All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 1779: Dragon Boat Festival

To be honest, the extraordinary ability in "The Legend of the New White Lady" seems to be inferior to "Ghost Story" for most of the time. As for the reason, it is easy to understand. It is calculated on average every minute. After all, the budget of the TV series has Movie high?

Therefore, Wang Daoling did not reveal the demon method at the beginning. Instead, he wanted to compete with Shen Long, just like his fight with Bai Suzhen. This Shen Long is not afraid. He is now practicing the Taoist method of Jianxian. Who are you afraid of?

Immediately opened his mouth and spit out the flying sword the size of a leek leaf. After the flying sword came out, the wind grew longer, and instantly became a three-foot long sword, which was compared with Wang Daoling.

"Ah? Sword Immortal!" Wang Daoling was startled. He originally thought that Bai Suzhen was just married to a mortal. He didn't expect people to have such a skill, and he was anxious now. "Since you are also a cultivator, why should you Marry a monster! "

"Don't talk nonsense, come up with your full copy!" After a few strokes, Shen Long realized that Wang Daoling didn't seem to be his opponent. It was Bai Xiulian for so many years.

But it ’s not surprising that Yan Chixia has n’t practiced long enough to be able to hang down the tree demon and grandma who have been cultivating for hundreds of years, and even the thousand-year old Montenegro demon and Purdue Cihang, people are the spirits of all things, are practicing In this respect, however, it is a huge advantage; these monsters spend a lot of time to cultivate adults and open their minds.

If the cultivation speed of the mountain spirit tree monster is the same as that of human beings, this world will become the world of human beings. I am afraid that the scenes of the dragon and phoenix catastrophe and the battle of the lich wars have been restored long ago. Since the battle of the gods, the human race Rise has become a foregone conclusion, these demons and ghosts can only linger on.

However, this does not mean that Shen Long can easily accomplish this task. After all, there is still a Buddhist door behind Fahai. His bowl and the cassock are not what Shen Long can handle now.

It does n’t matter, since it is an era when the human race is prosperous, it means that even though Fahai has a Dharma that is far superior to himself, walking in the world, he has to follow the rules of the human race. In this case, Shen Long is given the opportunity, after all Speaking of familiarity with human rules, who can compare Shen Long.

"The world is infinite, Qiankun borrows the law! Look at the sword! Look at the sword! Look at the sword!" Shen Long stood still and gestured with his right hand, controlling the flying sword to continue to attack the king's mausoleum, forcing him to be confused and embarrassed.

Seeing that his little life was almost gone, Wang Daoling also had to ask for mercy, "Xian Chang Rao life, Xian Chang Rao life! The little demon no longer dares, the little demon will return to Shanjingxiu!"

"Oh? Sure enough?" As soon as he heard this, Shen Long stopped the attack immediately, and Feijian hung in the air, pointing far away to Wang Daoling's throat, forcing him not to move.

"The little demon swears that if Immortal Changken bypassed the little demon, the little demon will return to the mountain, and the fairy is in Qiantang for a day, and the little demon will never step into Qiantang!" Wang Daoling was so sorrowful that he couldn't beat Bai Suzhen. Even her men can't beat, are you destined to be bullied by these two couples?

"Okay, I have believed in you this time, and you just go." Ha ha, still want to play tricks with me, then quietly you can play Shen Long, Shen Long ha ha back with a smile.

"The little demon is gone, the little demon is gone, thank Xianchang for not killing!" Wang Daoling knelt down on the ground and tapped again and again, his eyes were dizzying, and his mouth was aimed at Shen Long by the chance of kowtowing. , And then suddenly a mist of poison came out.

"Good evil barrier!" Shen Long smiled without anger, and used the shape change to avoid the poisonous fog and flashed behind Wang Daoling, Feijian immediately hung on his neck, "I missed the good virtue of God, so I bypassed No one knows that your life will not change, so you will not be spared, and I will accept you for God today! "

"Xian Chang ..." All his unique skills at the bottom of the box were cracked. Wang Daoling couldn't help but hesitant to split his liver, but before he asked for mercy, Shen Long cut off his first level. Wang Daoling died for hundreds of years. Hard work became a bubble.

After the death of Wang Daoling, it returned to its original shape, but it was a toad with a large grinding plate. Shen Long checked it, but there are still many good things. Toads have been used for medicines. Well, according to the immortal Taoism taught by Yan Chixia, Shen Long quickly thought of several good alchemy methods.

It's not too early today, let's put it away, and when it comes out to practice sword next time, it will be refined into a panacea. Shen Long put away Wang Daoling's body and turned back to Baohetang.

After a few days, Bai Suzhen and Xiao Qing discovered strangely that Wang Daoling who had spied on the street a few days ago had disappeared. Both of them were inexplicable and went out to search for Wang Daoling's whereabouts for a long time.

"Sister, is there any other master in Qiantang City who is not successful? Is it that Wang Daoling offended the master and was taken in?" Xiao Qing speculated.

"The Lingyin Temple by the West Lake was the master's dojo at that time. Perhaps it may not be necessary for a master of Buddhism to take action. Xiaoqing, you must be cautious in your actions in the future. Don't be reckless. The cultivation of this kingly tomb is not yours. "Below!" Bai Suzhen also had some guilty conscience, and quickly instructed Xiaoqing.

As a result, Xiaoqing also converged a little, and usually restrained Bai Fu from them so that they would not rush into business; Bai Suzhen continued to visit Shen Long daily to see the doctors of the people in Qiantang.

Soon, the name of Bai Suzhen gradually spread in Qiantang. Everyone praised her for her kindness and good medical skills, and only regarded her as a living Bodhisattva.

The business of Baohetang is getting better and better ~ ~ Although the medicines bought are cheap, Shen Long often waives the medicine fees, but he ca n’t bear the small profits but sells them quickly, Shen Long quickly saves If you have enough money, you can buy a house in Shuangcha Alley. Although the house is large in size, it is old and in disrepair, and you ca n’t sell much.

"Xiaoqing, you can use this money to renovate the house in Shuangcha Alley! Although the house looks beautiful, there are also many deficiencies, so it is better to change it to this! My mother and I will both go to the clinic, this one Things can only work hard for you. "Shen Long took out the drawings and gave the matter to Xiaoqing.

The house in Shuangcha Alley was changed by Xiao Qing and Bai Suzhen with blind eyes. If they lived in it, they would reveal the stuff. Now Shen Long has given all the things to himself, so he has to worry about the secrets of the officials.

"Yes, man, I will do it for you!" Xiao Qing quickly agreed to come down.

She quickly found the original owner, bought the garden, and then recruited craftsmen to start repairing according to the plan given by Shen Long. Unconsciously, the time passed and the Dragon Boat Festival soon arrived.

Dragon Boat Festival, it's time to drink realgar wine, but this time Shen Long will definitely not be scared to death.

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