All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 1783: We sword fairy like monsters

"Government ... Government, this is a long story, but it's not that Suzhen deliberately concealed the official." After a long silence, Bai Suzhen decided to tell the truth. She walked to Shen Long and sat down.

Shen Long nodded slightly, with a look of encouragement, so Bai Suzhen talked about the cause and effect of herself and Xu Xian, "This matter has to be talked about 1,700 years ago. At that time, Su Zhen was just a small white snake under the Qingcheng Mountain, Although he was just born with wisdom, his practice is still shallow, and he has no power to protect himself, because playfulness accidentally falls into the hands of Orion. "

"Looking at Suzhen's life, he lost his life, but the kind-hearted little shepherd boy rescued Suzhen from this matter. Since then, Suzhen has been diligently practicing in the mountains, and she got the advice of Li Shan's mother before she was able to cultivate her form!"

"After hearing that the Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva in the South China Sea was speaking at Mount Emei, Su Zhen immediately went to listen to the teachings and asked him how the Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva got out of the dust. The previous life-saving grace has not yet been repaid, and if it is not repaid, it will be difficult to cultivate a positive result. "

"The Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva directed Suzhen later, saying that March 3 was Qingming, and there were many rains during the Qingming period, and they had to meet for thousands of miles, and they had to go to the heights of the West Lake. I met the officials, who turned out to be the reincarnation of the shepherd boy who saved Suzhen 1,700 years ago. "

After saying that Bai Suzhen Yingying fell down, "Bai Suzhen came wholeheartedly for the sake of gratitude, and has no bad heart for the officials, but he did not conceal the officials deliberately, and hoped the officials would not blame them!"

Xiaoqing also quickly fell down, "Officials and sisters are all true, and there is absolutely no concealment. Officials, although my sister and I are monsters, we have never harmed anyone!"

Bai Suzhen and Xiaoqing knelt on the ground, but did not hear Shen Long ’s response for a long time. Xiaoqing looked up with courage and peeped, but saw that Shen Long ’s face no longer lost his previous concerns, but became serious, and at the same time Yes ... There was still a bit of anger and unwillingness, and when Xiaoqing asked questions, he heard Shen Long sneer, "Hehe ... hehe ..."

"Official!" Why is this? I saw that my sister showed nothing in the past, why was the official angry when she heard the truth? Xiaoqing was even more confused.

"Officials! You listen to me ..." Bai Suzhen seemed to realize something, and he would quickly tell the difference.

"Needless to say!" Shen Long got up and flicked his sleeves, turned his back, and said coldly, "Well, you go! Don't come back to Qiantang again from now on!"

"Official! Sister said everything is true, she didn't lie to you at all! Why are you like this!" Xiao Qing couldn't understand the situation now, "And, you didn't see us both long ago Is it a monster? Why didn't you dislike it, but now you have to chase us away? "

"Humph!" Shen Long turned back suddenly, his eyes full of sorrow and sorrow after being deceived, "Yes, I saw that your sister was a snake spirit at the first meeting, but I never knew that you were only for gratitude. what!"

He said that Shen Long stumbled down on the stone chair with one hand on his forehead with pain, "I originally thought I was like Liu Yanchang who met the Three Saints and Dong Yong met the Seven Fairies. Woman, even if this woman is actually a monster, I have no complaints or regrets, just want to stay with her for life! "

"But I didn't think that people had never liked me before. The reason why they are willing to marry me is just to understand the cause and effect! Since that is the case, there is nothing to say! Although I am just a little girl Doctor, you do n’t need this kind of favor! Come on! "

Shen Long used his acting skills to the extreme. The infatuated young man thought his emotions were cheated after spoofing. His bright eyes were full of sorrow. He was 45 degrees away.

"Officials!" Shen Long told so many love stories to them before, Bai Suzhen and Xiaoqing finally understood why he was sad, this is the official's deep responsibility for love, right? The officials loved me so much, so I felt that I was fooled and cheated.

"No, it's not like that!" Bai Suzhen walked to Shen Long in two knees and cried with tears in his knees. "Officials, Suzhen was really just trying to repay her for the first time. If you do n’t get well, then it ’s okay to send the officials a rich man, but after seeing the officials in West Lake, it ’s only ... that I changed my mind. "

"Then ... then I fell in love with the officials. After marrying the officials, I saw that the officials were so good to me, accompanied me to play around, and told me those touching stories. I am now ... I am now I also want to stay close to the officials! "Shen Long's previous pains finally played a role.

It wasn't until this moment that Bai Suzhen realized that she didn't just treat him but her benefactor in her own heart. She also fell in love with the man in front of her in the same way as the Three Madonnas fell in love with Liu Yanchang and the Seven Fairies fell in love with Dong Yong.

Why do people feel sour when they hear these words? Is this the love that officials said before? This also ... this is too much torture? Xiaoqing doesn't want this!

Xiaoqing looked at Shen Long and Bai Suzhen, and saw that Bai Suzhen was crying, and Shen Long's complexion changed from sorrow to suspicion, from suspicion to touch, and finally cried with Bai Suzhen Get up, "Ma'am, what you said is true?"

"Officials, what I said is true!" The two of them ... oh, no, one person and one demon cried with a headache. UU reading books

Shen Long smiled, crying, crying, "I know, I know, the lady is so good to me, definitely not just come to repay grace, the lady really likes me, just like I like the lady! Lady, in the future We all treat each other with sincerity and say nothing, okay? "

"Well, officials, we will not say anything in the future!" Bai Suzhen lies on Shen Long's shoulder, tears wet his clothes.

"Officials, elder sister, it's obviously a good thing, what are you crying for! I'll get you a jug of wine and make a few more dishes, you have a drink!" Why do people want to cry, Xiao Qing said with tears .

"Ma'am, hurry up! It's my fault today, and it makes me suffer!" Shen Long helped Bai Suzhen get up and apologize.

"I'm not good. I kept hiding from officials before! But ... but I was also worried ... I don't want me if I worry that officials know that I'm a monster! This way ... so I can't be with officials." Bai Suzhen Wipe the tears.

"What about monsters? I ... we like monsters in the same vein!" Shen Longli said bluntly.

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