All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 1786: plague

"Your Bohetang is not open for more than ten months. Even if you receive daily consultations from morning to night to treat the wounded, it is already good to save hundreds of people. But why are your merits thousands of times and thousands of times? The air of mysterious yellow went straight to the sky, condensed as if it were true, Wenmou has been serving as a city **** in Qiantang for many years, and has never seen anyone with merits like you! What is the reason? "Wen Tianxiang turned around Shen Long, his face All kinds of puzzles.

"Doctors can live, and it is indeed more convenient to get merit than ordinary people, but you are too much? Even more than those officials who build water conservancy and benefit one people! What the **** do you do? Why I never knew ? "

Oh, it should have been the reward I got in the world of "I'm not a drug god"? If Wen Tianxiang didn't say it, Shen Long couldn't remember it. He helped Cheng Yong fulfill his wish. Cheng Yong gave his merits to himself. Originally he thought it was a useless reward, but he didn't want to have it in this world. Wonderful.

This is the advantage of modern society. How many people were there in ancient times? Even if a doctor has been busy for decades, I am afraid that there are not many people who have been rescued by Cheng Yong. A Cheng Yong in every district surprised Wen Tianxiang. What if Yuan Druid came? I am afraid that it will be able to fly by virtue of virtue and become immortal.

Shen Long didn't speak, pretending to be the same confused, I can't always say that I am a traverser? Just stood there and let Wen Tianxiang guess.

Wen Tianxiang looked at it for a long time and didn't see the reason, so he had to ask about Shen Long's technique, "I think you learned it like a sword immortal Taoism? Who did you learn this from? Why didn't I know?" Haven't you ever left Qiantang? What should happen to Qiantang?

"It was taught by a stranger named Yan Chixia, but he never said that he had his teacher's history." You are a city **** in Qiantang County, but you can't manage Guobei County, and it's still across the plane. .

"According to the truth, you shouldn't be here for your immortal relationship? There are such variables right now, and you don't know Wenqu ......" Wen Tianxiang leaked the heavenly machine without paying attention, and immediately shut up, "Hey But, after all, it ’s a good thing. I hope you can inherit good intentions and do more good deeds in the future, so that you can build a positive result as soon as possible. Well, you go. If you are free in the future, you may wish to come here and sit down. "

"Strictly follow Song Rui's teachings." Shen Long thanked him, and then respectfully gave Wen Tianxiang some incense sticks, throwing a piece of silver into the merit box, and then he left. Although he and Wen Tianxiang spoke well today, Also let him understand some things, consciously gain a lot, worthwhile trip.

Miao Zhu was awakened when he heard the sound of silver falling into the box, and thanked Shen Long in a hurry. Shen Long turned away and returned to Baohe Hall, thinking about what Wen Tianxiang said just now. It seems to be in this world. Here, merit is very important, so the hope of retaining Bai Suzhen is even greater.

Speaking of this way of accumulating merit, Shen Long is very much, and he will slowly think about it in the future, and strive to find a good way to come out, and to accumulate some merit for themselves and Bai Suzhen and Xiao Qing.

Soon after visiting the City God Temple, Shen Long hadn't figured out what way he should take. As a result, the opportunity came to him. The plague suddenly occurred around Qiantang. All the pharmacies were overcrowded for a time, and the entire Qiantang City was panicked.

Even the Three Emperor Patriarchs Association was anxious, and Wang Yuanwai quickly summoned the treasurer of the Chinese traditional medicine store, and the famous doctors came to the meeting to discuss the matter. Come out, I do n’t know if you have any countermeasures? Can you help the people in the city not suffer from literature and art? "

"At the beginning of this epidemic, cold and strong heat were seen, but it was hot but not cold, headache and body pain, white fur like accumulated powder, red tongue ..." a famous doctor present shakes his head and analyzes the disease. Seriously, if you do n’t go to the hospital in time, you will have a life-and-death worry, and even if you go to the hospital, you may not be able to get back. This disease is dangerous and abnormal, and I ca n’t help it! ”

"Looking at its symptoms, it is quite similar to the epidemic epidemic recorded in the" Danxi Heart Method. "Wang Yuanwai still has a few brushes, analyzed the origin of the plague, and came up with a prescription for treatment. "According to the" Danxi Heart Method ", the white tiger, rhinoceros and cohosh soup should be used to treat this disease!"

"The king is really knowledgeable, and I can't wait too long!" Everyone couldn't help but admire them and complimented them.

But Wang Wangwai ’s face was still full of sorrow, "But this white tiger rhino horn cohosh soup is all about expensive medicinal herbs. Needless to say, cohosh and yuanshen are nothing more than the money for each medicine. Rhinoceros horns are not affordable for ordinary people, and how many rhino horns can be found after searching the entire Qiantang City? "

"The plague has always been fierce. It's not easy for the king to come up with a life-saving recipe. Why should I blame myself too much? I'd like to thank the king for the people of Qiantang!" When everyone heard this, most people felt relieved. As long as the prescription is free, you do n’t have to worry about your own life.

And maybe you can take the opportunity to make a fortune, go back and quickly collect all the rhino horns and yuanshen stored in the pharmacy, and say that it is out of stock. Those poor people do n’t have to worry about it. When they meet the rich and powerful gentry, Saying that only a few dollars are left for their rhino horns, it is only necessary for them to pay several times the price.

Wang Wangwai sees this ~ ~ Then, if they don't know their thoughts, they have to let out a long sigh and let everyone dispersed. On the way back, he asked Shen Long, "In Chinese, there are a lot of medical books you have read. Haven't you seen a cheaper recipe? "

"I can't remember it for a while, but my lady is also proficient in medical books. After I go back, I will read more books and ask more about my lady!" Of course, Shen Long has a symptomatic prescription? When it comes to treating infectious diseases, later generations definitely hang ancient times, but he did not immediately count them.

Because he realized that this was also an opportunity for Bai Suzhen to brush up on some merits, and he already had the merits given to him by Cheng Yong, but Bai Suzhen had not accumulated much merit just after going down the mountain; Plague, the merits of the harvest will go to the sea.

"Hey, if there is anything to gain, hurry up and find me, don't worry about those people." Wang Yuanwai was slightly disappointed, sighed and continued to go back to the medical book to find a prescription.

Shen Long returned to Baohetang, immediately found Bai Suzhen, told the news that the Three Emperor Patriarchs would hear today, and then asked, "Ma'am, do you know how to cure this plague?"

Bai Suzhen immediately frowned and thought hard.

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