All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 1915: Full harvest

Shen Long did not rush to return, anyway, he could stay in this world for a while after completing the mission. He wanted to see what would happen in the United States.

"What the **** happened to Alcatraz Island?" The huge explosion caught the attention of the citizens of San Francisco. They instinctively began to doubt, "Did the government kill General Hanmer?"

"We have the right to know the truth, they can't do it!" Someone immediately expressed opposition and called on friends and relatives to ask the truth about the matter.

Of course, it is inevitable that some people are worried, "Oh my god, isn't there a gas bomb on the island? Will it leak to San Francisco? I think we'd better leave here as soon as possible." Then we immediately went downstairs to drive to escape, but people with similar ideas are really Too many, and the road to escape from San Francisco has been blocked.

The big guys were stuck at the intersection and could not go back and forth, which even caused a lot of riots, which made the government have to stand up to refute the rumor, and sent out a video of Lieutenant Colonel Anderson arriving safely on the shore with a bunch of gas grapes.

This triggered a new wave of protest. Why should such a dangerous thing be placed in San Francisco? No, the U.S. shouldn't make these things at all. They must destroy all biological and chemical weapons and make the White House burned.

But Gondo's question still pointed to General Hanmer, why did he commit suicide? Didn't he say that he would be judged? He didn't look like a liar. Someone must have wanted him to tell the public the secret before he was killed. So more people flooded the streets and set off to protest.

Well, this is all right. Shen Long nodded with satisfaction, turned around and left the United States, came to a strange country with no extradition treaty with the United States, left General Hanmer with weapons, clothes, documents and other things and opened the light door Leaving this world, it is irrelevant whether General Hanmer will go to find his men, remain incognito, or commit suicide in the future. Anyway, his purpose has been achieved and his task has been completed.

Back in his house, Shen Long heard the system's extremely familiar tone in his mind, "General Frank-Hammer from" Dragon Island "thank you very much for helping him realize his wish and let those sacrificed soldiers get In view of the due compensation, now all of his combat skills and experience are presented to you, whether you accept it, please confirm! "

"Accept!" Shen Long pressed the confirmation button, as before, a white light flashed, and then all the experience of General Hanmer came to his mind.

Um, yes, although I say that my current combat effectiveness has far exceeded that of the US special forces, even if it is the SEALs, the green berets, the Delta forces, and the Rangers, the four elite US special forces have assembled to deal with themselves and themselves. They can also get them through, but combat power and skill are two different things.

What ’s more important is General Hanmer ’s experience in training special forces and commanding special operations. Although Shen Long also brought special forces in the world of "Sword", he was just groping out on the basis of some online information at that time, which is far less than the US military for many years. The essence of the experience condensation, if there are similar tasks in the future, it will be completely different. It will definitely allow you to take a lot of detours, train more elite special forces, and command better battles.

Of course, there are these things, Shen Long took out the tablet, "Bai Ze, have all the data collected?"

"All the microfilms have been scanned and stored, and General Hanmer's battles have also been stored." Bai Ze replied, these things are good things, Shen Long will naturally bring them all back.

"Verify the information to see if it is consistent with the real history of the world." Shen Long gave the order. Although it is useful even if it is fake, it can fooling some people, but it is better if it is true.

"Receive it, and start verifying it immediately!" The data flow flashed on the tablet screen quickly, and Bai Ze entered the database of many U.S. special agencies such as the FBI, CIA, and Pentagon, and began to verify these miniatures based on the information there. The secret files on the film, and General Hanmer ’s combat records that year.

"According to the collected data, there are many similarities between General Hanmer's combat records and reality. Although the composition of the personnel who participated in these battles was not the same as that led by General Hanmer, most of the battles are real. Exist. "Bai Ze soon achieved results.

"The truth behind many major historical events, such as the death of Kennedy, the death of Gandhi, and the death of Martin Luther King, is also consistent with those presented in these microfilms." This is the greater gain.

"Okay, continue to look for more evidence to support these secret files." So how do you deal with these secret files? Shen Long remembered the news I saw on the Internet during this time, but the United States kept bucking the domestic market, humming, and it was really hard for them. My home was about to explode, and I still had time to trouble others.

Well, let you be more lively, Shen Long immediately issued the order, "Hide the IP address to register an account, um, let ’s call Captain John Bailey Mason, and then reveal on Twitter, tubing, Wiki, etc. The truth about Kennedy ’s death is published on the website; well, prepare some more vests, but people will delete the title and delete the post. "

"No problem ~ ~ It's okay!" Bai Ze immediately projected the pages of these websites on the wall, and then the accounts of Mason and Gusby were also registered. Of course, the registered account I encountered some situations where the names have already been registered, but it would be nice to change them slightly.

The post has also been edited and placed on the wall for Shen Long to review. After reading it, Shen Long modified some words, so Bai Ze sent it out, and @ 了 Several after big data calculations, I will be interested in these things. Big V.

"Hey, what did I see?" A big V soon saw this post. Recently, he was bored at home and saw this post suddenly exploded. "Buying cakes, this seems to be true Did n’t expect President Kennedy to be assassinated for these reasons? How many years did those **** government agencies hide me! ”

"I have to let more Americans know the truth!" He immediately reposted it, and then @All the big Vs he is familiar with, and then sent two, two and three, this post quickly became popular on social networking sites.

Soon, those social networking sites reacted and began to delete posts, blockades and rumors on a large scale, but they still could not stop the spread of this truth in the online world, and the United States became more and more lively.

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