All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 1784: Communication law

"Officials laughed!" Bai Suzhen didn't believe Shen Long's words. "The world is very biased against demon tribes like me. I always thought that my demon tribes and others were insidious and cruel generations. Since Suzhen ’s spiritual practice, he has never hurt his life or harmed others. "

"Even ... even if Xiao Qing had stolen Kuyin before, it was because of the lack of universal sentiment that it caused trouble to the brother-in-law. After hearing the official's words, he immediately disposed of his hand." Now Bai Suzhen also understood that Kuyin was stolen. The official must have known about it, so I said it honestly.

"Ordinary people may think so, but I won't wait for the sword fairy veins. Haven't the lady heard the story of Lu Dongbin's three plays of white peony? Lu Zu is my predecessor of sword fairy veins!" Shen Long collected The fairy demon story is taken away, no matter what the situation can be pulled out as evidence.

"Speaking of Luoyang peony is famous all over the world, Luoyang peony is blooming in a certain year, tourists are like clouds, Lv Zu also turned into a mortal to watch; but encountered a millennium white peony cultivated into fine, and then forged a fate ..." Shen Long started telling stories again. There are many kinds of sayings about the origin of white peony. He also said that white peony is a mortal woman. The flower name is white peony. There are also saying that white peony is actually a peony fairy beside the queen. On occasion, Shen Long will naturally call her a monster.

After telling the story of Lu Dongbin and Bai Mudan, Shen Long spread his hands and said, "... this is true for my predecessors like Jianxian, why should I care about these secular prejudices for my juniors?" Well, I admire myself, This kind of truth can be said, and it is also possible to find the famous fairy like Lu Dongbin to prove it.

"Officials!" Bai Suzhen was moved to tears, how good people, as a monster mixed in the world will inevitably have this kind of thinking, coupled with the discrimination of worldly vision, Bai Suzhen actually still has a low self-esteem, when know After she showed herself in front of Shen Long, she was worried, but she didn't expect Shen Long to care.

The more I moved, the more I felt that I was sorry for Shen Long, especially the point that Shen Long pointed out just now. Bai Suzhen couldn't help but fall into deep self-blame. The officials treated me so much, but I only thought about gratitude before, which is really It was too bad, so I raised my head and wanted to apologize to Shen Long. "Officials, I did wrong before."

"No need to apologize, you only need to promise me ..." Shen Long whispered in Bai Suzhen's ear.

"Governor!" He heard Bai Suzhen's face getting red and red, but finally nodded and responded, then Bai Suzhen asked curiously, "Man, since you already knew that Xiaoqing and I were monsters, why didn't you point it out? What about? "

"Yes, man, you hide us so hard!" Xiao Qing also groaned, thinking of what she had done on the edge of the West Lake, she felt shy, and at the same time she was still curious, why did her sister blush what?

"That's because I believe in the lady. When the time comes, the lady will naturally say it. If the lady refuses to say, it must be that I did not do well enough, and I can't let the lady believe with all my heart!" Hey, listen to these words. How does it look like licking a dog, yuck, yeah, I ’m not!

"Su Zhen didn't believe in the officials, just ... It was just a little horrible, and he didn't dare to talk to the officials for a while." Bai Suzhen quickly explained.

"Officials, but you didn't tell us that you are practicing the sword fairy way!" Xiao Qing always felt that something was not right, we were hiding you, but you were also hiding us.

"Compared with the lady, my cultivation practice is still shallow, so I am sorry to say, but since the lady and Xiaoqing asked, then I will talk about it!" Shen Long dissolved lightly, "In the early years, I used to I met an alien named Yan Chixia. "Well, I did, but not in this world.

"This hero Yan is a descendant of the sword fairy, and by chance, I got his instruction, and I began to practice swordsmanship, but now it is a little bit successful." Shen Long spit out the flying sword, so that Bai Suzhen and Xiaoqing would be good. After looking at it, "The last time that Wang Daoling came to Qiantang to look for trouble, I saw his heels at a glance, and only after I asked him did I realize that he was here to seek revenge on my lady, hum! Provoked? So he took his life! "Shen Longjiang and the toad essence said again.

As soon as the posture of the overbearing sword fairy came out, the eyes of Bai Suzhen and Xiaoqing were full of stars. The man's gentle appearance was actually so overbearing. It was so reassuring.

"Hey, God has the virtue of a good life. Since the officials are willing to let him go, he should know how good he is, and go back to the mountain to continue the retreat. Even if he dares to start with the officials, it is really dead." Lian has always been soft-hearted. Bai Suzhen also felt he deserved to die.

"Well, such a guy should have been killed long ago! But you are so powerful, officials. Only after practicing this kind of time can you kill hundreds of years of monsters." Xiaoqing's eyes were full of worship. I talked to Wang Daoling and I started to know the strength of the other party.

"All the masters have taught well, and the help of these talents has made me cultivate so much." Shen Long took out the jade bottle again, "Maid, Xiaoqing, this thing seems to be your cultivation practice. It's also good, let's use it! "In the future, you will have to brush Fahai, and you must quickly increase your strength.

Not waiting for her two to refuse ~ ~ Shen Long continued to ask, "Yes, ma'am, I only know your origin, but I don't know who you learned the way of practicing?"

"The mother Li Shan preached in Shushan at that time, and Su Zhen also hurried to listen to it. In the future, she chanced to swallow a grain of relics, so that she had today's cultivation behavior; as for Xiao Qing, he found it out by himself. Get someone to teach. "Bai Suzhen told the truth.

Sure enough, I just heard from Li Shan's mother preaching. If it were really a disciple of Li Shan's mother, how could Guan Shiyin beg her to introduce her to the Buddha? However, it is not necessarily that the people's reputation in this respect is not good. How many magic weapons have been seized by a sentence "This treasure has a destiny with me in the West", and how many apprentices have been seduced by a sentence "This son has a destiny with me in the West"!

"Niangzi, Xiaoqing, you are also really hard; at that time, Yan Yan did not say that he taught me the swordsmanship should not be taught to others. I said to Niangzi and Xiaoqing to listen to it, maybe you can do something for you. Helped! "Shen Long's eyes turned and I had an idea. Let me talk to them about Yan Chixia's Taoism first. After listening to Bai Suzhen, I will also teach my mother Lishan's Taoism?

Science ... Oh no, the cultivation of immortals is about communication. There must be no harm in communicating more.

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