All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 1787: Living Buddha

"Baihu Xijiao Shengma Decoction is indeed symptomatic, but most people can't afford it!" In medicine, Bai Suzhen's skill is quite good, and he soon came to the same conclusion as Wang Yuanwai, "It is that rhino horn is too expensive, the average person Can it be used there? Even if it can be used, Qiantang does not have so many rhinoceros. "

"Yeah, that's why I have a headache. I can't let these people wait and die?" Shen Long spread his hand, if only this method, once the plague became popular in Qiantang, then only the rich and the rich could live.

"If you can save the people, it is also a merit. Let me think about it and see if I can find a way to treat the symptom. This white tiger rhino horn cohosh soup evolved from the white tiger soup. Gypsum five money, licorice one money, japonica rice half, these are not too expensive medicinal herbs, if you can come up with several cheap medicinal herbs that can replace rhino horn. "Bai Suzhen slowly struck his mind.

"Yes, I have the same idea as the girl!" Shen Long continued to follow the temptation. In fact, he certainly knew what medicine should be used to replace rhino horn, yuanshen, and cohosh, but it was not good to tell Bai Suzhen directly, if such merits were his own Well, even if he told others that this was what Bai Suzhen thought, he could conceal ordinary people, but he couldn't hide the world, so this formula really got Bai Suzhen to figure it out by himself.

Of course, Shen Long is not a versatile person. He plans to give Bai Suzhen another day at most. It is naturally best to come up with a method within this time. If he ca n’t think of it, he can only come up with his own prescription. Can't you just watch these ordinary people die in order to complete the task? It may be okay to delay for a day, but it is not appropriate to delay for a long time.

Bai Suzhen turned around in the yard frowning and thinking hard, Shen Long carried out the medical technique while looking at it quickly, while listening to Bai Suzhen muttering there, "The plaster is cold, the cold can win over the heat, the taste is sweet, and the quality is strong. Come down, prepare the body of gold produced in the earth; color white and clear lungs, heavy and fat, with gold to produce water, so think of it as a prince, the mother of the qi is cold, the pain is to ventilate the lung fire, and the sin is to moisten the lungs. Fat white and outer fur, like the gold of lungs, and the source of raw water, so it is considered to be a minister; licorice skin is red and yellow, which can scorch fire in the soil, and it is used as a medicine for slowing down the cold. , The settled nature, must also stay between the spleen and stomach; the japonica rice crops are sweet, with a mild smell, and a virtue of peace, which is a resource for the acquired life, and it is used as a help. The cold thing does not damage the spleen and stomach. Worry too. "

"This is the subtlety of Baihu Tang. The rhino horn can soothe the nerves. The patients are suffering from epidemic diseases and have a great loss on themselves. They have to use the rhino horn to make them sleep soundly and make up for their vitality. They can't be replaced by ordinary drugs ... but no matter what Fangzi, you can't find the alternative medicine completely? "

"Rhinoceros ... Horns ... Rhino horns are slightly similar to buffalo horns. There are many paddy fields in Qiantang, but buffaloes are not lacking. However, the medicinal effects of buffalo horns are far from comparable to rhino horns. How is this good?"

"Huh? Peony?" Bai Suzhen suddenly saw the peony flower in front of her, and couldn't help thinking of the story of Lv Dongbin and White Peony that Shen Long had told her before. A smile appeared in the corner of her mouth, and a flash of aura suddenly flashed in her mind. , "Ah, by the way, if it is supplemented with red peony root and paeonol, and buffalo horn, the effect is not much worse than rhino horn!"

"Government, official! I thought, you can replace rhino horn with buffalo horn and paeonol! This is the main medicine of Baihu rhino horn cohosh soup!" Bai Suzhen flew to Shen Long and said in surprise.

"Yeah! Why didn't I think of it!" Shen Long shot his thigh and said in surprise, finally letting go of it, you finally thought of it, if I can't think of it, I have to take over this merit .

"With rhino horns, Yuanshen and cohosh are easy. These two were originally used to assist rhino horn!" Chinese medicine pays attention to the emperor's assistant, the key is the main medicine, the role of the auxiliary medicine should be slightly lighter, and Yuanshen and cohosh It is more common than rhino horn, and finding their replacement is easier than rhino horn.

Bai Suzhen lay on the stone table and wrote the prescription quickly. After writing it, he frowned and pondered for a while, and then changed the two tastes. Then he showed it to Shen Long, "Government, you see this prescription may replace the white tiger rhinoceros cohosh soup?"

Shen Long took a look and saw that the prescription given by Bai Suzhen was similar to the one prepared by him. Perhaps it was different in the few supplements, but it did not affect the efficacy!

He got up immediately and said in surprise, "Ma'am, your medicine is really brilliant. With this prescription, the people of Qiantang will be saved! You immediately let Xiaoqing take someone to prepare the medicine. I will go to the king's staff!"

"Well, these medicinal materials are not rare products, and they are available in the store. I immediately asked Xiaoqing to cook the medicine in a large stove and give them to their sick fathers and sisters for free!" Bai Suzhen responded immediately.

Chinese medicines are not all boiled in small portions. Take Baihu Tang as an example. There are also overweight prescriptions of Zhimu seventy-two, licorice thirty-two and a half, and plaster twelve and a half pounds. For large-scale alms, as long as Bai Suzhen amplifies the ingredients of the medicinal materials, he can decoct the medicines needed by dozens or even hundreds of people at once.

"It's a good thing to give medicine, but now that the disease is flourishing, if there are more people coming, it's not good, mother, you want a complete solution." Shen Long left the question to Bai Suzhen and left.

He took the prescription to Wang Yuanwai's home ~ ~ Wang Yuanwai saw Fang Zi and was overjoyed, "Oh, Chinese, you really married a good wife, this prescription is indeed symptomatic!"

"Then the rest will probably trouble you!" Baohetang's medicinal materials are not enough for so many patients.

"Hey, it ’s a good thing to give away medicine, but I ’m afraid they wo n’t do it! Well, I will give you how many of these flavored medicines Qingyutang, I will find someone to sell medicine outside, but this manpower can only rely on you Own! I'm old now and I can't do this anymore. "Wang Yuanwai knows that other pharmacies are pointing at the white tiger rhinoceros cohosh soup to make money, and he will certainly not help Baohetang, but he has more than enough energy.

"That's enough." After thanking Wang Yuanwai, Shen Long returned home, but didn't see Bai Suzhen and Xiao Qing. After asking Bai Fu, they realized that they went to the West Lake to take medicine.

When I hurried to the West Lake, I saw Xiao Qing carrying the four ghosts to maintain order, while Bai Suzhen held a large spoon with his hands, and scooped the boiled medicine from the bucket into the bowl to the patient. "Do n’t worry, everyone. What's more, the medicine is far away, don't get too close! "

"Thank you Mrs. Bai, you are a living Bodhisattva!" The people thanked.

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