All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 1907: Lift the table

"Sonic booms suddenly appeared over Alcatraz Island, but our satellites and radars did not find the cause of the explosions!" A staff member came in and hurriedly reported.

"What? Damn, Hammer already fired the missile?" Speaking of Sonic Cloud, Linstrom, General Kramer, and others instinctively remembered this, "Where is his target?"

"According to monitoring, the missiles equipped with VX gas have not been launched, and we do not know what caused the Sonic Cloud!" The staff replied.

"Contact Hanmer immediately and ask him what he is going to do? Isn't the time yet?" Kramer picked up the phone. "Hammer, I'm Kramer, what are you doing?"

At this time, Shen Long had already left the Alcatraz Island in the doubling cloud and was ready to collect those microfilms, but he could also respond to General Kramer through Bai Ze, "I just want to tell you that my preparation is more than you expected. If you do not turn over the money on time, you will regret it. "

After talking, the call ended, and Shen Long quickly rushed to St. Michael ’s Church in Fort Walton, Kansas to take the first film, and then went to the other two places to take the remaining film and get it from Mason. All of the secret archives of the world returned to Alcatraz again, and the whole journey took only a short time, so that Major Baxter and Captain Hendricks did not even know that Shen Long had ever left.

"Technicians at Mojave Air Force Base said that the F-18 can carry a thermite missile, but this missile cannot be intelligently navigated and can only rely on the pilot to approach the manual launch. If Hanmer sees the F-18 on the radar, Immediately launching missiles, we simply have no ability to intercept! "Linstrom and others still did not think of a perfect solution.

"General, half of the time has passed, do we need to warn them?" Major Baxter asked Shen Long. He also felt that the US government was unlikely to succumb. Linstrom thought of it too. If today, The US government succumbed to the Marine Corps, so next time?

Once the news of the Alcatraz incident spreads, some people in the green berets, Delta troops, Rangers, and even the SEALs will surely want to follow suit? You know that the soldiers abandoned by the US government are not just them. Green berets, delta troops, rangers, SEALs, and other special forces that have performed special missions abroad have also suffered the same misfortune.

"Yes! I have selected a group of people from the hostages. You go find them and let them go, let them go back to San Francisco." Shen Long gave the order.

"Sorry, General, you said you let them go?" Baxter was a little dazed. At first, he thought he was going to execute some hostages to warn the US government.

"Yes, let them go, the US government will not care about the life and death of these hostages!" Haven't they all prepared to bomb? Who dares to guarantee that thermite bombs will not injure these hostages by mistake? "Perhaps it would be more beneficial for us to leave than to stay here. I will call Fox and tell them that we will release a hostage and let them interview the hostage."

It is the Democratic Party now on stage, and Fox has always been close to the Republican Party, and encountering certain problems will not necessarily cover up the government. Shen Long intends to use the contradictions within the United States.

Now it ’s time to use the media to put pressure on Linstrom, and these released hostages can also be selected by Shen Long, who are more sympathetic to those who sacrificed soldiers. When they were watching TV, Shen Long also let Bai Ze pass The monitoring system analyzes their response and judges their position.

"Yes, General!" Baxter went to the mission without hesitation. Shen Long came to the command center and dialed the phone of Fox and other media. "Listen, I am General Hanmer. I believe you already know. What, now I give you a chance, I will release the first batch of hostages immediately, you take the opportunity to interview! "

"Your Excellency, may I ask why do you want to kidnap these hostages, and will you launch poison gas missiles?" The reporter who received the phone immediately asked, and they knew some news.

"In order to correct the mistakes made by the United States, and to get justice for those true patriots!" Shen Longyi finished speaking, then hung up the phone and dialed the next media. Of course, all of them were pro-Republican.

"Hammer, do you know what you are doing?" The Pentagon and the FBI soon received the news. General Kramer called again. "Exposing these things to the media, you will be completely finished!" Lift the table.

"You are all ready for missiles, what else can I say? If you paid this $ 100 million early, nothing will happen, these are all forced by you! Al, believe me, this is just the beginning. If you no longer agree to my terms, then I will reveal more information. "Come on, hurt each other, who is afraid of whom.

"Hammer, please give us a little time, there is a little problem with the operating system, I believe it will be dealt with soon." General Kramer can only continue to delay.

At this time, the released hostages had boarded the ship and were preparing to go to the dock in San Francisco, and a group of reporters were coming here, and they asked each other for news, "John, are you here too? Your television station allows these news to be released ? "

"I don't know, this is a matter for those high-level, I just need to do an interview!" This is a reporter from the big media ~ ~ Some reporters from the small media are more extreme, they don't care about this matter Will it irritate some people and only pay attention to their circulation? Of course, they say what they say is righteous. "The Constitution guarantees our freedom of speech. We have an obligation to let the people know this."

"FBI, you are leaving here now!" Womack sent someone to disperse them.

"People have the right to know, you can't do this, this is not the time of Hoover!" These reporters still refuse to give in.

"Damn, warn the shareholders of these media, if they dare to publish even a message, I will let the IRS talk to them!" Womack said angrily. They may not be afraid of the FBI, but they must be afraid of the IRS.

This scene was also seen by the prisoners in the prison area. They were very dissatisfied. "Hey, doesn't anyone care about us? Isn't even news reporting allowed?"

This did not surprise Shen Long, and he picked up the phone again, "Al Jazeera? I think you need a big news with a reputation."

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