All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 1933: Go on vacation

Most of the purchase money was saved by Shen Long before taking pictures. At the beginning, 25 yuan was collected by one person. Since Liu Sola ’s photos spread, there were more and more people who came to take pictures, and the price naturally went up. .

However, taking photos of Lu Yuanchao and Huang Beibei became free. Everyone is already a friend. It ’s hurt to talk about money anyway. Anyway, if they just solve a little trouble for themselves, the value of this fee is exceeded.

Li Chengtao and Cai Xiaoli went to work at Yili Food Factory, and they had to pay home at low wages. Without saving much money, Shen Long asked them to use human resources to make up 10% of their shares, and they accounted for 80% of themselves. This time, he earned 100,000 yuan. He didn't feel anything when he was used to money. Cai Xiaoli and Li Chengtao were terrified.

"Chun Ming, we both made a little effort. Isn't it appropriate to take so much money?" Li Chengtao looked at the thick stack of banknotes and couldn't help but strike a shock. He was a little scared. In the past few years, speculation has brought so much money, I am afraid it is definitely enough to shoot.

"Everything I said before, it is yours that belongs to you, hold it with confidence! Looking back, I will find a way to get some industrial coupons. You can buy a motorcycle and ride out to pull the wind!" Don't think about it, wait a few years before talking about it.

"Chun Ming, Tao Zi was right. This business is yours from beginning to end. Our two jobs can be done by anyone else. It ’s really inappropriate for us to take so much. Blocks are enough! "Cai Xiaoli also echoed. In fact, even thousands of blocks are almost equal to her two-year salary, which is already very scary.

"The two of you are also at risk. The money should be yours. If you don't take it, then I won't take you anymore!" Shen Long was comforting and threatening, and finally persuaded the two of them. Under the money, both of them were shaking when they took the money, which was too much stimulation.

This is more than 10,000 yuan, which can afford the average worker ’s twenty-year salary, but Shen Long takes more, packs a large package, and can withstand the total income of others for more than one hundred and two hundred years. Of course, this is under the condition of unchanged salary and income; but even if it is put into later generations, tens of thousands is not a small amount. He is equivalent to earning a white-collar worker ’s annual salary in a week, or a starting boutique author ’s year. Manuscript fee income.

"I said, if you two go back, you can do a pay-off and stay, it will be a good deal to do business with me in the future!" I was embarrassed to mention this before, now that the money is in hand, it is natural to say.

"No ... no problem! I ... I will go to the director tomorrow!" Li Chengtao agreed without hesitation, earning twenty years' salary in a week, then I still work in a fart class.

"Yes, I listen to you!" Cai Xiaoli did not hesitate at all. She was not concerned about the money, but she could fight with Han Chunming.

"Let's take the money back and put it away, don't give it all to the house. Be careful to frighten them and give them a few hundred pieces. Then let's go to Lao Mo and rub it together!" Li Chengtao would give all the money Family, the first reaction of his family is definitely not happy, but afraid, and will surely wonder if he is going to grab the bank.

Shen Long didn't dare to give more than 100,000 yuan directly to his mother. The old lady also had to be frightened. He planned to give a thousand yuan, and then bought some gifts for Han Chunsong and Han Chunyan to send them over.

"Yo, Chunming is now in a good mood!" Han Chunyan and Han Chunxue were very happy to see that their younger brothers could make money. "When will another daughter-in-law be successful."

"You still have to have a regular unit. You can make money now, but not necessarily in the future. What should you do when you get old?" Big brother Han Chunsong is still old.

I am afraid that this will only make more and more money in the future, but Shen Long does not compete with them. What are the practical lessons of empty words? He handed two watches to Han Chunsheng, "Brother, one is for you and the other is for our sister-in-law." Han Chunsheng also has objects, and he is about to get married.

Sure enough, as soon as he talked about this, the big guy's attention was immediately diverted. He talked about the marriage arrangement, and Han Chunsheng smirked with his head down.

"I'll go out again in two days. What does sister-in-law want you to say to me, brother and sister, do you have anything I want to bring?" Relatives naturally don't want anything, just wish Shen Long can come back safely, listen He was a little touched.

After a few days of rest, Li Chengtao and Cai Xiaoli had completed the procedures for staying without pay. They could go with Shen Long wholeheartedly, leaving Cai Xiaoli to continue selling the end products, and Shen Long took Li Chengtao to spend it again.

Before this trip, I sent a telegram to Ma Huateng. When he got off the train, he was waiting at the train station. He warmly picked up Shen Long and Li Chengtao, went to the restaurant for a meal, and delivered the goods that night. Shen Long didn't need much, just a thousand pieces each.

The main reason is that it is not suitable for big business now. Otherwise, Shen Long will do the wholesale directly. Although the single profit is definitely not so high, the total profit will go up; but it is a bit too dazzling, although even Lu Yuanchao will definitely be able to get him out of the accident, but there is no need to take this risk.

The next day, Shen Long and Li Chengtao returned to Beijing and continued to ride the tricycles full of capital. After selling it a few times, this trend has gradually spread from the university to the outside, and many young people in the society have come to buy his goods.

But other people are not blind ~ ~ Soon many people saw this business opportunity, they quickly figured out the way these clothes came, and they all gathered to go to Huadu to buy goods, which sell goods As soon as there are more people, the price will naturally go down. When Shen Long and Li Chengtao return shipment again, the unit price will fall by half.

Even at this time, there are still more than four times the profit. If this line is put into later generations, which line has such a high profit, the industry insiders have to laugh and wake up, but now, Shen Long has no sense of meaning, "Forget it, There's nothing wrong with this business. Let's not sell all the rest? "

"Why don't we do this?" Cai Xiaoli asked.

"You will know by then." Shen Long bought a pass and after finishing the rest of the clothes, he suggested that the big guy go out to play for a few days. "It's time to rest after being tired for a long time. Let's go to Beidaihe, I asked Lu Yuanchao to arrange for us. "

"It's just right to go to Beidaihe this day." Li Chengtao and Cai Xiaoli both agreed.

Shen Long asked someone to borrow a car. On the day of departure, Li Chengtao saw a big guy in the car, "Chun Ming, what is this stuff?"

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