All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 1792: How is this good

I haven't seen it for a while, so has Bai Suzhen's mana cultivation practice reached such a point? This green snake is also good, and Xu Xian's body is full of vitality, and the sword skill is also quite good. This matter is more difficult than I thought before!

But this is not Fahai ’s biggest headache, even though the three of his spells are deeper, as long as there is this cassock and this purple gold bowl, Fahai has the confidence to take them down, but Shen Long exudes it. The breath is upright, obviously from the orthodox fame, who is standing behind him? Fahai couldn't get started before he could figure it out.

And looking at the Baohe Church, the people who came to see the disease were endless, and almost every one was grateful to them; from Lingyin Temple to Baohe Church, all the way to the ears were The people praised Bai Niangzi's words, and even Fahai saw a portrait of Bai Suzhen being worshipped in the house. Her status in Qiantang people's hearts was self-evident.

If he directly suppressed Bai Suzhen, the people of Qiantang would certainly not be able to spare him, and it might even affect the incense in the jungle of Qiantang ’s major temples. Fahai has even guessed that after he made this move, Qiantang and even the entire Jiangnan Taoist Temple What's the reaction, those priests can't even go to heaven?

Even Bai Niangzi who rescued Qiantang without hundreds of surnames had to deal with it. What are you doing? He kept saying that he was a good monk, but actually he was probably a demon? They will definitely use this to make a big fuss to crack down on the status of Buddhism in the hearts of the people in Qiantang and the entire Jiangnan people, so as to win the believers to them. This responsibility cannot be afforded by Fa Hai.

At that time, the monks of Lingyin Temple, Baiyun Temple and Jingci Temple had to tear themselves away. I am afraid that even Guanyin Bodhisattva could not keep himself? You must know that he is so bad that the incense of the Luolong Luohan, and even the incense of the Guanyin Bodhisattva are affected. There are two of the most important dojos in the Central Plains. One is the Luojia Mountain in the South China Sea, and the other is the Tiantian Temple in Qiantang. .

I got so much grace from Bodhisattva Avalokiteshvara, and in the end, even the bodhisattva's own dojo was burnt without incense. How can this be done? If I did so, my hard work in my life would be in vain, I am afraid that I have to reincarnate several times to cleanse my sins, right? And even if it is possible to cultivate a positive result after several generations, when the West Tianling Mountain is reached, will the Dragon Dragon Arhat look good to you?

Today's plan, only to find a way to reveal her true face first, and then to say that the world is ignorant, once they know that Bai Suzhen is a monster, their gratitude may soon disappear, and turn to wonder if the last plague was the ghost of her?

Fa Hai was pondering, and suddenly heard drums humming, and a voice shouted behind him, "The decree is coming, and Qian Tang's woman Bai Suzhen will quickly come out to take the decree!"

not good! Fa Hai froze in his heart and quickly hid behind the corner of the wall. He peeped out his head and peeked at the situation. I saw Bai Suzhen and others coming out of the Baohe Church and opening the incense case to welcome the mission. The **** came to the front, and the **** unfolded the imperial edict to read it.

Fahai was a high-ranking monk, and immediately heard the meaning of the imperial edict. It turned out that the court received a report from Qiantang Zhixian, expressing appreciation for Bai Suzhen's rescue of Qiantang people in the plague, and praised her. A plaque was also given to her. After the chanting of the decree was over, the entourage illuminated the plaque.

I saw the words "Benevolence and Charity" written on it. Although these four words are very popular, the identity of the person who can issue the plaque is different. After Bai Suzhen's gratitude, after hanging the plaque, it will reach the sea through the eyes of heaven. You can clearly see that the entire courtyard of Baohetang is shrouded in a light yellow light.

This represents the recognition of Bai Suzhen by the emperors of the world, let alone the sea, that is, the Guanyin Bodhisattva has to weigh one or two in person. Although the Buddha's magical powers are vast, the human emperors have to dominate the world; when the three martial arts destroyed the Buddha, Do n’t those Buddhas and Bodhisattvas on Lingshan only watch with their eyes?

Haha, the next peace hall is more stable. The cultivation of Xianshui's promotion, the Xuanhuang spirit gained by accumulating merits, the humanity gained by combining with the temples in Qiantang, and the recognition of the court today, Bai Suzhen's foundation is already It is getting stronger and stronger, I want to see what other means you have!

Shen Long looked at the corner with a smile on his face. He had noticed when Fahai peeped a while ago. He just thought Fahai would not dare to do it easily and ignored it.

Fa Hai was unable to dodge for a while and was looked upright by Shen Long. His face was a little unsightly now. The black ones were almost closing the bottom of the cooking pot in the kitchen. Shen Long laughed immediately and turned back. With a hint of smoke, the two silver tickets were stuffed to the **** who issued the imperial edict and the adults of Zhixian County.

Immediately they took them to the building outside, and before leaving, they also showed a meaningful smile towards the corner. After Shen Long left, Fahai stayed in the corner for a long time before he was awakened by the store behind him, "Master? Master? Ever used Suhour? If you do n’t dislike it, go to Xiaolaoer ’s and use it? ”

The people who do n’t want Qiantang to believe in Buddhism have made Fahai feel a little better. He turned around and entered the store. He did n’t want to have a meal, he just wanted to talk to the store.

However, before he could move his feet ~ ~ he heard the store continue to say, "Oh, the previous pandemic, if it wasn't for Bai Niang's rescue, the temples in Qiantang would help, the little old man might be early I am dead; Xiaolaoer can live, the most grateful is Bai Niangzi, and then our masters of Qiantang, Taoist, dare to ask Taoist to be a monk in that Baosha? Is it Lingyin Temple or Jingci Temple? Or maybe Fajing Temple? "

Fahai's gripped fingers were almost white, and I didn't expect me to come here because of Bai Suzhen! He couldn't eat it anymore, he could only cope with two sentences and hurried away.

But after leaving Baohetang, Fahai can still hear the voice of the people constantly, "I heard that, Bai Niangzi just received the decree, and Her Majesty also gave a plaque!"

"Bai Niang saved so many of us, this is also deserved. If she is not a woman, maybe she will be an official?"

"Yeah, White Lady is really a living Buddha! Fortunately, we have White Lady in Qiantang, otherwise we don't know how many people are going to die!"

"This time we all Qiantang should be grateful to Lady Bai!"

These words spread to Fahai's ears, making him completely unable to calm down, how is this good!

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