All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 1924: The same society really wants to pretend to hit the face

Anyone who likes to organize a party, it must be a good mix. It may be that they miss the past years, and of course they may not have the idea of ​​showing them in the past; the organizer Yang Huajian this time is also the same, he is a cadre My son, the work that I arranged when I returned to the city was not bad, so I thought about calling the educated youth who had joined the line in the past.

After arriving at the place, I found that it was pretty good. There was a big hall with a stage for speech performance in front. After the big guy was seated, he was chatting while enjoying the performance on the stage. Isn't the content of the chat inseparable now? The work is assigned to the heads of good units, and their heads are raised, and their voices are much louder than those of ordinary people. Those units that are not in a good position, sullen their heads, basically do not talk much, and occasionally say a few words in a low voice.

Han Chunming's popularity is good, so Shen Long greeted a lot after sitting down. When someone asked about his work, Shen Long said generously, "It's not a shadow yet."

Others were either comforting or thinking about opportunities there. Cheng Jianjun was different. He always liked Su Meng, but Su Meng did n’t like to take care of him, but he liked to talk to Shen Long, which made him a little jealous, so he endured I can't help but say sarcasm, "We can't be so optimistic, and the average unit can't look down on me. I gave him the quota of Yili Food Factory last time, and he didn't want it."

"Yili Food Factory, that's good? If you go, you'll have no shortage of bread. Chunming, why didn't you go?" Someone asked.

"Nothing, I just get used to it and don't like to be managed." Shen Long said with a smile, he would get angry because of this, he couldn't wait for Cheng Jianjun and Su Meng to marry, so his task even Completed, such a girl who loves who likes to go, anyway, he is not willing to wait.

Cheng Jianjun touched a soft nail and felt a little uncomfortable, so he made a serious statement and said, "Chun Ming, can't you always be like this? You are not too young now, how can you do without a stable job? Or how about getting married in the future? What? What do you use to feed your wife? "

You do n’t have to worry about this. I do n’t see anyone with so many wives. I can afford it even if it is doubled; Shen Long still intends to go back. Others have already seen it wrong, so they open the conversation, "Jianjun, I heard that you are in the piano factory? That ’s a good unit." , Have you learned to play the piano now? "

Cheng Jianjun looked so suspicious, glanced at Su Meng over there, and then said, "The piano is actually not difficult. Try to play it a few times. If you go to the piano factory, you will learn faster than me."

"At that time, we have to show us a hand, and go up to play a piece of music for us to listen to." The big guy coaxed, still a little envious in his tone, after all, it is very tall to play the piano at this time.

The party officially started. The organizer Yang Jianjun invited Secretary Yang, who was in the commune where the team was originally. Secretary Yang welcomed the big guys to come back to see in the future. Then Cheng Jianjun took the stage to play the piano and Su Meng played solo, with the performance of "The Night Outside Moscow". Won applause from the big guy.

"Yes, Jianjun, how long has it been since you played so well! If you go to the next party, you will definitely play better." Back at the seat, the big guys praised him, and Shen Long smiled and said nothing. Hey, what's the matter, buddy, I wasn't so excited when I performed at Carnegie Hall.

This smile fell into Cheng Jianjun's eyes but it made him a little uncomfortable. Are you unemployed and do not even have a job? So he provoked again, "Chun Ming, remember that when you lined up, you were the most active. Why did you talk less today, or would you give us a show?"

Hey, I do n’t want to destroy your image, I want you to hook up with Su Meng sooner, why are you getting more and more energetic? Although Shen Long had a good temper, he couldn't make people feel like this, so he stood up with a smile, "OK, big guy is happy today, then I have to help everyone, too? It just happened that I also learned a little recently Piano, but Kungfu did n’t come home, did n’t build the army to play so well, do n’t laugh at me, big guy. ”

Shen Long walked to the stage, put his right hand on his back, and only put his left hand on the keyboard. "Optics will know how to play the piano with the left hand, but the right hand hasn't learned it yet. I will play a" Friendship forever "for you. May our friendship It can last forever. "

It just bounced, and the beautiful melody rang with the left hand walking on the keyboard. The big guy immediately recognized the height. Do n’t look at people using only one hand. In fact, they played smoother than Cheng Jianjun just now. too much.

"There is only one hand for learning piano?" The big guy whispered while listening.

"Oh, I can learn with my left hand, but can I still have problems with my right hand? Chunming is not left-handed. This is estimated to be good for Cheng Jianjun. I want to say that Cheng Jianjun is a bit too much. People have given him Chunming several times. He is still aggressive and good. Well, do you think he is like that now? "Someone pointed to Cheng Jianjun, but the smile on his face was frozen.

Next to Su Meng is full of star eyes, when did Chunming learn piano? I already knew why I was performing with Cheng Jianjun? How good should it be with Chunming?

At the end of the song, there was applause from the audience, which was much warmer than Cheng Jianjun had just said. These applause was like a slap in the face of Cheng Jianjun ~ ~ hit him with a burst of fever.

"What's the matter? No matter how good it is, it's just an unemployed nomad." Cheng Jianjun was still not convinced. He had already thought about it and went back to let his old man help, no matter which unit was willing to receive Han Chunming, he had to disturb him .

He was thinking about it here. A group of people suddenly poured into the hall. When he saw the people, Yang Huajian stood up and greeted him quickly. "Aid the DPRK, brother, why are you here?"

"Oh, eating next to me, and came over when I heard someone playing the piano. Who am I to be, it turned out to be Chunming." Lu Yuanchao didn't pay much attention to him, and came to Shenlong as he responded, "Okay You are Chunming, but the ground is deep enough, and there is still such a hand, you will have to play a few songs for us next time. "

"Who is this?" Cheng Jianjun instinctively feels bad. These temperaments are not ordinary people at a glance. Yang Huajian is a cadre's child. They go to say hello to others and ignore them. One can imagine that their origin is definitely better than Yang Huajian. Han Chunming actually became friends with them?

In that case, as long as they are willing to help, is it not a matter of minutes for Han Chunming to find a good job?

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