All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 1870: 1 way cargo

At the same time, in the intensive care unit of the hospital, Liang Junzheng and Cheng Shengen also talked about Shi Xiaomeng. "Some time ago, Cheng Feng donated a fund to the kindergarten he studied in the name of the company. You still remember this matter. ?"

Cheng Shengen nodded, "Remember, the head of the kindergarten Wang was still an old classmate of Cheng Feng's mother. I think he donated the money to the kindergarten, which is better than what he used to chase women. There is no objection."

Liang Junzheng smiled, "Don't worry if I said you, he donated the money just to arrange a woman named Shen Bing to be a teacher in the kindergarten. He also told Wang Yuan, that Shen Bing is his girlfriend."

"Isn't Cheng Feng's girlfriend Lin Xia? Also, didn't you just say that Shen Bing was Shi Xiaomeng's girlfriend? I seem to know that Shi Xiaomeng is a classmate of his university?" Cheng Shengen asked doubtfully, what is this? Things.

"Oh, Lin Xia likes Cheng Feng, but Cheng Feng doesn't mean that to her. He used to provoke Lu Manjia and the girls outside. They are just for fun. This time it seems to be really moving!" Speaking of Lu Manjia, Liang Junzheng also thought Very unhappy, after all, he and Lu Manjia's father are good friends. His father entrusted his daughter to himself, but he didn't take care of it, and let Cheng Feng play.

"So that Shen Bing is now going to work in the kindergarten when Cheng Feng was a kid? How is the girl inside?" Cheng Shengen's thoughts are alive, if his son can really settle down, that may not be a bad thing. As for Shen Bing already has a boyfriend. Son, Cheng Shengen didn't care about it at all.

As long as my son is good, I ’ll take care of the others, but it ’s okay to compensate him in the future. I have to say, this is really a father and son.

"No, no, people have found a job by themselves, and the job is still very good, not worse than Cheng Feng intends to introduce to her." Liang Junzheng shook his head, "I found a chance to look at it, she gave me the first feeling It is very pure and very clean, like a drop of spring water without any pollution; she is gentle and peaceful to people, but I feel that she is very firm and assertive in her heart, not a woman who can easily be tempted by others; and She is very versatile, she can sing and dance, and is said to have good cooking skills. "He has been staring at Cheng Shengen and his two sons, never letting go of any chance.

Cheng Shengen sighed, "I understand! Such a woman would be very lethal to Cheng Feng; did you know that Cheng Feng's favorite woman is his mother, and in his mind, his mother is the most in the world? The perfect woman! And Shen Bing, as you describe, belongs to the same type as his mother. They are the kind of women who make men want to possess, park, and settle. "

Hey, you are so embarrassed to say this, since Cheng Feng ’s mother is such a woman, why did you want to be derailed again? Caused her to commit suicide? Oh, yes, in the TV series, after Cheng Feng and Shen Bing were married, weren't they seduced by the mixed-race girl sent by Shi Xiaomeng? From this point of view, the father and son are still the same thing, really biological.

"If this is the case, then it is not impossible to hand over the contract to Hu's advertisement, and the big thing is no bigger than my son! Even if I earn the whole world, I still have to leave it to my son in the future? Cheng Feng has been working against me It ’s because he thought it was me who killed his favorite mother, and I destroyed a woman he loved the most, and I ’ll compensate him a woman who loved it the most. ”Just like all fathers who spoiled their children, What Cheng Feng wants, Cheng Shengen will fight for him.

Liang Jun is showing a sneer that is hard to detect. Cheng Shengen and Cheng Shengen, you have been shrewd all your life, how come you have such a thing? But this is also good. Cheng Feng is your biggest weakness. With this weakness, I may not be able to take the Dade Group back from you.

Then I ’ll push it again, "Lao Hong has been firmly opposed to this matter. He said that you ca n’t condone Cheng Feng anymore; hey, Lao Hong sometimes has too much strength. This kind of thing is not a time for principle. He does n’t understand that you are not only the chairman of Tiancheng, but also the father of Cheng Feng. For you, Tianda ’s big thing is also bigger than his son! I think it might be your father and son who opened their heart. , An excellent opportunity to ease conflicts. "

"However, it is too late to hand over the contract to Hu's advertisement. Shi Xiaomeng has resigned from the Hu's advertisement. Cheng Feng's plan is useless!" Liang Jun was spreading his hand.

"That's it? Then the contract is still handed over to Ogilvy or the Great Wall! By the way, what kind of person is Shi Xiaomeng? Are you clear?" Once Shi Xiaomeng is gone, the Hu's advertisement is useless to Cheng Shengen.

"I don't know this yet. I just heard Lu Manjia said that it seems like a child from a foreign country. It is a little difficult to be born, and it is not easy in Beijing." In fact, Liang Junzheng has already heard some information, but he did not disclose much. Too much seems a bit deliberate, these things are not in a hurry, you do n’t have to pour everything out at once.

Cheng Shengen frowned slightly, "You first give me a copy of Shi Xiaomeng, the more detailed, the better; don't let Cheng Feng know about this matter! When I think about it, I will talk to him again."

Liang Junzheng understood, "Okay, I'll give you as soon as possible, tomorrow at the latest!" After talking, Liang Junzheng got up to leave and left the intensive care unit. He looked back at Cheng Shengen who was lying inside, shaking his head and laughing twice ~ www.wuxiaspot .com ~ Cheng Shengen, Cheng Shengen, sooner or later, you will be planted on your dude son.

Back at the company, Liang Junzheng had another look. He warmly entertained Cheng Feng in his office. "Xiao Feng, I have already explained the matter of the advertising contract in front of your dad. You do n’t need to worry about old age. Hong loses his temper and will be on the board for a while, I will explain it to you. "

All the IQ of Cheng Feng is on the talent of picking up girls. I can't see Liang Junzheng's means at all. I am grateful and nodded, "Uncle Liang, thank you very much."

"Hey, you grew up watching me. I won't help you. Who else can help you? This is not serious. We can't recognize the contract if we don't recognize it. Does Hu Rongqiang dare to talk to us? Did the lawsuit fail? Does he even want to be confused in the advertising circle in Beijing? However, Xiaofeng, you should also focus on doing things in the future. Don't be so impulsive. "

Liang Junzheng taught Cheng Feng like an honest old man, "Your dad is not in good health now, the Dade Group can rely on you to support you. In the future, your dad can't lose his temper like before ..."

"Well, Uncle Liang, I have written it down." It seems that only Uncle Liang in the company is really good for me.

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