All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 1785: Merit

"Jianxian's pulse is indeed well-deserved! Suzhen heard it quite rewarding! If there is a chance to re-finish it, my sword will definitely increase its power." Bai Suzhen sighed for a while, and her usual weapon was a real yellow sword, yes Swordsmanship also knows a little bit, but most of them are fumbled by themselves, no less than the orthodox way of Shen Long.

"This matter is easy to say. The lady might as well take out your sword, and I will help you to discuss it." Upgrade the equipment first, and then deal with Fahai later.

"Thank you officials." Bai Suzhen became more and more happy after listening to it. She originally married Xu Xian just to repay her for the cause and effect. Who ever wanted to not only find a husband-in-law who truly loved each other, but also to consult with each other in practice. The fairy couple I said? It would be great if we could get the Tao together in the future! Bai Suzhen's idea of ​​becoming a buddha became a bit lighter.

"Ah!" Seeing Bai Suzhen take out the realgar sword, Xiao Qing exclaimed subconsciously and quickly took two steps back. Bai Suzhen could practice the sword with realgar, but she felt scared even with a glance.

"Xiaoqing doesn't have to be afraid, you can take a drop of fairy water first, and then meditate to increase your cultivation." After placing Xiaoqing, Shen Long carefully studied this realgar sword, "This sword is made from the essence of realgar, Especially good at dealing with monsters such as the Five Poisons, but it has no such effect on other monsters. For the husband, there is a way to find several treasures of heaven and earth and re-finish it to increase its power. "

In the words of the game, the realgar sword deals +10 against snakes, centipedes, and scorpions, but against other monsters, it only has the effect of attacking +1, +2. The defects and advantages are more prominent. It ’s a bit tasteless when using conventional weapons. It ’s easy to use when copying the five poisonous BOSS, but it can become a scum if you brush the other copies. How can you upgrade to a devil?

"Thank you officials!" Of course Bai Suzhen also knows the advantages and disadvantages of realgar sword, but who made her come from Nojiko? It's not easy to listen to Li Shan's mother's sayings and have a glimpse of the way of cultivation. How dare you hope there is a method of refining? Now I hear these natural overjoyed.

"It's better to choose a day than to hit a day, I don't think it's as good as excuse to visit the West Lake tomorrow, go around the surrounding mountains, take care of this thing! Well, by the way, you can also refine some magic instruments for Xiaoqing!" Even Xiaoqing who is still practicing is good.

"When Su Zhen listened to Li Shan's mother's lectures, she didn't listen to her saying that they should not be rumored, so I said to the officials." Bai Suzhen talked about her experience in sitting in Lishan's mother.

So the three of them did not sleep for one night, and were in the yard ... One was meditating and practicing alone, and the two exchanged their experiences and experiences, but they were all happy and had their own gains.

Xiaoqing increased her cultivation ability, and a drop of fairy water could withstand her centuries of hard work. Bai Suzhen got the sword fairy way from Shen Long, and she saw a chance to cultivate a positive fruit, while Shen Long got the mother Li Shan from Bai Suzhen. The authentic Xianjia magic method, combined with the Taoist technique obtained from Yan Chixia and the alchemy learned from Qin Shihuang, is even more fruitful.

In the early morning of the next day, Xiaoqing woke up from cultivation, so the three excused them to go out to play together and gave Baohetang to Baifu to take care of them. They went out to the mountains to find the treasures of heaven and earth to refine their swords.

Shen Longneng communicated with the trees. Xiaoqing and Bai Suzhen stayed in the mountains for hundreds of thousands of years. When they arrived in this place, they were naturally like fish and water. Soon they found the materials they wanted, and they upgraded Bai Suzhen's realgar sword and helped him. Xiaoqing refined a good flying sword.

"Thank you, man, man, you read a lot of books, help me name this sword!" Xiao Qing, who got the flying sword, cheered and asked Shen Long.

"This ... I call Qingsuojian better than I thought!" Shen Longluo plagiarized a name suitable for Xiaoqing. It is estimated that Li Yingqiong, Zhou Qingyun and the like do not exist in this world. ?

It was already the next day to go back to the city. On the way, Shen Long suddenly saw a temple. After thinking for a while, she said, "Mother, Xiaoqing, go back to Baohetang first, let me go to the temple."

"It's not convenient for us to go to this place, so we have to let the officials go alone." After all, Bai Suzhen was a monster. He could only leave the plaque on the temple door.

After watching them leave, Shen Long turned to look at the City God Temple in front of him, thinking secretly, if it was only the Golden Cymbal King and Fahai, he and Bai Suzhen would not be able to deal with it, but there is Guan Shi Yin behind Fahai. Even if I am even more powerful, I am afraid I am not this opponent.

So, to solve this problem, we need to do some preparations. I asked Bai Suzhen and Li Shan ’s mother about the relationship between them. It ’s the second to know more about the big brothers around Qiantang. Go in and see.

Thinking in my heart, Shen Long slowly entered the Chenghuang Temple. There are not many people in the temple today. There are not many people in the temple. Only the temple wishes to doze in the hall. Some people come in and pay no attention.

Shen Long did not bother to look up, but looked up at the shape of this city god. He saw that this man was wearing a scarlet robe and a long-legged Luo Yao head, dressed as a civilian, and looked awe-inspiring. Feeling angry.

"I don't want to have a VIP visit today, it's impolite!" Shen Long suddenly saw a flower in front of him, and he saw that the Chenghuang dressed as a civilian seemed to have come alive ~ ~ Lifted his feet and walked in front of Shen Long.

Shen Long hurriedly handed back the salute. "Song Ruigong praised me. The juniors have been in Qiantang for many years, and they have relied on Song Ruigong's blessing in order to be safe. My Qiantang has been in a good mood all these years.

The city **** is the patron saint of guarding the city in mythology. Most of the city gods are served by the loyal and wise men in history. For example, the city **** of Suzhou is Chun Shenjun and Huang Xie.

There are two city gods in Qiantang, one is Zhou Xin, a Qing official of the Ming Dynasty, and the other is Wen Tianxiang, a famous emperor of the Song Dynasty. He has not yet arrived in the Ming Dynasty, so Wen Tianxiang and Wen Tianxiang appear in front of Shen Long. , The road number floats the Taoist.

Shen Long naturally admired Wen Tianxiang's ethics. As for his ability, it was only hehe. However, Shen Long still deserves some respect for the people who have blessed Qian Tang for so many years.

"Weird, weird, you do have some kind of fairy edge in Chinese, but it shouldn't be right now? And although you have practiced medicine for good and accumulated a lot of merits, how can there be so many?" Wen Tianxiang looked surprised.

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