All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 1793: Golden Cymbal King

Fa Hai originally thought it was a very easy thing. With his Buddhist practice and his cascading bowls, Bai Suzhen could easily be won. However, Bai Suzhen now has such a high reputation in Qiantang, even Lingyin Temple did not support him to take Bai Suzhen immediately. The people of Qiantang regarded her as a living Buddha.

Coupled with the court ’s reward to Bai Suzhen, it is even more difficult to do; indeed, Fahai still has the ability to make Bai Suzhen appear to the original shape under the general public, just like he said, the world is ignorant, seeing Bai Suzhen was originally The monster will surely forget Bai Suzhen's kindness to them immediately and turn to anger with her.

But since then, how should Qiantang's temples look at themselves? Do the city **** temple, Lingyin temple, Baopu Taoist temple, Jingci temple, Baiyun Temple stay all waste? When Bai Suzhen rescued the people in these places, did the people inside find that she was a monster? Since then, who in the people of Qiantang will go to these Gongguan temples to worship incense?

Such a thing really happened. The monks and Taoists of Quanqiantang had to tear Fahai together. You are famous, but you also smashed our rice bowl!

And there is also the court's seal. If he debunks Bai Suzhen's true face, wouldn't he beat the court's face alive? How would the court view Fahai? Should I eat at Jinshan Temple then?

Hey, now only after long discussion, Fahai sighed, returned to Lingyin Temple, and offered his farewell to the seeing abbot. Seeing him like this, seeing the abbot was also relieved. I really want Fahai and Bai Suzhen Fighting in Qiantang, in the end no matter who wins or loses against Lingyin Temple is not a good thing.

"Brother, don't worry. Brother, my Dharma practice is not as good as that of Brother. However, if Bai Suzhen wants to conspiracy in Qiantang, I won't agree with him, nor will any other temple in Qiantang!" He said at the door that he was still somewhat dissatisfied with the arrival of Fahai. The matter of Qiantang should be resolved by us. What is it that you, a monk of Jinshan Temple, came here to blend in? Is there no one to bully us?

"Amitabha, thank you brother for teaching. Brothers don't have to send away!" Fahai left the Lingyin Temple after saluting. In the afternoon, seeing the abbot received the news that Fahai had left Qiantang, and he was a little relieved. , Back to the main hall and continue to knock on Muyu to read Buddha.

Shen Long also saw Fahai leave with the help of the eagle bird in the sky, but he was not as relaxed as seeing the abbot. He knew that it was not over yet.

In the TV series, why did Fahai specifically target Bai Suzhen? In addition to Bai Suzhen and Xiao Qing did some illegal things, there are two reasons for one public and one private.

For selfishness, Fahai and Bai Suzhen had old complaints. Fahai caught Bai Suzhen's hunter. If Xu Xian's predecessor, the little shepherd boy, helped Bai Suzhen almost lose his life in Fahai's hands, could he not resent it?

Therefore, Bai Suzhen found an opportunity in the future and swallowed the relics originally owned by Fahai, which greatly increased the cultivation practice, but also delayed Fahai ’s chances of becoming a Buddha; logically speaking, one peck and one drink of his own days, Fahai Almost killed Bai Suzhen, and Bai Suzhen should be retaliating right now.

But Fahai does n’t think so, and people have a reason. Yes, I caught you before, but did n’t you bite me when you fled? This should have been settled long ago? What's the matter if you want to steal my relic? After all, Fahai has not yet become a Buddha, and the disgusting thoughts in his heart have never been let go, but then again, even if he truly became a Buddha, it is estimated that he cannot let go? Lingshan's gangsters said eloquently on their bald heads, but they knew better than anyone else. Those countries in the West Journey in the Journey to the West, if they don't move, some people will be in trouble because of disrespecting the Buddha. These Shen Long are clear. The ground is very good.

Yu Gong, this problem is even more serious. This involves a principled issue between Taoism and Buddhism. Does Buddhism really discriminate against monsters? I'm afraid not? The peacock has swallowed everything up in the stomach. Doesn't he have to be called the Peacock King? Sun Wukong was peeing in his hand, but in the end, did he win the title of fighting over Buddha? Bai Suzhen didn't do anything harmless, why bother to trouble her?

In the final analysis, it is still the dispute between Buddhism and Taoism. Bai Suzhen is a valuable monster, otherwise she will not get the opportunity to listen to the mother Li Shan ’s preaching. Such a powerful preaching is that ordinary monsters are qualified and have the opportunity to listen. Arrived? Why did n’t Guan Shiyin teach the Fa early, and the Fa late, and wait until Bai Suzhen ’s practice is successful? And there are so many places to go, why did she choose Mount Emei, which is very close to Mount Qingcheng?

In the words of later generations, Bai Suzhen is a personal talent. Both Daomen Group and Buddhism Group want to recruit her as an employee. When Bai Suzhen was still studying and going to school, the mother of the Taoist department manager Li Shan went to the school to give a lecture. He left a deep impression in Bai Suzhen's heart, which gave Taoism an opportunity.

Then when she was looking for a company after graduation, Guan Shiyin, the human resources director of Buddhism, went to Bai Suzhen for a briefing. Guan Shiyin said that you should go to Qiantang to start a business exercise and wait for the exercise to be almost done. Bai Suzhen's child is Wenquxing, maybe in the future ~ ~ I didn't expect Bai Suzhen's entrepreneurship in Qiantang to be interesting, but he didn't want to come to work in the Buddhist group. After that, quickly dispatch Fahai, the general manager of Jinshan Branch, to Qiantang to fight for the collapse of Bai Suzhen's enterprise so that she can join the Buddhist group.

How else to explain Fahai's actions? Isn't Jiangnan's monster more than Bai Suzhen? Why didn't other monsters see Fahai Guan? And Xiaoqing didn't take it home! This is definitely not because he can't catch Xiaoqing, but Xiaoqing is not in the talent pool of the Buddhist group and has no recruitment value.

Hum, I ’m not afraid of any thoughts. Let ’s walk and see. Falun left, Shen Long flicked his sleeves and returned to the backyard. It was really too hard some time ago. Just spend a few days with the lady!

Fahai did not return to Jinshan Temple after leaving Qiantang. Instead, he went to Phoenix Mountain, not far from Qiantang. When he reached the mountain, Fahai knocked on the bowl, and the monsters and ghosts on the mountain suddenly had a headache.

"Why did your monk perpetrate me Phoenix Mountain for no reason!" A monster wearing a red dress, a golden crown on his head, and a beard with a full beard appeared in front of Fahai.

"Amitabha, the poor monk is here to find the king of gold cymbal!" Fa Haidao.

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