunity to clean up and he had a grudge.

When Xu Xian was dispatched to Suzhou, he came to trouble. The toad essence became an old saying, known as Wang Daoling, secretly went to the well and poisoned, and then sold drugs to deceive the Suzhou people, but Bai Suzhen saw through and explained the matter to the people. And free medicine, not only failed Wang Daoling's plan, but also helped Xu Xian's pharmacy to gain a reputation.

It ’s not a threat. At most, it ’s the one who sent experience and prestige. Shen Long opened his eyes and looked at his cultivation behavior. He realized that this kingly mausoleum cannot only be compared with Purdue Cihang and Montenegro old demon. The tree monster grandma is better than him.

Perhaps it was used as a try for himself, which gave Shen Long some confidence, relying on his alchemy and magic, and the scientific knowledge of later generations, he can kill the tree demon grandma, not to mention now also learn Yan Chi Xia's swordsmanship, hanging this kingly mausoleum should not be a problem.

I just got a weapon from Xinshou Village, and someone came to send you experience. It is really a coincidence. It is estimated that if you come to Qiantang, it is also the trouble to find my lady? That being the case, it is up to me, my husband, to clean up your lady.

Shen Long glanced at Wang Daoling, wrote down him secretly, turned around and walked to Baohetang. That Wang Daoling's eyes stayed on his back for a long time, it seemed to be wondering why an ordinary mortal could marry what he wanted. What about Bai Suzhen?

"Government, you are back! Did you encounter anything on the road?" Seeing Shen Long returning to Baohetang, Bai Suzhen, who was treating the female guest, immediately stood up, the expression on her face also relaxed, and she also saw Wang Daoling, is worried whether this Wang Daoling will be harmful to Shen Long.

"Madam, you have worked hard for the past two days! I haven't encountered anything. Instead, I picked a lot of good herbs, enough for us to use for a while." Shen Long put the medicine basket down to Bai Suzhen, pretending not to know anything. Looks like.

"Officials, if you leave this place, your sister doesn't want to eat, but you are worried." Xiaoqing took the medicine basket and handed it to the guys in the store to prepare it.

"Sin and sin have caused the lady to worry about me!" It can be seen that Bai Suzhen's worries came from deep in her heart, and it was not only a concern for the benefactor, but also a trace of love for her lover.

Sure enough, occasionally a day or two apart is also a good way to increase feelings. It seems that I occasionally go out once in a while, one can practice swords, and the other can continue to increase feelings.

"Hanwen, you have only been married for a few days, even if you are busy in business, you ca n’t leave such a good lady at home for so long; I am old, and it will be the same when I look at it tomorrow. Your couple still go back and say early Let's talk privately! "Seeing the two of them, the patients in the store were not in a hurry to see a doctor.

"Thank you aunt and uncle." Shen Long thanked everyone and returned to the backyard with Bai Suzhen.

Bai Suzhen and Xiaoqing helped him prepare the bath water and change his clothes. "Officials, you must be out for two days. You take a shower first. Xiaoqing and I will prepare dinner for you."

When Shen Long was taking a bath, she raised her ears and eavesdropped on the conversation between Bai Suzhen and Xiaoqing. They really talked about Wang Daoling, "I had only given him a small lesson, but he didn't expect him to remember it now. , Also came to Qiantang. "

"Sister, as I see it, this kind of guy who doesn't know what to do is just killing it, so as not to keep the scourge, if you are inconvenient to do it, I will go by myself at night." Xiaoqing is also a straight-forward character.

Well, in fact, I think so too, but I do n’t need your help. Shen Long still agrees with Xiao Qing ’s plan, but Bai Suzhen is still a little hesitant. "Heaven has good virtue. It ’s not easy for him to cultivate adults. You go first. Advise him, if he is willing to leave Qiantang, we will come back and discuss again if he refuses. "

After eating, when Shen Long and Bai Suzhen were giving a big gift in the house, he heard that Xiao Qing seemed to be quietly leaving the house. After the next morning, he heard Xiao Qing and Bai Suzhen talking about last night in the kitchen.

"Well, that guy is too ignorant. Not only does he not want to leave, he even wants to start with me, as I see it, or kill it!" Xiaoqing's negotiations did not seem successful yesterday.

"He didn't do anything bad. After two days, I just need to find a time to drive him away." Bai Suzhen still felt a little soft-hearted.

He should be doing bad things right away. Is it a good job for people to give medicine to the well? Large-scale poisoning is a target of severe fighting no matter in that dynasty, let me practice.

"Ma'am, I don't need to prepare meals for me at night. I'm going to the master's house. I dug a few good herbs this time. We can't use them in our store. It's better to give them to the master." Shen Long planned tonight Get started.

Bai Suzhen had no doubt. In the afternoon, Shen Long took the medicinal herbs early and went to Qingyu Tang to find Wang Yuanwai and gave him something. Wang Yuanwai was very happy, leaving Shen Long to have dinner together and had dinner Shen Long said goodbye and left.

After leaving the king's home, he looked around and disappeared. He opened the live map and found the trail of Wang Daoling. He flew over in the cloud of somersault and found him on a barren mountain outside the city ~ ~ This guy is lying on the top of the mountain and vomiting, absorbing the essence of the moon.

Shen Longxian fell into front of him and shouted sharply, "Little toad essence, don't practice well in the mountains, why come to Qiantang to find my lady's trouble!"

"Ah? Are you not a mortal?" Wang Daoling looked dumbfounded at the sudden appearance of Shen Long, and immediately reacted. "Since you have a strange technique, can't you see your lady and her sister are monsters?" What? "

Huh, it ’s not a monster. I do n’t want to come again. What we want is this thorn ... Bah, tell him this dry wool. I ’m looking for a monster to practice my hands. , I ’m not allowed to go out in a hundred years, maybe I can spare you a life, if you do n’t agree, hum! "

Wang Daoling's cultivation behavior is not shallow, and he might get a lot of good things if he kills him. In the "Compendium of Materia Medica", there are many records of the toad in the medicine. The ordinary toad is so powerful, not to mention This kind of monster has been transformed?

"Huh, I originally wanted to kill you first, and then grab Bai Suzhen back. That's good, you even came to the door!" Wang Daoling lying on the ground, stirring his cheeks, he would attack.

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