All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 1908: World opinion exploded

The idea of ​​establishing Al Jazeera was originally put forward by Qatar ’s Minister of Foreign Affairs Jabba Al-Tani. This idea was endorsed by Qatar ’s new prince Sheikh Hamad-Tani, so Qatar decided to invest hundreds of millions of dollars. Al-Qatar Al Jazeera was founded in US dollars.

During the preparation of the TV station, when the BBC Middle East Channel was disbanded, Al Jazeera recruited many BBC elites to its affiliates.

Although the preparations have not yet been completed and the program has not officially started to broadcast, they have money and people, and the TV station has ambitious plans to do some business. Now Shen Long ’s phone can be said to be sent in the snow, they immediately asked, "Sir, please ask What kind of news can you provide me? If it is indeed useful, we will pay the information fee that will absolutely satisfy you. "

"I'm Brigadier General Frank Hanmer of the US Marine Corps. I'm talking to you at Alcatraz Island now." Shen Long showed his identity, and the person who answered the phone immediately made a gesture and then pressed the button to make it more Senior people can also hear this call, and he just feels that this is a big news just by listening to this identity.

Shen Long did not disappoint them either. His next words made the entire Al Jazeera TV excited. "Eighty-three soldiers, I have eighty-three elite soldiers in Laos, southern China, Baghdad, in Grenada sacrificed their lives, but they did not get the honor and compassion they deserved, and the media throughout the United States were reluctant to report their information, so I had to come to you! "

Al Jazeera is funded by Qatar, and the main staff comes from CNN. They do n’t care about the Americans ’views. After receiving the order from the superior, the reporter immediately responded," My Excellency, you can rest assured that we will definitely take these Things tell the world, but we need more information. "

"No problem, I will send the evidence to you, but can you broadcast it as soon as possible? It seems that your TV station has not officially started broadcasting yet?" Shen Long said.

"This is definitely not a problem. We have purchased the most advanced instruments and satellite frequency bands, and we can officially start broadcasting at any time!" In terms of personnel, equipment and funds, Al Jazeera is ready, and what they lack is a shot And the red opportunity is now, now the opportunity is before them, how can they let go?

"Very good, now I will send you a part through the satellite signal, and I will continue to send you after you officially start broadcasting!" Since the FBI does not allow the US media to report, then start with other places first, etc. After Al Jazeera started broadcasting, the American media must be unable to control it?

Hey, I really miss the Internet age. By that time, it would have been so troublesome. Just learn Snowden and Assange, just put the information on the Internet.

After Shen Long hung up the phone, he immediately sent Bai Ze to send the data through the satellite. Bai Ze had long invaded the US satellite system, and soon completed the task Shen Long explained.

After receiving the information, Al Jazeera immediately began to study, "Oh my god, these are first-hand information, especially the photos of Baghdad, but they have never been exposed before!"

Operation Desert Storm has a profound impact on the world, especially the Arab world. More than four years have passed. They still have a fresh memory of this. Seeing these confidential materials, Al Jazeera was suddenly excited. They all realized that this is a A great opportunity for Al Jazeera to spread all over the world in one fell swoop.

"What are you waiting for? Analyze these materials immediately and prepare for broadcast to the world." The senior executives of the TV station quickly issued orders, and everyone started to get busy. The ace host from the BBC entered the studio, and the technical staff was ready to broadcast. With the order of the director, news signals began to spread to all parts of the world.

"This is Al Jazeera. Today I bring everyone an explosive news. At that time, General U.S. Marine Brigadier General Frank-Hammer sent the elite special forces into the Baghdad theater to provide guidance for the Tomahawk missiles. Top-secret information about a war ... "

"This soldier is called Steve Rogers, a captain of the US Army. He led his men into Baghdad, provided laser guidance for the Tomahawk missiles, and made a big contribution to the victory of Operation Desert Storm, but this soldier died in Baghdad. To cover up the secret of the Tomahawk missile's need for laser guidance, the US military concealed his sacrifice. "

"Four years have passed now. Captain Steve Rogers's relatives still think that he is missing on the battlefield. They have not received their due pensions. Captain Steve Rogers has not received the honors he deserves ... … There are many things like this, such as James Buchanan Barnes who traveled to Baghdad with Steve Rogers, who lost his arm in the war, was removed from the army, and did not receive the proper pensions. , Can only rely on drug narcosis ... "

The news first spread in the Arab world. Saddam was both angry and happy after receiving the news. The angry thing was that this group of people caused his fiasco, and he was happy that this incident broke out. There is no doubt. Will cause great trouble to the United States.

"Let our TV station broadcast it immediately, so that the whole world can see how Americans treat their heroes ~ ~ Especially for those American troops stationed in the Middle East!"

Soon, other countries in the world also received news. They responded differently. Europeans are gloating. China is seriously studying every picture and collecting useful information for itself. "The original laser guided equipment of cruise missiles It looks like, well, the principle is similar to what we have analyzed before, and the details give us a lot of inspiration! "

As for Lao Maozi's side, um, now Lao Maozi is still in the quagmire, the emperor has not yet ascended the throne, and they can't care about so much for the time being.

The American soldiers stationed in the Middle East saw these suddenly frying pans. They actually knew something vaguely long ago, but it was not as clear as Al Jazeera. Now someone started to scold, "Mama messed with Fak , Will we be treated like this in the future? "

"That's for sure. What virtue do those **** raise? Don't you know?"

Soon the officers came to forcefully turn off the TV, but the storm began to spread irresistibly. Some American media agencies also began to reprint Al Jazeera news, and Volmack, Lindstrom, Sinclair and others fell into a passive position.

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