All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 1780: Realgar wine

Baohetang had already inserted wormwood, and the folks were on holiday. Shen Long also sent them glutinous rice dumplings and a little holiday fee. At this time, the folks in other stores did not have such good treatment. Xie went back.

Xiao Qing was anxious. "Sister, today is the Dragon Boat Festival. Every family wants to buy realgar wine. The saying goes: 'When a snake sees realgar wine, it looks like a ghost sees the king of the king.' It was exposed and seen by the officials, how could it be good to be born. "

Bai Suzhen said, "Xiao Qing, I have been cultivating for a long time. As long as I don't drink it, I will be fine. You have a shallow foundation, so you will be afraid. They ate at home, and they hid there with Bai Fu, and they came back at night. They did n’t know it, they did n’t even know it, they just concealed their officials. ”

When Shen Long came back and saw that Xiao Qing was gone, he had already guessed what was going on, but asked, "Hey, Xiao Qing went there. Sister and Jiefu asked us to eat dumplings for a while."

"Oh, there is something trivial over Shuangcha Alley. Xiaoqing wanted us to move to live soon, so they took Baifu and they hurried away. She said before she left, let us not care about her, she and Baifu were there. Pass the festival. "Bai Suzhen explained.

"Well, it's not a good idea to leave them over during the holiday season, right? Since it's the holiday season, will the family be reunited!" Shen Long hesitated.

"It doesn't matter, Xiaoqing should be back at night. Officials, let's wrap the dumplings for our sister and brother-in-law as soon as possible!" Bai Suzhen took out glutinous rice, red dates, red beans and brown leaves, etc., and Shen Long Make dumplings together.

Very good, Zongzi is to eat sweet, the Xian party is heresy! Shen Long did not bother about this matter, and wrapped up the dumplings with Bai Suzhen, wrapped the dumplings in his hands, and was not idle. He told Bai Suzhen the story of the Three Mothers and Liu Yanchang.

"... Agar incense immediately flew back to Huashan, held up the axe of the Xuanhua mountain, struggling hard, only to hear a loud bang, the mountain shook, the mountain broke open, and Agar hurried to find the Black Cloud Cave and rescued her mother For 16 years, the three virgins who had suffered all the hardships saw each other again. She and her son hugged tightly together, and they had mixed feelings and burst into tears.

Later, Erlang Shen confessed to San Niang and Chen Xiang; Shen Xiang was also sealed by the Jade Emperor. Since then, San Niang, Liu Yanchang and their hero son Shen Xiang were reunited and the family lived happily together. "There are many versions of the story of the Three Saints and Liu Yanchang, but since Shen Long wants to talk about it, he naturally chose the most satisfactory version.

"This story is much better than the previous ones." Bai Suzhen whispered a little under his heart. Why didn't I listen to them when I sat down and practiced with Li Shan's mother? Oh yeah, this kind of fairy affair is actually nonsense? It would be bad if the **** was irritated, we can't afford to sin.

"Yeah, ma'am, I'll be good forever in this life, and I hope to be with the Three Immortals and Liu Yanchang forever in the future." Shen Long said with a smile. Wouldn't it be better for the two to fly together and become a Buddha?

"If it can be so ..." On one side is the freedom after becoming an immortal, and on the other is the transcendence of becoming a Buddha. Bai Suzhen is really a bit difficult to choose. The image of Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva appears in her mind. She quickly read the Buddha in her heart. Xing Nai came for gratitude, and when the grievances are over, he will return to the mountain for repairs. I dare not have other ideas.

Hey, it seems that there is still a long way to go to complete this task, but it is also strange. The master Ming Ming of Bai Suzhen is the mother of Lishan, that is, the ancestor of the Qing dynasty, Ziyuan, who is the Taoist Yuqing. Why did she want to become a Buddha? Is n’t this abandonment?

Maybe Bai Suzhen is not a disciple of Li Shan ’s mother? Shen Long secretly speculated that perhaps one day Li Shan ’s mother was teaching at Qingcheng Mountain, and Bai Suzhen was lucky to be able to listen to it. This gave her the chance to practice adulthood. When she first met her Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva when she was transformed into a human form, she also got the point of view of Avalokitesvara. Are you dedicated to the Buddha?

Oh, maybe because of the relic that she swallowed, this relic greatly improved her practice, but it also caused her and the Buddha to be infected with cause and effect, hey, the Buddha was shameless and contaminated them. The cause and effect is even stronger than that of a routine loan, and I have to compensate myself.

If you are not in a hurry, I know that this is not so easy. Shen Long sighed slightly, "Mother, the dumplings are almost ready. Let's go to my sister's house together!"

They brought the dumplings and gifts to Xu Jiarong and Li Gongfu's house. The two couples were very happy. Xu Jiarong said with emotion, "Hanwen is now married to his wife, and the pharmacy is open. How happy they should be! "

"Hey, don't talk about these unhappy things during the holiday season. Come and drink and drink. By the way, in Chinese, the gold sore medicines you sent me are really good. They all let me thank you!" Li Gongfu Interrupting Xu Jiaorong's emotions, he pulled Shen Long to the table and sat down.

Shen Long knew that Li Gongfu was the head of the arrest, and it must be hand-in-hand, so he specially allocated some gold sore medicines to give him and let him use it for the bureaucracy in the yamen. Now. "

"How can it work? It's not easy for you to do business. You should pay as much as you want; hey, the pharmacy of Quanqiantang, only you Baohetang can still think of us poor people." Li Gongfu sighed.

"This money is nothing ~ ~ Besides, your brothers did not take care of me, but no one dared to come to Baohetang to make trouble." You can get an umbrella by spending a little money. This deal is cost-effective.

Soon, Xu Jiaorong cooked the dumplings, and the big guy ate it while drinking. Xu Jiaorong saw Bai Suzhen not drinking realgar wine, which was strange, "Brother and sister, why don't you drink?"

"I ... I don't smell the realgar. I still drink my daughter's red." Bai Suzhen was a little embarrassed. Wouldn't it be the original if it was drunk?

"Eh, today is the Dragon Boat Festival. How can you not drink realgar wine? Drinking realgar wine can drive away evil spirits and avoid evil spirits. How much can your brother and sister drink, so that this year will not be affected by evil spirits." Li Gongfu also persuaded.

To be honest, this realgar wine is really not suitable for drinking. The main component of realgar is arsenic sulfide, which contains mercury and is toxic. It is okay to apply to the skin. It is a little inappropriate for internal use; but if it is a small amount, occasionally drink one or two glasses It is not poisoned, but it is different for ordinary people, but for Bai Suzhen.

Both Xu Jiaorong and Li Gongfu were persuading that Bai Suzhen could not find a reason to refuse.

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