All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 1781: Appearance

Shen Long knew what it would be like when Bai Suzhen drank realgar wine, but he did not stop it because Bai Suzhen ’s identity would be revealed sooner or later. Even if he blocked this wave, there would be Fahai next wave; instead of continuing to hide it, It's better to expose the problem earlier, or to move on to the next step.

So he even helped, "Ma'am, today is the first time our family has been together for the Dragon Boat Festival. How much can you drink, if you can't drink it, just drink this cup."

Now Bai Suzhen couldn't refuse it anymore. He had to drink the wine with his scalp, hoping to resist for the time being and rely on his profound repairs, and think of ways to wait after returning home.

Unexpectedly, since the opening of Baohetang, Shen Long has been busy every day. The sisters and brothers haven't had a good chat for a long time. This chat came to the big night, and the efficacy of realgar wine gradually came up.

"Hanwen, it's so late today, and you two will sleep well at home. It's not too late to go back tomorrow!" At the end of the conversation, Xu Jiaorong wanted to keep them here overnight.

"I can't help it. I didn't say when I came out. Xiaoqing should be anxious if I didn't go back!" Bai Suzhen could be in a hurry. If he can insist on returning to Baohetang, he may be able to temporarily resist one or two. I escaped this robbery myself, but if I stay at Li Gongfu's house, then everything will be finished.

Shen Long was also afraid of Bai Suzhen ’s appearance to scare Xu Jiaorong and Li Gongfu. In this case, he had to go to Yaochi to steal the immortal grass with Bai Suzhen, so he also said, "The family is still making immortality medicine. You have to go back; your sister and brother-in-law do n’t have to worry. After the yard in Shuangcha Lane is repaired, let ’s talk again. ”

"Then I will send you back. In the evening, you two are afraid of restlessness on the road!" Seeing that they are indeed in trouble, Li Gongfu will no longer stay, and they will be sent back with his waist knife.

Uh, to be honest, of the three of us, you have the worst fighting ability, right? After all, they were well-intentioned, and Shen Long was also embarrassed to quit, so the three returned to Baohetang together. Li Gongfu declined to go in for tea and stayed back. Xiaoqing heard the voice and greeted him. "Man, what's wrong with my sister?"

"Xiaoqing, I drank a glass of realgar wine, which may be a little overwhelming and dizzy. You help me go back!" I just talked for a long time in Li Gongfu's house and walked all the way again. Bai Suzhen could not bear it.

"Ah! Realgar wine!" Hearing this, Xiao Qing suddenly lost her color, and quickly stepped forward to support Bai Suzhen. "Sister, come back to my room and rest!" She must be hidden before she shows up. .

"Ma'am, don't it matter? Or should I go to make you a sober soup?" Shen Long also made a concerned expression, and this time he had to make things clear.

"Officials, no, I'll just go to sleep, but I can't wait for the officials tonight; Xiaoqing, you help me go to the guest room to sleep." Bai Suzhen dare to let him be with himself.

"Yes, yes, officials, it's not too early, you should take a break early, my sister will take care of me here! You will have to go to the clinic tomorrow." Xiaoqing would like to turn into two, one helping Bai Suzhen and one sinking Long hurried back to the room, hey, let Bai Fu know that they also came back.

"This ..." Shen Long followed the two of them to the outside of the guest room. Xiaoqing helped Bai Suzhen to take a rest and hurried out to pull Shen Long away. "Official, sister ... Sister doesn't want you to see her in a state of distraught after being drunk. Look, you do n’t have to worry about it, hurry back and go to bed early! ”She has n’t made any progress with Shen Long for so long, her emotional quotient has risen a lot, she will use this method to foole people.

She really didn't want me to see what she was like when she was drunk, but it wasn't embarrassed, it was showing its original shape, right? Hearing Xiaoqing say this, Shen Long shook his head and said, "The husband and wife are all in one body, what's so scary about this? ... Well, since the lady said so, please take care of you."

After Shen Long turned back to the room, Xiao Qing was relieved and quickly returned to the room to continue to take care of Bai Suzhen, "Sister, sister, you must hold on!"

"No, Xiaoqing, I can't hold it anymore. Remember, don't let the officials see me appearing in the original form!" If she had just met Shen Long, she would only worry that she would show the original form There will be no delay in gratitude, and after such a long time, Bai Suzhen will have more concerns. If he sees my original form, will he ...

Before the words fell, he saw that Bai Suzhen had become a giant python with a head like a bucket, eyes like a brass bell, a **** mouth with mouth open, tongue spitting out of breath, tumbling on the bed, and he was going to go outside the room.

"Sister, sister!" Xiaoqing was anxious and shouted, but Bai Suzhen had lost her mind and could not understand what she was saying. Xiaoqing had to exert all her strength and wanted to press Bai Suzhen on the bed so that she could get through it period of time.

Oops, my sister has hundreds of years of cultivation than me. Even if it shows up, I am not her opponent. What if I ca n’t hold her back? Die Baifu, why do you stay in Shuangcha Alley? If you are here, even if you ca n’t help me control your sister, you can stop the officials anyway, so he wo n’t be able to discover the situation here!

Xiaoqing was really anxious, and there was such a loud noise here, what if the officials were disturbed? Later, if the official hears the voice, I will stun him well ~ ~ Then move him back to bed, and when he wakes up tomorrow, tell him here yesterday Nothing happened. He was drunk and had a nightmare!

Well, just do it! Although this may hurt the officials, Xiaoqing can't take care of so much, is it better than being found by the officials that the sister is a monster? Xiaoqing made up his mind and tried to suppress Bai Suzhen while paying attention to the movement of the door.

Sure enough, soon after she heard footsteps outside the door, Shen Long shouted outside, "Xiaoqing, I'll bring you a sober soup."

"Officials, my sister has fallen asleep, so don't disturb you!" Xiao Qing sweated out in anxiety, and at the same time, she was ready to stun Shen Long.

"Sleep? How can I hear the sound inside? Hey, it's not good to sleep directly after drinking alcohol, or drink the soup first, so that you can sleep peacefully." Only with a squeak, Shen Long pushed away The door came in with a bowl of sober soup! At a glance, I saw a white python writhing in bed.

"Officials, I'm sorry!" Seeing this, Xiao Qing had to apologize, and then flicked his finger. The prepared formula was launched instantly, and a green light smashed towards Shen Long's forehead!

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