All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 1869: Finished, the list is about to fly

"Eh? Why didn't Xiaomeng come today?" Mr. Dong entered the meeting room and glanced at the staff of Hu's advertising company. He didn't see Shi Xiaomeng present. He was a little unhappy. This is the most important month. At the regular meeting at the beginning of the month, you were the master planner and you did n’t even miss the face. Is this a bit excessive?

"Mr. Dong, something happened to Xiaomeng's family. It's really embarrassing to ask for leave today." Hu Rongqiang got up and made up an excuse. He can't say now that people have resigned and worked hard to the middle of the core When the members leave, Mr. Dong will definitely doubt their strength. If they fail, they will stop the contract halfway, so that their losses will be great.

Therefore, Hu Rongqiang can only say that, he hopes to temporarily slack off and smoothly finish today's regular meeting. Let's talk about this pass first. After a while, maybe Dong Dong and they forget Shi Xiaomeng.

"Oh? Well, let's start first! I will listen to your plan for this month!" Mr. Dong temporarily put this matter aside, came to sit down, and began to listen to Hu Rongqiang's report.

This time, Hu Rongqiang explained to them personally, opened the notebook, connected to the projector, projected the plan on the curtain, and began to explain according to the content in the PPT, "My CEOs, after the promotion of the previous months, our company ’s The reputation has already started, and the next one will enter the consolidation phase. We planned this mission ... "

At the beginning, it was slightly better, because Shen Long had already listed the plan for the year in the previous proposal. Dong Dong and they nodded from time to time, and they were quite satisfied with Hu Rongqiang's performance.

However, when entering the detailed explanation, General Dong's face became more and more ugly, and Hu Rongqiang became more nervous. These were not Shen Long's, but he urgently summoned the company's employees to try to piece together. … .. this is our main promotion screen for the next stage, which still continues the previous style ... ”

"Stop for a moment, I said Mr. Hu, what's the matter with this advertising picture? It's quite out of standard compared to the previous one. Do you want us to put such a manuscript on the market? I'm afraid it's inappropriate?" Mr. Dong Unscrupulously interrupted Hu Rongqiang's commentary, "This is a bit too perfunctory, right?"

As a planning manager, Shen Long himself is not responsible for the specific graphic design, but he will give advice to the designer, review and check his achievements, and with his experience and aesthetic ability, the final manuscripts he has produced definitely exceed the current one. Most companies in Beijing, but he is gone now.

At this time, Hu's advertising company can't carry on this job. Hu Rongqiang personally supervised the company and forced several designers to stay up all night to achieve the same effect as Shen Long; if it is better to go to other companies, After all, Hu Rongqiang can make the company this size, there are still two brushes.

But it ’s not enough to get here. Mr. Dong and other major leaders of his company have been given high-quality works by Shen Long to give appetite to them. In the past, they all saw ninety points upwards, even more than one hundred points. The result is that Hu Rongqiang now comes up with more than sixty points, how can people be satisfied?

As soon as the big leaders spoke, other leaders also condemned, "Yes, that is, we are high-tech companies, and the promotion screen should show a sense of technology. Do you see what you are taking out now, is there no difference from the traditional industry? Compared with last month, it seems that the difference between the products of the 22nd century and the products of this century is definitely not good! "

"If these advertisements were to be sold out, the image that had been spent so much time to build up would be completely ruined, and all these had to be redesigned."

"Also, not only the problem of graphic design, but also your promotion words! The main promotion words are no problem, oh, this should be written by Xiaomeng? When he first proposed it, he put every stage of the year The main slogan is all set, but what about the subtitles and the detailed text below? Is this level too bad? "

"Mr. Hu, look at me, this case is not Xiaomeng's domination?" Finally, Mr. Dong made a conclusion, he guessed, "I said to Mr. Hu, you should not be infected with the 4A company. Oh, when the proposal is sent, the most competent officer of the company is sent. The contract is first taken, and after one or two months of work, the person is transferred to bid for other projects. How many people will be asked to deal with the old project? Now Just deal with me? "

"President Hu, the 4A company can do this because they have this strength. Although the strength of the personnel who took over in the later period is not as good as the previous batch, the quality of the production is still guaranteed! The average person does not see much difference, Now you look at the things you brought out, what are they! "

"Today ’s proposals are all null and void. I ’ll give you three more days. You let Xiaomeng come back and get me done. If the things you brought out after three days are still not satisfactory to me, then we have to think about the contract. It ’s not just a matter of terminating the contract. We ’ve spread so much advertising money in the early stage, but it all comes at a cost! ”

"If it's because of you, let's put our advertisements into the water, then don't blame me for being bad at that time!" Mr. Dong is also very hot. Originally good things, how did you make it like this? If this is not done well, then I will definitely claim from you!

"Mr. Dong, listen to my explanation. I think our case is actually ..." Hu Rongqiang was anxious when he heard it, and what he was most worried about still happened ~ ~ However, Mr. Dong If you don't listen, you will get up and leave the meeting room immediately. Someone will come over and bombard Hu Rongqiang.

"What the **** is going on? Logically speaking, it shouldn't be like this. You call Xiaomeng and ask what happened to his family, and see what Hu Rongqiang means?" , President Dong immediately ordered.

Hu Rongqiang was rushed out of Dong Dong ’s company and took the elevator to the underground parking lot of the office building. Hu Rongqiang did not leave immediately, but drove the employees far away, then closed the window and dialed Shen Long ’s phone. "Hey, Xiaomeng, there is something you want to discuss with you. Are you interested in taking a private job?"

"It's Mr. Dong's list. As long as you are willing to accept it, the price is easy to say. If you don't worry about me, I can give you half of the money first!" Hu Rongqiang can't do anything. Who can let this work be done only by others!

"Sorry, not interested!" Shen Long hung the phone directly over there.

Hu Rongqiang groaned in his heart, and now, this list is about to fly!

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