All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 1782: Actually, I already knew

"Xiaoqing, what are you doing?" Shen Long opened his mouth slightly, and spit out a golden light, blocking the green light. At the same time, he came to the window in a flash, and looked at the python with concern, "Su Zhen still Ok?"

Xiaoqing was dumbfounded on the spot, what was going on? Official ... Isn't he a normal person? Why is there such a means? And the prototype of his sister has been seen by him, what should I do now?

"Oh, at the Dragon Boat Festival today, my sister asked us to drink realgar wine together. I think that the girl is so deep that it won't matter if you drink a glass or two. Who would have expected the girl's reaction to be so great!" Shen Long pretended to be worried. Said, "But it doesn't matter, Xiaoqing, you go to the front medicine cabinet to get some medicine. Well, Angelica Sanqian, Chaihu Erqian, and Licorice Erqian ... Three bowls of water are boiled into a bowl of water, and then drop this Three drops into it, just add honey and serve. "Shen Long took out the jade bottle and handed the fairy water to Xiaoqing.

Shen Long learned from the towering giant tree in the mountain that he did not know how many years he lived, but this thing is a great supplement to the practitioners, regardless of the human monk or monster, it will be repaired after taking it, so it is willing to take out its own Otsuki Jingqi exchanged, in fact, Bai Suzhen can return to normal after drinking a drop.

"Ah? Officials ..." Xiao Qing looked at Bai Suzhen for a while, and then looked at Shen Long, who was concerned, for a while, and he was confused on the spot. He couldn't react for a long time.

"Why are you still stunned? Hurry up!" Shen Long shouted sharply. People ... Let's just treat Xiaoqing as a person ... People are prone to obedience when they are confused, and Xiaoqing heard this voice, Subconsciously took the jade bottle out.

Waiting for a cold wind to get out of the door, I woke up a little bit. Why do the officials do the trick? And he was not surprised to see his sister's prototype, did he know it already? But if you know, why are you willing to marry your sister? She looked at the jade bottle in her hand, opened it and smelled it, and was immediately attracted by the abundant aura.

What is this? Why do officials have these? Also, what should I do now? Hey, no matter what, let's make medicine according to what the officials said, and wait until the sister wakes up.

Xiaoqing stomped her teeth and turned to the pharmacy in front of her. She has been helping in the pharmacy recently. The work has also been done. The herbs have been weighed in three or five times and she is ready to start cooking. Carrying the medicine stove back to the backyard; no, my sister is still dizzy. I have to look at her to avoid any accidents.

Going back to the room, I saw that the room was quiet, I did n’t know what technique was used, and Bai Suzhen was no longer noisy, so I lay quietly on the bed, and Shen Long sat beside the bed with pity. Stretching his hand and stroking Bai Suzhen's scales, "Hey, it's all for the husband's sake, so the lady suffers."

Bai Suzhen seemed to understand, spitting a slender snake letter licking Shen Long's palm, licking Shen Long for a while, itchy, could not help but murmur secretly, this tongue is better than human tongue ......

"Officials, I will take the medicine here and cook it!" Seeing this, Xiao Qing was temporarily relieved and quickly put down the medicine stove to follow Shen Long's instructions, and the house started to fire the medicine.

"You worked hard!" Shen Long nodded, turned back to his head and continued to look at Bai Suzhen. Xiaoqing was thinking about it while fanning the fire. When did the officials know the truth? What else does he know? Why haven't he seen his technique revealed before? Why did he hide us?

Xiao Qing soon felt that she was not using her brains. Hey, these things are really a headache when I think about it. Forget it, I do n’t want to. When the lady wakes up, let her ask the officials herself!

Soon the medicine was cured, Xiao Qing poured the medicine liquid into the bowl according to Shen Long, dripped three drops of fairy water, and then added honey, Yingying went to the bed, "Government, I will feed my sister to drink medicine Right! "

"Let me come!" Shen Long took the pill, scooped up a spoonful of the medicine with the spoon, and blew it in his mouth again, and did n’t deliver it to Bai Suzhen ’s mouth until the medicine was not so hot. Because of the added Xianshui, Bai Suzhen Although he had already shown the original shape and lost his consciousness, he knew that this was a good thing, so he opened his mouth and swallowed.

Xiaoqing stared blankly at Shen Long scooping up the medicine liquid with a spoon, and then blowing cold to feed Bai Suzhen. The thought could not help but the official ... the official was really good to her sister, if ... if I met the same Things, will anyone take care of me like this?

"Xiaoqing, Xiaoqing!" Shen Long even shouted several times before awakening Xiaoqing from the dream. Xiaoqing opened his eyes and saw that the medicine bowl was empty, and Bai Suzhen had finished the medicine.

"Government, what should I do next? Do I have to take some medicine again?" Xiao Qing recalled the fantasy in his brain just now, and could not help but flush his face and quickly lowered his head to ask softly.

"No, just drink this bowl of medicine, and the lady will immediately regain her human form; you go to prepare the bath first, the lady will definitely take a bath in a while." Shen Long said.

"Okay, let me go now!" Xiaoqing was more obedient this time, took the pill from Shen Long's hand, took the medicine stove to the outside, went to the kitchen to make a fire, and poured the water into the bathtub. Good soap corners, hand towels and other things, return to the room.

I saw that Bai Suzhen had just returned to human form at this time, and was lying on the bed looking at Shen Long. Seeing this situation, Bai Suzhen naturally knew what was going on, and would sit up in a hurry, but did not want to change into the prototype just now. Fading away, the spring light appeared just after being together, and then shyly shy back into the quilt.

"Officials, the bath water is ready, sister ~ ~ shall you take a shower first?" Xiao Qing came in at the right moment, breaking the embarrassment in the room.

"Yes, ma'am, now you take a shower, let's disperse the smell of medicine and realgar wine again!" Shen Long got out of the room and came to sit in the courtyard.

Bai Suzhen was washed by Xiao Qing's service and re-dressed. Then the two sisters came to Shen Long together. Bai Suzhen said, "Officials ..."

Shen Long raised his hand slightly, "Ma'am, you needn't say it, in fact, I already knew about it."

"Ah? Officer, you already know? When did you know?" Xiao Qing asked repeatedly.

"Just when you threw the gold hairpin under my feet, I saw it." Shen Long said with a smile, Xiao Qing heard a red face on her face, and her own mischief had been known for a long time. It's too embarrassing.

At the same time, Nanjiao Luojia Mountain, Guan Shiyin, who was meditating in the Zizhu Forest, slightly opened his eyes and looked in the direction of Qian Tang. Hey, this matter has actually changed. That Xu Xian Xu Hanwen did not die today? What happened?

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