All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 1932: Get rich

"Chun Ming! Chun Ming!" Su Meng hurried over as soon as he saw him, but there were too many people around the tricycle. She couldn't squeeze in. She could only shout outside.

Shen Long had intended to pretend to be inaudible, but Su Meng had been yelling and was not the way, so she could only go out and greet her, "Yo, Su Meng, you too? Want to buy something, or give you a speaker Pants? I have the exact same one that Kurihara wore. You wear it to make sure it looks good. I will give you a discount. "

Well, it's impossible to give you away. If you don't care about the money, the key is to be afraid of misunderstandings. We are the simple neighbors who live in a large yard. It is already very good to give you a discount.

"I just ... I don't wear it." Su Meng hesitated, and she naturally loves beauty, but it is really embarrassing to think of the flared trousers in society today, "I call you not for this, you are now How did you do this? "She now looked at Shen Long's expression as if she was angry and hated his depravity.

This is actually not to blame Su Meng. At this time, the policy has not been completely liberalized. Most of the people who come out to set up business are those who have more courage. Among these people, there are more gangsters and rogues, so It gives people a very bad impression, as if they are not all good people.

To say that the quality of the first downlord is indeed not very high, many people earn money but can't hold it, either they have spent all their money, or they will be cut into leeks in various speculations in the future, only Metersbonwe Only a small number of people, such as the CEO, can use the money to grow their business and achieve a business myth.

"Yes, that is, Chunming, really want to talk about it, but you are speculation!" Cheng Jianjun is now in a university with Su Meng, chasing her **** almost every day, seeing Su Meng dissatisfied with Shen Long, he immediately became happy , Hurry up and help, "Hey, even if you don't look at the work I introduced to you before, you can't do this!"

Shen Long just didn't want to talk to Su Meng. When he saw Cheng Jianjun coming to seize the opportunity, he immediately said aloud, "Jianjun, you're not right? How can I call speculation, I am for the majority of college student friends The cultural and entertainment undertakings are more than anything, do you say that? "

"Yes!" Naturally, people who are buying around the tricycles will not be the ones who follow the rules. When they hear this, they immediately coax, and some people exaggerate Shen Long. "You have helped me a lot this time. I have wanted it for a long time. Such a pair of glasses! "He is now wearing a frog mirror, and the label on the front and back has not been picked yet.

This is also a popular behavior now. The label can still prove that your toad mirror is really a foreign product. Although it is a product that is exported to domestic sales, it can be printed in a foreign language, right? If you pick someone else, you will think it is a domestic imitation, and you will be forced to go down immediately; wearing a suit without cutting the label on the sleeve is also a meaning, and it is specifically for people to see.

Shen Long smiled, "You are all arrogant, we can't get into college with a stupid brain, and we can't find any suitable job, but we can't hold back the country, so we just want to feed ourselves, don't give The country is in trouble and solves the employment problem on its own initiative. What do you think is inappropriate for me to do this? "

Shen Long was very pleased with these college students. In addition, he brought these students the long-awaited flared pants and frog mirrors. They naturally wanted to support Shen Long. "Yes, there is nothing wrong with this. It is indeed a good thing to do so. "It made Cheng Jianjun hold his stomach depressed, and he didn't even know what to say.

"Yo, Jianjun, aren't you going to report me? I'm fine if I'm caught in, but who should I meet to meet the cultural and entertainment needs of my classmates?" Shen Long deliberately made this point clear.

"I said Jianjun, can't you do this? I'm counting on buying another T-shirt next time!" Said a classmate who knew Cheng Jianjun immediately, carrying a pair of flared pants in his hand and a pair on his nose Toad mirror, it is estimated that the money has been spent. These two can get more than 100 pieces. The remaining T-shirts will only be sold after a period of time. If Cheng Jianjun gets people in, he can save enough money. It ’s not the same as it can be bought. After all, now he only knows that Shen Long sells it here.

In fact, he does n’t have to worry about it. Soon the young people who are reselling bell-bottoms and frog mirrors will increase, and the price will continue to drop. Maybe he can buy it for two or thirty dollars. It's time for the T-shirt.

"Look at what you said, am I this kind of person?" In fact, Cheng Jianjun really intends to do this, but since Shen Long has already made this point clear, if he reports it again, these students will definitely know, this is to himself His reputation is not good; the most important thing is that he just wanted to understand that since Su Meng does n’t like Han Chunming ’s stall, then let him continue to set up. Why should I help him restore his image in Su Meng ’s mind?

"I'll just say, we live in a compound. You certainly won't harm me." Shen Long said with a smile, and then entered the crowd with a wave of his hand. "I'm still busy here, so I won't talk to the two of you." , Wait until you get home. "

He just picked up a pair of women ’s flared pants and held them high in his hands, “Look at it, do n’t miss it, female students. The same flared pants in Kurihara Kouri in“ Wang Xiang ” It looks absolutely good on my body ~ ~ But there are not a few left. I want to buy it and come over early! "

Um, male students are more active, but female students are still a little reserved, so they have to specifically sell women's pants, so he shouted that some female students came over; Su Meng saw him refuse to listen to his words, and turned directly Back at school, Cheng Jianjun hurriedly followed, and Shen Long completely ignored it and continued to solicit customers there.

Seven hundred flared trousers, seven hundred sharp-neck T-shirts, and a lot of frog mirrors, so many goods, pushing a tricycle around the entrance of various universities, it was almost sold.

"Xiaoli, you will sell the rest first, and Taozi and I will go to Huadu again." Shen Long planned to buy the goods again, but he had to calculate the account before leaving.

"We spent a total of 156,000 on purchases, travel expenses, accommodation, food and drinks. The total amount of money recovered now is 143,000, and there are a few stocks, but it does n’t matter. Let ’s split the money first. The profit is twelve thousand four hundred and forty-four, each of you is 10%, and each of them is divided into twelve thousand and seven hundred and forty-four! "

"Twelve thousand and seventeen?" Li Chengtao and Cai Xiaoli were stupid.

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