All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 1890: Crash

"Old Cheng, you have to take care of your body now. You mustn't get angry easily. The doctor said that you were very dangerous last night. Fortunately, you were in the hospital. If you were outside, you might not know." The next day In the intensive care unit of the hospital, Hong Demin took Cheng Shengen's hand and said.

Cheng Shengen now put on an oxygen mask again, and hung up a little bit. It looked a little bit haggard than yesterday. After hearing the news of Cheng Feng yesterday, he was directly angered by a heart attack, and he hasn't eased it yet.

"Hey, how come I have such a son, Lao Hong, you don't care about Cheng Feng this time, let him have a lesson." Cheng Shengen is completely desperate for Cheng Feng this time, it's all about this time , Can't you stay at home? There was such a big trouble again. The public relations fee spent before was considered to be sloppy, and I had to find a way to eliminate the negative effects.

Entering the police station twice in succession, no matter whether he stole something or not, in the eyes of others, it is a fact that the heirs of the Daede Group are not struggling, and under such circumstances, investors can have How much faith?

"Lao Cheng, ask me to say that you were too fond of him before; yes, you have been guilty of him because of the death of the sister-in-law, but this is not the reason why you indulge him ... forget it, this is not the case Having said that, let him stay quietly in the detention center for a few days. I will find someone to say hello, do n’t let him suffer in it. ”Hong Demin tweeted, and remembered Cheng Shengen ’s current physical condition, these Let's talk about it later.

Cheng Feng did smash people's heads in the bar. According to the "Public Security Penalty Law", Cheng Feng not only had to compensate the victims, but also had to accept administrative detention punishment for more than five days and less than ten days.

The education of Cheng Feng can be delayed, but the company's business is not. Therefore, Hong Demin opened his mouth and asked, "Old Cheng, the market will open tomorrow. What should you do?"

"I have no way to go to the company, I can only rely on you." Cheng Shengen clenched Hong Demin's hand. "These people in the board of directors, only you can trust, I just called the lawyer, and he will bring a power of attorney after a while. Come here, I authorize you to help me deal with everything in the company while I am away from Dade Group. "

Soon after the lawyer came, Cheng Shengen signed his name on the power of attorney. Hong Demin received the power of attorney. "Old Cheng, you can rest assured that I will help you look after your family, and you can rest assured to recuperate!"

In a private clubhouse not far from Dade Group, the four small shareholders of Dade Group, as well as company executives such as Lu Manjia, were looking at Liang Junzheng who called, and after a few words, Liang Junzheng put down the phone, "Tomorrow Cheng Shengen If he couldn't come back, he was almost angered by Cheng Feng. He just asked the lawyer to issue the power of attorney and let Hong Demin exercise his authority. "

"Hey, such a son in the stall is considered bad luck for Lao Cheng!" Someone shook his head and immediately smiled. "Lao Cheng is not there, then it's much easier to handle. Hong Demin's ability is really far worse than Lao Cheng's. Now! "

"Cheng Shengen has already mortgaged his real estate and part of his equity, and is ready to use it to raise the stock price. The big guys are all ready. Tomorrow, they must cooperate with Cheng Shengen as if he gave us dividends and bonuses in advance!" Liang Junzheng Picked up the wine glass and have reached this point, then you can close the net.

Because of the impact of the Cheng Feng incident, investor confidence is seriously insufficient; the performance of Dade Group during the long holidays is not outstanding; there are several institutions that have targeted the shares of Dade Group before; plus these insiders, let alone Cheng Shengen has been hospitalized, even if he is still afraid of it?

"Jia Jia, you go back to work overtime to sort out the financial situation of the company recently; Lao Niu, you go to a financial media reporter to send an article to make him question the financial situation of Dade Group recently, and the specific data is sorted out by Jia Jia Come, but it shouldn't be too direct. Under a slight disguise, let reporters come to the company for interview! "Liang Junzheng ordered.

"No problem." Well, first use a specious article to attract the attention of the media and investors, so that they will definitely ask the real situation, forcing the Dade Group to take the data out, the current data is not good, it will inevitably cause The stock price drops further, and then they have the opportunity to absorb the outstanding shares at a lower cost.

"Jia Jia, if Hong Demin puts pressure on you to make you think of a way, you can bear it!" Liang Jun was looking at Lu Manjia.

Lu Manjia nodded, "My teacher emphasized that on the first day of my studies, do not make false accounts, so as long as I am in Dade Group for a day, I will report all kinds of data truthfully and publish it to people with the right to know according to the regulations. . "

At the same time, Wu Wei also received an e-mail and immediately convened a team meeting after reading, "Dade Group itself has been messed up. This opportunity must be used. When the market opens on Monday, we will take their stock price. Beat it! "

Shao Huayang is also the same, "Everyone, everyone has worked so hard for many years, and they are not resting on the long holiday. They are collecting various materials. Tomorrow is the time to witness the return of hard work! Everyone hurry up and go home to rest. The attack will officially start tomorrow morning!

Shen Long and Shen Bing just got off the plane. They came to the old place and met with Wu Di, Fei Si, Lin Xia and others. Wu Mei also came. Yang Zixi and Cheng Feng were still absent. Shen Long and Shen Bing informed them. The good news that I have been engaged ~ ~ Big guys sent congratulations one after another.

The big guy drank happily. The dinner table asked about their plans to get married and their current situation. Wu Di had already established a love relationship with Wu Mei, and Wu Di was promoted and became Wu Mei. Assistant; Fei Si found a foreign girl to be his girlfriend. Although Lin Xia didn't have a suitable target, he had already come out of Cheng Feng's influence.

On Monday, Shen Long came to the company and returned to the office after a simple regular meeting, handed over the work to Bai Ze, and opened the stock software to wait for the stock market to open.

In the meeting room of Dade Group, shareholders with different thoughts looked at the big screen; Wu Wei and Shao Huayang took their hands and prepared to attack.

The stock market opened on time. As soon as the market opened, Dade Group ’s stock price fell like a diving. Hong Demin issued instructions repeatedly to invest his and Cheng Shengen ’s funds in the stock market to try to save the market. However, these are not useful. Has lost confidence in Dade Group, and constantly throws out its own shares ...

It didn't take long for the Dade Group's stock to trigger the first meltdown, and then fell, and Hong Demin collapsed on his chair.

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