All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 1891: Make things worse

The board of directors is serious, everyone is black, of course, only Hong Demin is actually unhappy, but the others are very happy, apparently they have lost a lot because of the stock limit, but in fact, they privately The operation has earned a lot of profits, and the assets have increased a lot.

Wu Wei and Shao Huayang opened champagne in the office to celebrate, this operation also brought them huge profits, Wu Wei stood on the chair and shouted, "This time we won, but it is far from the end, Dade The Group ’s stock price is still not bottomed out. Tomorrow we must take advantage of the pursuit and strive for greater success! "

"What about Shao Huayang? He is also shorting the stocks of Dade Group. Isn't we standing on the same trench with him this time?" Someone asked. Wu Wei's biggest wish was to win Shao Huayang in the stock market.

"Military soldiers rely on ammunition to fight, and our ammunition is funded. It is always good to accumulate more ammunition before the official war with Shao Huayang. I believe Shao Huayang has the same idea, so this time the way I fight with Shao Huayang depends on who can Cut more meat from Dade Group! In the future, we will encounter a more suitable opportunity and confront him directly! "Wu Wei has guessed that Shao Huayang must have received the same email.

Under such circumstances, if you reverse the operation, you will not only call on Shao Huayang to fight back, but the mysterious person who sent the e-mail will certainly deal with him in reverse. In this case, it is difficult for you to win.

Shao Huayang also shares the same view, "This time definitely gain more gains than Wu Wei. His current operation methods have become more and more sophisticated, and the overall situation is more and more complete. It is a difficult opponent! So we must You must reserve enough ammunition to win the next confrontation! "

"The current situation is very optimistic. The enemy's attack on us is far from the end, so now we need more ammunition." Hong Demin, who was a soldier, also understood the importance of ammunition, he looked at all shareholders, "So No matter what contradictions the big guys had before, they must stand up this time. "

"If Dade Group fell, we didn't have a good result. Let's think of a way to see if we can make more funds! It's when I and Cheng Cheng beg for the big guy!" Hong Demin bowed his head rare. .

Haha, Dade Group wo n’t fall, it ’s just you and Cheng Shengen, Liang Junzheng sneered in his heart, but his face is full of worry, "Lao Hong, it ’s not that I do n’t want to help, you know, I put all my money before I have invested in other projects, and I really ca n’t spend any money! "

"Yes, Mr. Hong, we have few net worths. In this case, even if we want to get a bank loan, we can't get a loan." There is no support from a small shareholder, and I am crazy to help you Isn't it good to secretly recycle the circulating shares?

"Mr. Hong, this is the disaster that Cheng Feng broke out. Why should we wipe his **** for him! This is Cheng Shengen's responsibility. If he didn't manage Cheng Feng, why would such a thing happen?" After the old account, Cheng Feng was held accountable again.

"Yes, that is, Lao Hong, Cheng must always give us an account of this matter. It is not enough to let Cheng Feng go back to rest for a few days. Because he is alone, he has caused the Dade Group to lose so much. Is n’t it inappropriate? If so, I ’ll simply withdraw my shares, Lao Hong, you can take all my shares, or Mr. Cheng can take it! If you do n’t take it, then I can only find Others! "Others threatened.

"Look, what are you talking about? When the company made money before, didn't you diminish it? Just the dividends given to you over the years, in fact, you have already earned the original investment; oh, now the company has encountered a little At a point of frustration, you shouted to withdraw your shares, so who will dare to do business with you in the future? "Liang Junyi justly retorted.

After scolding the style of the painting, he said to Hong Demin with a kind smile, "Lao Hong, the big guy is indeed not very generous at hand. I am afraid that Cheng will have to contribute more at this time. After all, is he a major shareholder? The major shareholder should bear its own responsibilities. The share price of Dade Group fell, after all, it was still Mr. Cheng ’s biggest loss. "

"You will persuade President Cheng later to see if there is any way he can raise funds. We will try our best to find a way, but at most we can get some small amounts of money. You can only rely on Mr. Cheng and you! "The two of you rushed in as much money as possible. I want to see what you can do.

"Hurry up, it's time for the listed company to disclose the quarterly report. Now some people in the financial media have begun to question the financial status of our company. If the stock price cannot be brought back before then, Dade Group is really dangerous. After all, our financial situation in the last quarter was not very optimistic. "Someone added a fire.

"Can't you just cover it up a little bit first?" Hong Demin's head was bigger, and he looked at Lu Manjia.

"Sorry, Mr. Hong, I will not do anything that clearly violates the law and professional ethics. If you insist, I can only resign." Lu Manjia refused mercilessly.

"I don't mean that. I'm ... forget, I'll go to the hospital!" Hong Demin wanted to say that there are too many financial means, and there are ways that are not illegal, but now that these are meaningless, these means are also tours Walking on the edge of the law, Lu Manjia is not his **** ~ ​​ ~ Why risk this for him.

Hong Demin got up and left, and the remaining shareholders gradually smiled, and the plan was progressing smoothly, not far from driving Cheng Shengen out of the Dade Group.

"Lao Cheng, I'm sorry to you. The situation today is really too difficult. As soon as the market opened, investors dumped our stocks ..." Hong Demin said things with a worried face, his concern is not only the company Situation, and Cheng Shengen's body, "What should we do now?"

"What else can I do, I can only continue to support it? Is there no money? Please help me contact the bank to see if I can get more loans." Cheng Shengen sighed.

Hong Demin took out the phone to contact the bank. At first, he still had a smile on his face, but later it became more and more ugly. "......... Okay, I know, I will discuss with Mr. Cheng."

"Lao Cheng, the bank said that in view of the current Daode Group's stock price outlook is very optimistic, so we have to take out more collateral for loans!" Hong Demin told Cheng Shengen the results of the communication just now.

"It's really worse!"

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