All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 1906: Secret file

Edgar-Hoover was in charge of the FBI. Well, this old acquaintance of Shen Long had many dealings in the world of The Godfather; he controlled the entire country and secretly investigated the politicians of the United States and Europe. Charles de Gaulle, the British prime minister and parliamentarians, of course, the President of the United States, he has a secret file of everyone.

Mason was the British spy who stole the file. The FBI caught him at the Canadian border. Like all secret spies, the British did not recognize his identity. The Federation imprisoned him and forced him to hand over the film, but he did not hand it over, so Until today, what Shen Long wanted was the secret file he had.

This secret file contains the secrets of many European and American countries, including who killed Kennedy, the secret behind Gandhi ’s death, the truth of the Watergate incident, etc., which is very useful to Shen Long.

In the movie, the specific address is given. The microfilm containing the secret file is hidden in the chair legs of the front row of the St. Michael ’s Church in Fort Walton, Kansas, but Shen Long feels that this may not be the entire file, like There must be other preparations for an old fox like Mason, who would not put the eggs in a basket, so he brought him over.

Mason looked at Shen Long, "No, I don't understand what trade we can have? I am just an old man who has been imprisoned for many years."

"Oh, Captain Mason, you used to be a soldier, so let's talk in a soldier's way. It's straightforward. You give me all the microfilm and I give you freedom." Shen Long smiled and pressed A button was pressed, and familiar rock music sounded. It was the episode in "Thor 3", "ImmigrantSong" by the Zeppelin.

There was a flash of color in Captain Mason's eyes, because he met his daughter Joan Angelo's mother at the Zeppelin concert, and he believed it was definitely not a coincidence.

"Jon Angelo, wow, what a lovely girl, if I had such a daughter, I would definitely not want to stay in prison." The next thing confirmed Captain Mason's conjecture, and a screen appeared in front of him. The picture of a young girl is exactly the daughter of Captain Mason.

"What do you want to do?" Captain Mason tried to move his hands and feet. The afterglow in the corner of his eyes scanned the layout in the room. He found that Shen Long was not wearing a weapon, and there was no guard around him.

"I advise you to be cautious. I'm not the idiot of Womack." Shen Long warned that on the hotel's rooftop, Mason used a rope to tie Womack's wrist, throwing him down and taking this escape, which proves Although Mason was older and stayed in prison for so long, his skill did not fall, but he wanted to use this to threaten himself, it was definitely too much.

"How do you know if you don't try?" Mason suddenly burst out, trying to control Shen Long, but he was kicked by Shen Long as soon as he was lifted, and this foot directly kicked Mason out of breath.

"When you were in prison, I took my great guys in Grenada, Panama, Baghdad and countless enemies to fight against life and death. I'm not the wackmark idiot who only knows how to give orders in the office! This time I forgive You are, but next time, I will return everything you did to me to Ms. Angelo. "Shen Long looked at Mason.

Then he snapped his fingers and saw that the red light in front of Angelo suddenly turned green. The car drove past Angelo and almost hit her. Mason suddenly changed his face. He thought Shen Long had sent someone Stopped Angelo, in fact, this is only Bai Ze's means, and the traffic lights in San Francisco are also controlled by the computer.

"After I get those things, I will give you back the freedom, and then you can go to visit your daughter, and I will pass the picture of shooting you to Vomak to them. With your ability, the remaining problems are not difficult Solve! These things are in my hands, can they add some trouble to Vormac, right? I believe you are happy to see these too? Then, Mr. Mason, have you thought about it? "Shen Long asked.

"How can you guarantee that you will keep your promise?" Mason asked.

"I can swear in the honor of my soldiers, and Captain Mason, you actually have no other choice, do you?" Shen Long raised his right hand and made an oath, anyway, he did not intend to kill Mason.

"Okay!" Mason hesitated for a moment and reported a spot. "The microfilm I got is hidden here."

"Huh? Are you sure everything is here? So, what is hidden in the front leg of the St. Michael's Church in Fort Walton, Kansas?" Sure enough, this guy left his hand, if I didn't care about him directly Go to the church and miss a lot.

"It's just a backup there, and it's not much different from the place I just said." Mason's face suddenly changed, and he even began to wonder if this time it would be a game created by Womack, specifically Used to trick him.

"Unfortunately, Captain Mason, you have overdrawn your credibility with me. I don't believe what you said." Shen Long shrugged and grabbed Mason's collar. "Now, look at my eyes!"

Mason is undoubtedly a determined person, otherwise the FBI would have asked the whereabouts of those films from his mouth, but what he encountered this time was Shen Long ’s obsession. The magic in the world of "Harry Potter" easily found the truth from Mason's mind ~ ~ In addition to the place he just mentioned and the St. Michael's Church in Fort Walton, Kansas, he was again Shen Long found a place. It turned out that he divided the secret file into three parts and hid them in different places. The one that Nicolas Cage got at the end of the movie was only a small part.

"Immediately start a backup plan to prepare Mojave Air Force Base for fighter jets and thermite bombs." In the rear headquarters, National Security Advisor Lindstrom issued an order, and the contingent was completely annihilated. The only one who was familiar with Alcatraz Island Mason on the road also fell into the hands of the enemy, and their plan was bankrupt.

"Okay, but General Peterson said that thermite bombs are not necessarily useful. Alcatraz is too close to downtown San Francisco, and VX gas may still float to the downtown." General Kramer warned.

"Do we have to agree to his terms? If that's the case, then we don't want anyone to settle down in the future!" Lindstrom retorted. In fact, $ 100 million is really nothing for them, but absolutely not With that in mind, otherwise it's the Marines today, and it's time for the green beret tomorrow. The day after tomorrow is the delta.

"Your Excellency, Alcatraz latest news ..."

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