All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 1791: Fahai

If it were not for the help of officials, Suzhen would be able to do so. "Despite the hard work, Bai Suzhen felt worth it. If not, how could she be recognized by the people of Quanqiantang? This feeling made her very comfortable, and she felt that her cultivation practice had progressed during this time. But it is not just the reason for taking Xianshui.

"You and I are one, why should we say this!" Shen Long has already heard it. Bai Suzhen has already guessed that she also has a cure for the plague, and she gave this opportunity to her, so she was more grateful.

"Suzhen and Xiaoqing, although you haven't done anything bad, but in the end they are monsters, people are often more prejudiced, and the path to practice is much harder than mortals like me. Sufficient merit is very important to you! "Shen Long explained.

"This time not only won countless merits, but also let Chenghuang Temple, Lingyin Temple, Dongxiao Palace, Baopu Taoist Temple, Baiyun Temple owe our favor, if there is something wrong in the future, they and the people of Qiantang will not Ignoring it, this is much better than getting so much merit for the husband! "

"It's just that you can't carelessly, it is difficult to accumulate merits, but it is much easier to consume. In the future, you must be more careful and do not easily hurt people's lives." The last sentence looked at Xiao Qing, Bai Suzhen He is more docile than Xiaoqing, and has received a phone call from Guanyin. This is still controlled, but Xiaoqing is from Yeluzi. His character is a little rash and impulsive, and he is more likely to make mistakes.

"Officials, Xiaoqing knows, thank you for your guidance! No wonder Xiaoqing practiced in the last night. He always feels that he has progressed a lot faster than before. It turned out to be due to merit! Xiaoqing will also learn medical skills with her sister. So to see the patient, accumulate merit! "Xiao Qing said quickly.

"It's so good, everyone has worked hard during this time, and now the plague is gradually under control. After a while, they will be able to return home from the illness. By then, the three of us will go out to play together." Busy For so long, I have to relax. This time is so busy that I do n’t even have time to fall in love. It ’s time to go out for a date.

"Well, it's up to the officials." Bai Suzhen also hoped that this would happen.

"Government, official, where are we going to play this time?" Xiao Qing was more excited and she was alive and well, but it was a bit suffocated during this time.

At this time, in Dantu County, more than 500 miles north of Qiantang, there is a mountain called Jinshan in the northwest, and there is an ancient temple called Jinshan Temple above the Jinshan. It is the authentic of the Zen Gate. It is one of the four famous temples of Zen. It has been established for more than a thousand years. There are endless generations of monks in successive dynasties, and now it is the same.

The abbot of Jinshan Temple is called Fahai. The law and the public are also reported. The law also shows that Fahai is responsible for demolishing the demon and protecting the Buddha.

Fahai originally sat in the cloud bed to meditate, suddenly opened his eyes, got up and prayed in the direction of Luojia Mountain in the South China Sea, and then went out of the hall. He told the monks in the temple to be optimistic about the monastery and wanted to go down the mountain and travel around; the monks in the temple are well known Fahai often went down the mountain to drop the demon and remove the demon, so it is not surprising that Fahai watched Fahai holding a zen stick while holding a bowl and went straight down the mountain.

The Fahai did not perform magical powers. It took stops and walks all the way, either to demons and demons, or to promote Buddhism. It took half a month to arrive in Hangzhou, and then went to Lingyin Temple to place orders.

The abbot of Lingyin Temple also knew the name of Fahai, so he went to the reception in person and met Fahai as soon as possible. "Brother Lingyin Temple is prosperous and prosperous. It can be said that the incense is more prosperous than Jinshan Temple."

"Brother Fahai praised it, it was just that some patients infected with the plague were admitted to the temple a few days ago. After the patients healed, they brought the young to the temple to thank them. Not so many people come to incense on weekdays!" Master Jianxin said modestly, but there was a hint of smile between Meiyu. This time he helped Baohetang to treat the patients, but he made a lot of money.

"Amitabha, seeing Brother Xixin's compassion, is really admirable." Fahaikou chanted the Buddha's number and praised the Lingyin Temple.

Feeling almost greeted, seeing the abbot asked about the origin of Fahai, "Brother Fahai came to Hangzhou this time, but there is something important? If you need your brother's help, please speak."

"But I'm about to trouble my brother." Fahai is also polite. It is the duty of the Buddhist disciples to demolish the demon, so he said it directly. "Shidi heard that there is a snake demon in Qiantang County, whose name is Bai Suzhen. He also married a man and knew that she had a different path. This was a big mistake. Brother Shi went down the mountain this time to catch her. "

"Ah ..." Seeing the abbot froze for a while, he shook his head. "I'm afraid it's not easy. Before the Qiantang epidemic, if this white lady didn't take action, it might have been charcoal and countless deaths and injuries. Fortunately, the white lady saved it. In view of the safety of the people in Qiantang, if the brothers come to the door, I am afraid that the people in Qiantang will not agree! "

"What's more, she has accumulated enough merits, Wencheng God, Master Ge Tianshi etc. appreciate her much, even my brother Lingyin Temple owes her affection ... This woman is a white snake, But I have n’t done anything bad. My Buddhism pays attention to the equality of all beings. Brothers might as well let her go! ”Shen Long ’s previous arrangement played a role. Seeing that the abbot not only refused to facilitate Fahai, he even advised him in reverse. Fahai let go.

"But shemales aren't the same after all, even if she doesn't want to be evil, she can get along with mortals ~ ~ Sooner or later, her life will be destroyed, can't you ignore it?" This result was beyond the expectations of Fahai. , But he soon thought of another reason.

"Ah, that white lady's prince is not a mortal. When he came to the temple, I also saw the younger brother. There was a sword light flowing in his eyes. It seems that the master swordsman's way of doing the pulse is the same. However, they do not care about the difference between a **** and a fairy. "This matter involves Lu Dongbin. He is not straightforward to say that, but he can be ignored by the sea.

"How could this happen? When did Xu Xian learn Taoism?" Fahai suffered another accident.

"My younger brother also feels weird. I once passed Qian Xian from the future. This Xu Xian and Xu Hanwen rarely went out of town, but I didn't know the swordsmanship he learned from there!"

"Since that's the case, let's go to Baohetang to see it tomorrow and talk about it!" Fahai had no choice but to leave.

After one night of meditation and rest in Lingyin Temple, even the supper in the temple was useless in the morning the next morning, he took a zen stick and a bowl and went out. He waited outside the Baohe Hall, and looked at the magical path of heaven and earth from the sea Ok?

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