All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 1923: No job is discriminated

"No problem, my brothers are handsome and handsome, and they are pretty good to shoot casually." Shen Long boasted a few words, and then he was ready to start work, helped them figure out the shape and pose, and then took pictures and washed the photos, and they were busy for another two days. In the pocket, he added another two hundred dollars again. In the past few days, he has already made four hundred and five hundred dollars, which is more than a year ’s salary for ordinary workers.

"Chun Ming, are you free? Let's go to Beidaihe? I'll call some more people. Let's take a good shot." Lu Yuanchao was a little addicted and remembered his plan for COS Robin Lee.

"Brother, can you slow me down for a few days? I'm hanging out outside every day, my mom should be in a hurry. Let's go out for a few days, can't we?" The appetite of those who want to take pictures is that the more they can't take them, the more they want to take them.

Nothing will be cherished for things that are too easy to get. Now Shen Long took these three waves of photos, and fame has gradually spread in the circle. At this time, I will go home for a while and let this emotion ferment. Naturally, more business comes to your door.

Lu Yuanchao and others have already got the photos, so they are not so anxious. It ’s just a little regretful, even then, “That ’s OK, I ’ll see you again in a few days, and you ’ll have a good rest these days.”

After going back, it was wrong to see the people in the yard looking at him, sympathy and contempt. When I got home, my mother was anxious. "Chun Ming, what are you doing outside these days? Work? Did you find it? Su Meng and Jian Jun have already been settled. Su Meng went to the Children's Palace and Jian Jun went to the piano factory. Both are good units. "

"Hey, what's the hurry? Mom, I have earned these recently." Shen Long drew fifty dollars into his mother and gave him more fear of his mother's fear.

"Where did you come from this money? Aren't you speculative?" The mother was worried when she saw this amount of money. She hurried to the door and saw that no one noticed it.

"Nothing, I just took a few pictures of the people and the hard money they gave." Shen Long said briefly, "I'm not eating at home now, I'm drinking Can also make money. "

"When did you learn this? I don't know?" The mother was a little dazed. She thought about it and didn't figure out when her child learned to take pictures. And whether it was illegal to do this. ?

"I will have more things to do, but mom, don't talk about it everywhere, this is definitely not speculation, but it is not suitable for too many people to know." Shen Long is mainly troublesome, especially not wanting Let Su Meng know.

"Can I still know?" The mother collected the money. With the money, the next time the aunt and the third aunt came back, they would be much more generous.

Living in a large yard can be considered a pros and cons. The advantage is that there is nothing wrong with the neighbors. There will never be a tragedy in the future that people die at home and stink. No one knows. The disadvantages are Without a lot of privacy, whoever has something can spread it everywhere, and do n’t want to have future generations, who will care what the neighbors do?

"But you're going to keep mixing like this all the time? I'm wondering if it will last for a long time? Why do I have to find a job? Or should I talk to the director of the street office?" The mother still didn't completely relieve her worries. "If you don't have a stable job, you can't find a wife in time."

The strange eyes that Shen Long saw in the yard today are also the reason. From now to a long time in the future, people regard entry into state organs, institutions, and state-owned enterprises as the only way out. No matter how much money they can make, the rest , Are not business students, few people can afford it.

If this is put in the future, Shen Long said that he is an independent photographer, and he still specializes in high-end customer business. It will definitely gain a lot of envious eyes, high income and free time. How many people dream?

However, it is different now. Now that the commercial economy has not officially started, the unit is the key to determining a person ’s social status. If you are in a government agency, it must be powerful. The big guy said that he will be a cadre in the future; In hospitals and schools, it ’s not bad. Anyone who has children who want to study, and who is sick, have to ask you for help.

It ’s not bad in state-owned enterprises, and the status of workers is quite high now. If the unit ’s production point is tight, it will be more popular. Now, not everything can be bought casually, just take Han Chunming ’s meaning in the TV series. Let's talk about it. In addition to salary, they also have an invisible benefit. You can buy some of our products without using bills, which is very tempting.

As for Shen Long ’s current situation, although he earns more than Su Meng and Cheng Jianjun, he does n’t have a unit, and he has to carry it by himself. There is no unit to support himself, and the big guys feel uncomfortable. Guarantee, if you go out for a blind date, the girl will definitely not want to see him when she hears that he is an unemployed nomad.

"No, I recently helped some people take pictures and met some friends. I asked them to stare at me. Those children who are in the courtyard, their doors are wide, maybe they can find a good unit." Shen Long did not Reverse the meaning of the mother's inherent thinking, and use the procrastination tactics. First pass through this paragraph and then talk about it, and think of future ways in the future.

"Then you have to be tight ~ ~ Don't take this seriously," the mother urged.

After being trained by his mother, when Shen Long went to the courtyard, he was trained by Su Meng again, "Chun Ming, why don't you worry at all, now there are more and more educated youths returning to the city, and you don't take the initiative anymore Point, good jobs can be robbed by them! "

"It's okay, anyway, I don't want to enter the unit to be under control anymore." Shen Long said deliberately to hang Erlang, instead of going to see Su Meng, but tightening the screw of the bicycle with pliers with his head down, this bicycle was used in a repair shop Cars, new cars get industrial vouchers, but this is a tight stuff, most people get it.

In fact, tossing bicycles is very profitable, as well as buying spare parts and saving radios. This is the way to make money right now, but there is also the risk of speculation, so Shen Long did not mix it.

After a few words of persuasion, Shen Long still kept on, and Su Meng was no longer wrong. She had to talk about another thing, "Yes, Yang Huajian wanted to call the educated youths together, will you go?"

Isn't it similar to the classmate meeting? What is there to go? Shen Long just wanted to say no, and suddenly remembered another thing, so he changed his mind and said, "OK, let me go."

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