All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 1917: Arctic soda

"Auntie, are you okay on the road?" Shen Long stepped forward to say hello. He knew that Auntie Meng Xiaoxing was coming to fight the autumn wind, but watching the sisters Meng Xiaoxing dressed in tattered looks, he could actually understanding.

There is no way. There are too many children in the family. The four daughters and two sons can only be supported by her one cent a day job. Not to mention the fact that there is no household contract yet, even at that time, it is difficult to support so many children on their own. What can be done in addition to seeking help from relatives?

Shen Long also experienced such a thing in the real world. His parents entered the city from the village, and then his family almost became the Shenjia village office in the county. The relatives of the village entered the city and always came to him. I stayed at home and encountered embarrassing places. I would also ask them to borrow money and ask them to help me find a way. For this reason, Shen Long never complained as a child.

This is almost a common phenomenon after the founding of the People's Republic of China to the beginning of the 21st century. I believe many of them have encountered this kind of situation after they were born in the 70s and 80s. In the final analysis, it is because of the economic difference between the countryside and the city. The life here is more difficult than in the countryside.

As long as they can help Shen Long ’s parents, they will help a little bit. There is really no way but to speak the truth. Naturally understandable people will understand, and if they ca n’t understand, they will have to complain, but fortunately this kind of person is only A few, so the reputation of the Shen Long family in the village is not bad.

This situation gradually disappeared until I grew up after 1980. On the one hand, because the rural economy is also improving, there are fewer embarrassing places; secondly, modern people do n’t see their relatives as much as before By the way, apart from those who have a very close relationship, most of the general relatives only met when they returned to their hometowns, and they were naturally embarrassed to visit.

But just like Han Chunming in the TV series, we help you are sentimental, not help is your duty. Since you are here for help, can you have a better attitude? Do not ask you to bring something, how much can make us feel comfortable?

See if these two girls are ridiculous? Oh, I saw the Arctic Ocean soda and bought it? Just do n’t think about how you go back? I have to prepare the fare for the co-authorship? Is my family still eating? If you do n’t have money, we ’ll have to give it, but it ’s a bit ridiculous if you take the money and drink soda? I didn't drink it.

"Auntie, you and my mom are sisters, and the feelings are of course nothing to say, but there are several family members in the big miscellaneous yard we live in now. Our relatives are not sensible. ”Shen Long and Han Chunming ordered a few words,“ Yes, my mother gave me fifty cents to buy me books. I ’ll give you some fruits and bring them, then I ’ll tell you My mom bought it so everyone ’s face looks good. "

Shen Long did n’t use Han Chunming ’s brother-in-law as a shield, so his relatives were a bit unsuitable, so he changed to the neighbors, and the aunt agreed to agree. Shen Long went to the fruit stand and bought some fruit to take care of himself. Meng Xiaoxing promised to run out on the road. You just have to say that the little is ignorant. You are all so big, even if it is a bit inappropriate? Really caught what to eat and what to eat.

"This bottle can still be returned to refund the money." Shen Long instructed Meng Xiaoxing to return the Arctic Ocean soda bottle. Now the Arctic Ocean soda is fifty cents a bottle. The soda is actually only five cents. money.

Many big cities have their own beverage memories, which are called "Beiyang" in Beijing, "Shanhaiguan" in Tianjin, "Bawang Temple" in Shenyang, "Taigang" in Taiyuan, and "Tianfu Coke" in Chongqing ", Called" Bingfeng "in Xi'an ... These sodas constitute a lot of common memories after the 1980s.

When I grow up after 1990, there is less of this kind of memory, because these brands are gone. Many local beverages have been acquired by Coca-Cola and Pepsi. They naturally will not maintain these brands and hide them directly. This incident There is a saying called "Two Coke Flooded Seven Army". Shen Long read it in Dr. Ma's book while reading the web.

It was not until many years later that with the development of China's economy, people brought some beverage brands back from foreign-funded enterprises, so many of the post-80s childhood memories such as "Arctic Ocean" and "Tianfu Coke" reappeared on the shelves. However, apart from the growing popularity of a few brands such as "Beiyang" and "Bingfeng", it is difficult for other brands to pick up their former glory.

Or wait to make money in the future and try to buy the Arctic Ocean brand? Keep this memory for the capital? To avoid the tragedy of being hidden in snow for fifteen years, but this may not be easy to handle. The ice peak in Xi’an was able to escape the storms of the two coke flooded seven armies because it was located inland and the economy was not developed enough to cause two coke The Arctic Ocean is in Beijing.

Bringing their aunts to their home while thinking about it, Han Chunming's mother immediately asked for money to ask Shen Long to buy meat and Shi Jinnian to prepare dumplings. Hey, no matter how difficult it was for his own family, relatives had to entertain a delicious meal.

Shen Long walked to the door and met Su Meng, thinking about it and taking her away, lest Meng Xiaoxing and his aunt would go to find Su Meng with a cheeky face to break their clothes. In fact, Shen Long still understands this point and is too poor If you go down, you can't take care of your face. As long as the child can wear clothes, what can he be ashamed of?

But Shen Long absolutely can't accept Meng Xiaoxing's move ~ ~ Su Meng's grandmother did not want to give these things to them, you just curse people to take these broken clothes to cushion the coffin, what else do you owe you? If she let Shen Long do it, it would be light to smash her mouth.

After the two of them left, Cheng Jianjun secretly looked behind him. He liked Su Meng, and it was naturally uncomfortable to see Su Meng and Shen Long going out alone. If Shen Long knew what he was thinking, they would bother to get up, this kind of girl Whoever loves who wants to go, Uncle Ben is no longer waiting.

Su Meng and Shen Long walked away together, and their aunt and Meng Xiaoxing naturally had no chance to talk to Su Meng, so Meng Xiaoxing's broken mouth stayed temporarily and was not torn by Shen Long.

Haosheng entertained them, and before leaving, Han Chunming's mother gave away all the clothes that she could deliver at home. The fruit Shen Long bought was still allowed to be taken back by them. She couldn't bear to accept it. Shen Long sent them When I got into the car, I seemed to hear the aunt whispering, "If you knew this, you might as well give me the money to buy the fruit."

Hearing that Shen Long rolled his eyes and returned home, his mother talked about work again, "Chun Ming, would you like to buy something for the director of the street office?"

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