All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 1916: "Under Zhengyang Gate"

If it was before, it may be possible to cover up these, but now the times have changed. American netizens use various methods to circumvent intelligent audits, send articles to forward them, and public opinion even overshadowed the most popular epidemic at present, although it must be dead , Tubing, and Twitter have not taken much effect by adopting various methods.

Um, you guys have fun for a while, and I will wait for a while to continue to release the fierce news, or will this release the truth about Martin Luther King ’s killing? Isn't Hei Minggui popular nowadays? Let them make it harder; then there is the truth that Gandhi was killed, and then see what will happen to the third brother and Britain.

Shen Long thought happily, and then slowly went to sleep. After waking up, she continued to stay in the village. Arya had not received the news of the resumption of class. Then continue to deal with the house.

After a few days of busy work, Shen Long received a new task, "Han Chunming from" Under Zhengyang Gate "asked for your help, he did not want to be with Su Meng."

Uh, what is this TV series? Haven't you seen it? Shen Long opened the computer to search, and quickly found the result. This is a TV series released in 2013, which tells the story of the old capital.

The educated youth Han Chunming and his friends who returned to the city but did not have a formal job took the east wind of reform and opening up, starting from selling clothes at the stalls, with hard work and unremitting perseverance, they accumulated their initial wealth and gained love; but, Life is not always so smooth; in the process of starting a business, he was secretly calculated, all his money was cheated, and his marriage was in crisis because of his mistakes; with the care and support of his family and friends, he was not knocked down, Stand up again and work hard.

After many hardships and storms, Han Chunming developed his career and became a successful entrepreneur; in the process of struggle, he constantly recognized his own shortcomings, improved his cultural cultivation, established a private museum with wealth, and lost it overseas. Or ancient works of art on the verge of destruction are protected and displayed to people, and at the same time, they get a happy marriage and a lifelong friendship of friends.

Oh, the background of the times seems to be similar to "Dajiang Dahe", but the location is different, but aren't Han Chunming and Su Meng in the TV series? Why did he make such a wish? Shen Long was a little dazed, and searched for Su Meng's information again, and then immediately knelt to see it.

This ... is really a bit superb. She grew up spoiled, self-centered, full of mouth and kindness, benevolence and morality, and is actually selfish. When Han Chunming was in the bakery, she knew the serious consequences of stealing bread. Chun Ming stole the bread for her, causing Han Chun Ming to lose his job. When he started to collect the tatters, he again dismissed him from being ascendant; he didn't help when he met other people's ridicule ... These kinds of things are simply too much.

She believed in what the outsider said, but she did n’t believe in Han Chunming. When Han Chunming ’s private museum opened the door, the little lazy cat thought that many of the antiques in the collection were his grandfather ’s, and then blamed Han Chunming, but this When Su Meng, her second uncle, he interjected and said that Han Chunming was a hypocrite. Han Chunming scolded Su Meng for his uncle. Su Meng went to help the uncle Hu Huran and scolded the whole uncle before the facts were clear. Chun Ming, may I ask Han Su and I have been in love for 30 years, do we even have a little basic trust?

Han Chunming finally got the land, she used it with a face in her face, and used her emotions to threaten her, her character was not cute, her lover, greedy, snobbish, superficial, ignorant, arrogant, arrogant, and the shortcomings of the small citizens. For one thing, such a girl really doesn't know what is cute.

No wonder Han Chunming would make this wish. Anyone who spent so many years with such a sister would have to feel depressed? It might be worthless, right?

Yes, it ’s still the same as before, and I have to watch the episodes one by one and see how annoying this girl is. I ’m sick enough, so who can accompany me to watch? Forget Arya, if she knew she had to be around me.

Gao Xiaoqin and Gao Xiaofeng? Seen it last time, Shen Bing? Soon after leaving the world of "Beijing Love Story", Song Yunping? This time is wrong. When I came back, the drama was not filmed yet. Forget it, it ’s better to go to Guan Juer in the world of Ode to Joy.

Huh? Why am I swollen? Shen Long smiled and carried the tablet into the world of "Ode to Joy", lingered in his youth hostel for a while, and it was estimated that Guan Juer was about to leave work and drove to the office where she was waiting. Pick her up and go home together.

After eating, the two leaned on the sofa and brushed together. After watching a few episodes, they returned to the bedroom to rest. The next day, Guan Juer came back from work to continue brushing the drama. After the weekend, he went out to play and spent. In more than a week, I finally finished over forty episodes of TV series.

Hey, there are so many top grades in this play, not only Su Meng, Guan Xiaoguan pulled a face every day to finish this fierce one, her mother's sharp teeth were mean, she took advantage of the small price, and her father seemed to have no independent thinking. The ability to follow her mother every day.

Meng Xiaoxing's three views are not the same as those of a married woman, and they are also blatantly cursing others.

The second brother Han Chunming scolded Han Chunming every day for saying that he had no chance ~ ~ They told them that Han Chunming was the boss, his second brother was very disdainful, my own brother, I don't know what it is, impossible. Then, when I knew this was true, I went to Han Chunming to arrange work for him. My face was not big enough. I said Chunming was an excavator. Look at me as a manager for your construction team. Of me? ? ?

Yes, wait for the opportunity to repair them one by one, otherwise I have no idea in my heart, Shen Long sees that it is an egg pain, even Guan Juer is a bit wrong to see him, hello, you are a literary youth, look What are you doing? Finally, Shen Long took Guan Juer to Moganshan for a few days before digesting his discomfort.

After returning, he accompanied Guan Juer for a few days, and sent her to the company for work that day. After returning, Shen Long chose to enter the world of "Under Zhengyang Gate". As soon as he opened his eyes, he came to the capital in the late seventies. .

He is now standing under the Zhengyang Gate. This gate is commonly known as the Qianmen, Qianmen Tower, and Daqianmen. It was formerly known as Lizhengmen. It was printed on the Zhengnan Gate of the inner city of Beijing during the Ming and Qing Dynasties. That city gate.

"Little Five, I can see you!" The aunt brought Meng Xiaoxing and her sister over. The two little girls were grabbing a bottle of Arctic soda.

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