All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 1788: Lingyin Temple

Gee, what is a living bodhisattva, can't it be called a living god? Shen Long pouted slightly, and of course he was only a little bit of an opinion. He was still very happy to see that Bai Suzhen had done it in the correct way, but he was not like Wen Tianxiang, who could see the merits of others Qi, otherwise you can definitely see Bai Suzhen's Xuanhuang's qi soaring right now?

Otherwise, when this time is over, take Bai Suzhen to Wen Tianxiang to see? Just don't know if he has a prejudice against the monster? It stands to reason that Bai Suzhen has not only done bad things, but has also done such a great good thing, helping him protect the safety of a people and protect them from the plague, should Wen Tianxiang accept it?

Why wait for things to end, now there seems to be a suitable reason! Shen Long pondered a bit, said a few words to Xiaoqing in the past, and then turned to the Chenghuang Temple, "Song Ruigong, the boy Xu Hanwen asked for advice."

The temple wish in the hall fell into a lethargy again, and Wen Tianxiang walked down from the shrine. "In Chinese, I thanked the people of Qiantang for your peace. If it were not for you, I do n’t know how many people are in trouble this time!"

As if there was a drama, Shen Long immediately understood Wen Tianxiang ’s tone, so he quickly said, “It ’s all my wife who came up with a symptomatic prescription. When I came next time, I asked Song Ruigong for help.”

"Let's talk and listen." Wen Tianxiang asked, but he didn't mention Bai Suzhen's name. It would be a little awkward to think about it, literati, how much will be biased.

"Now my lady is taking medicine by the West Lake. Although this is good, the people who have been infected with the plague may not recover so quickly. If they are allowed to go home, they may be passed on to their relatives and friends, so it is best to be Putting them together for diagnosis and treatment will not only prevent more people from getting the plague, but also facilitate the treatment. "To be honest, Shen Long was impressed by this method, and the facts proved that this method was absolutely useful.

"But I can't accommodate these people in Baohetang, and there is no other suitable place, so I thought of Song Ruigong's Chenghuang Temple! There are many rooms here, and there are few people living on weekdays. It is better to use it to place patients." At this time, there are no gyms and exhibition halls. Generally, in this situation, you will choose to use Gongguan Temple to place patients. Shen Long's method is not new.

"Well, this ..." Wen Tianxiang was caught in a tangled situation. It was reasonable to save the people. It was the responsibility of a city god, but this time the host was a monster, which made Wen Tianxiang a little unacceptable. , "In Chinese, will you be able to send the patient daily for consultation after the patient is admitted?"

"This is a bit inconvenient. The medicine at Baohetang can't be supported for a few days now. Although Wang Yuanwai promised to send all the medicine from Qingyutang, it is far from enough compared to the number of people in Qiantang. Ah, so I still have to go abroad to sell medicines, I am afraid that there is no time to come every day. "Shen Long refused without hesitation, since it is a matter of brushing merits to Bai Suzhen, how can you share her benefits?

"Well, since that's the case, then I have to agree, and you will send the patient over today!" Confucianism pays attention to a benevolent character. In front of this big right and wrong, Wen Tianxiang can only temporarily let go of his bias.

"Thank you Song Ruigong, let's go back and let the lady bring people over!" After all, with the support of Wen Tianxiang, Shen Long hurried back to the West Lake and told Xiao Qing, and then Xiao Qing passed it to Bai Suzhen, soon Bai Suzhen took the patient to the Chenghuang Temple.

The four ghosts who followed her to **** the patient saw the temple gate of the Chenghuang Temple shivering all over, so they dared not go in, or Xiaoqing walked in with courage and saw that the Chenghuang God did n’t get it right, and then forced the four ghosts The patient came in.

After placing the patient in the box, the four ghosts whispered, "Fresh, I didn't expect that we would also enter the City God Temple one day. Does City God blame us?"

"God has the virtue of a good life, we are doing good deeds, I think the Lord of the City God also let us come in at this point! Let's go to incense with the Lord of the City God with me, and thank Lord Cheng's kindness." Bai Suzhen finished. Take them to the hall, and incense and pray on their knees.

Wen Tianxiang came down from the shrine again, and glanced at the air of Xuan Huang above Bai Suzhen, Xiao Qing, and even the heads of the four ghosts, and sighed under his heart. The chances of this woman have changed greatly. I do n’t know how it will develop in the future, but in front of him, he also It can only be said, "Bai Suzhen, I must wait to remember what is happening today, and always do good things in the future, and never do evil!"

"Thank you, Master Chenghuang, for the lesson, the little girl must remember it!" Bai Suzhen shook her head and then stepped back.

Wen Tianxiang planned to return to his position, but did not want the people in the box to see Bai Suzhen's move, so he followed suit and came out to thank Wen Tianxiang in turn, "Thank you, Lord Chenghuang, for letting me stay in my arms, if this illness can be cured, in the future Do n’t forget the kindness of Lord Chenghuang, the incense offering at 4: 3 ... "

"Master Chenghuang, if this is not for you to accept the little old man, if it is not for the treatment of the white lady, the little old man may only be ill by the way. When the little old man is ill, he must bring the whole family to thank the old city **** ..."

"Yellow Orange ~ ~ Your little girl with great grace and great dare don't dare to forget for a moment, and will definitely reinvent the golden body for the city **** in the future ..."

"This ..." Wen Tianxiang didn't expect that he could reap so much thanks. He obviously could feel his incense willing to rush up a lot, and he couldn't help but glance at Bai Suzhen who was maintaining order there. Hey, this time she owed her love, how can this be good!

The Bai Niangzi of Baohetang diagnosed and treated patients in the Chenghuang Temple and gave away medicine for free. As soon as the news spread, the patients near Qiantang were all excited. They were no better than those rich people. They could summon famous doctors to come to their homes and send them white tiger rhino horns For cohosh soup, many people are basically ready to leave their homes and go to the mountains to die. Now that they have a chance to live, they immediately come to the Chenghuang Temple.

"Officials, the City God Temple can't live anymore, what should I do?" Seeing that the cabin was almost full of patients, Bai Suzhen began to worry again.

"Don't worry, the lady will go to Lingyin Temple for her husband. I believe that the abbot of Lingyin Temple will also open the door of the temple to help treat the patients?" Shen Long also saw Wen Tianxiang's incense, he took it for granted. Yinyin Temple will not miss this good opportunity. Are there other Gongguan Temples waiting for Lingyin Temple to be full?

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