All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 1790: Qiantang Qiantang

Fortunately, Ge Tianshi was powerful, but he didn't understand anything beyond the standard plane. Shen Long, Bai Suzhen, and Xiaoqing Shangxiang did not have anything different.

"Xu Jushi, two female lay disciples, you have been busy all day long, why don't you go with some fasting meal?" After their mourning ended, the clean Taoist smiled and came to pull the relationship again.

"Thank you Dao for your love, but there are still patients in the city who have nowhere to live, and I have to continue to be busy! This time, if the Daoist had to rescue the justice, the people of Qiantang would suffer!" Shen Long said and Bai Suzhen , Xiaoqing bowed down to thank together.

When Shen Long spoke, he deliberately amplified his voice, and the people in the room also heard it. They also thanked the clean leader. "Thank you for your help, I will always come to worship when I am sick."

These words heard the Taoist people's hearts beautifully, "Well, since you have something important, I won't stay. If there is anything else I can help, don't be polite!" He originally I also wanted to tell Shen Long that they should not be tired, but they thought that these three were not ordinary people, so even if they were, they would take them to the entrance of the Taoist College.

"Infinite Heavenly Venerable, Xu Jushi is polite!"

"Amitabha, Xu donor hard work!" Just after going out, there were a lot of monks, priests, aunts, and nuns coming around to say hello to them, completely ignoring the reality of Bai Suzhen and Xiaoqing being monsters, and demanding them Send the patient to his temple and place it in view.

"Xu Jushi, our Dongxiao Palace is big, let them come to us first!"

"Dr. Xu, we have a lot of monks who practice medicine at Jingci Temple. The patients will be well taken care of when they go. Let them come to Jingci Temple first!"

"Bai Niang, the female guest lives in the temple, and Taoism is a bit wrong after all. It is better to invite all the female guests to our Baiyun Temple. The disciples and the disciples of the Temple will definitely take care of it!"

If everyone is a person with a head and a face, if you ca n’t do it on the scene, you have to fight. Seeing their anxiety, Shen Long is happy, and the slightly famous Gongguan Temple around Qiantang is coming. You do n’t have to worry about placing too many patients, but you can also send a lot of favors. Find such a good thing there!

"Thank you all for your kindness. I thanked the people of Qiantang." Shen Long gave a deep salute. These people are doing good deeds for whatever reason, and they should be grateful for this.

The next thing is much easier to handle. The CEOs of these temples are afraid of being taken by others, and they have sent their effective employees to follow Shen Long to welcome the patients back to their temples.

When they arrived in the city, the people along the way saw them and said hello, "White lady, young girl, thank you very much. If it were not for you, our family might have been destroyed!"

Even adults from Zhixian County brought Li Gongfu and others to greet them, "Bai Niang, you are an innumerable living person. When the epidemic has passed, this officer will write to Your Majesty and ask for a reward for you!"

It is also good for him to cure the plague. Previously, he did not dare to look out at the fierceness of the plague. Now that he has a targeted cure, he can also come out to show his sense of existence.

"Thank you adults in Zhixian County. If it is not the adults in Zhixian County who cherish the people, the three emperor priests will help you all together. The temples and temples in Qiantang will help you all. The lord said, this credit is not all on himself.

"Although this is true, the cure is still the recipe you took out." The adult of Zhixian County was very satisfied with Bai Suzhen's answer. This behavior of knowing the general knowledge and advancing and retreating is commendable. "The official has ordered Li Gongfu Take someone to help you transport the patient, but is there any other place that needs the help of the officer? "

"There is still a shortage of medicinal materials, especially buffalo horn and paeonol. Although Wang Yuanwai has already gone abroad to buy goods, it is still not enough." Bai Suzhen quickly said.

"Well, this officer wrote to Master Zhifu, please ask him to mobilize medicinal herbs from nearby states." These are small things. Master Zhifu certainly does not want to see the plague spread from Qiantang to other places. Help solve it, so the adults of Zhixian agreed readily.

The court's award! This is also a good thing. China is not as good as foreign countries. Kings in foreign countries should be sealed by the Pope, but the Chinese emperor can be a god. If Bai Suzhen can be awarded by the emperor, then the Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva should also consider it. Well, I have to find a way to take this matter seriously, and Shen Long murmured secretly.

Maybe you can find a way to give someone a gift? Lord Leung seemed to work very well. He was greedy for money. After the award of the prefect of the prefecture was sent to him, find someone to give him something! Sometimes villains are still useful.

With the help of the Guan Palace and the temples in Qiantang, the people in Qiantang who had the plague had a place to stay. Shen Long, together with Bai Suzhen and Xiao Qing, sent batches of people to Dongxiao Palace, Jingci Temple, Baiyun An and other places, settle them down, then give medicine, and finally go to worship the gods and buddhas worshipped by these temples.

After working for several days, all the patients in Qiantang have a place to stay. Then they only need to cook the soup and medicines on time every day and send them to the palaces and temples.

Early this morning ~ ~ Bai Suzhen came to the City God Temple with Tangyao. Wen Tianxiang was surprised when he saw it. It was only a few days. Her merits have risen so much? Xuanhuang's spirit is condensed and true. He has been in the city of Qiantang for so many years. It is really rare to have accumulated so many merits.

Hey, this is what she deserves. This act can be said to be countless living people, but this can greatly increase the merits, but after this matter, I may be troublesome in the future, but Wen Tianxiang can only sigh Let ’s talk about things later, ca n’t we watch so many people die?

After finishing the soup in the Chenghuang Temple, I went to Lingyin Temple, Baopu Taoist Temple, Jingci Temple, Dongxiao Palace, Baiyun Temple ...... A family palace finished temple medicine, and when they returned to Qiantang, it was already It's time in the afternoon.

When Bai Suzhen came back, all the people on both sides of the street flooded out, constantly thanking Bai Suzhen, "Bai Niang, you are a living Buddha!"

"If we don't help you this time, our Qiantang will suffer. Could it be that God knew that Qiantang had a disaster before he let a fairy like you come to save us?"

Back in Baohetang, Shen Long laughed, "Ma'am, this time you are fascinating Qiantang!"

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