All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 1934: Take the path of others

"Temporary secrecy, you will know it later." Shen Long did not reveal the answer. Li Chengtao played around behind him, only to feel like a machine, but he didn't understand what he was doing for a long time, and the foreign language above did not know. what.

After arriving in Beidaihe, Cai Xiaoli started to fan when she got out of the car. "It is said that Beidaihe is a good place to escape the summer heat, but how do I think it is still hot! Yo, this person is quite a lot, and the beach is full."

"Then ... then you have to compare it with that, I think it's much cooler than the capital; hey, Chunming, the girl here is really pretty." The **** the beach is naturally cooler, although it will definitely not appear in later generations. Bikini girl, but also enough to surprise Li Chengtao, eyes are almost straight.

Then Cai Xiaoli glared, he quickly withdrew his eyes, Shen Long laughed, took them to the place where he lived, and played for two days at the beach, ready to do the right thing, Shen Long took the machine out, I found a table, put it in the most crowded place, pulled the power from nearby, and was ready to start work.

Cai Xiaoli and Li Chengtao stared at them on one side. The thing looked like an upside down bucket made of transparent plastic. Below was a boxy stand with buttons and a faucet, which looked a bit like It is a drinking fountain in the future, and the connection between the base and the bucket is some metal parts.

Shen Long finished adding the ingredients, added water, and pressed the button to run the machine buzzing. Cai Xiaoli and Li Chengtao suddenly felt cool for a while, and they felt particularly comfortable on this hot seaside. It felt almost the same. Shen Long took After the cup was placed under the faucet, cold cold drinks flowed out of the faucet.

"Xiao Li, how about the taste?" Shen Long handed the cold drink over, "Look at the good drink I made, or the Arctic soda in Beijing!" Well, this cold drink is also orange flavor, not allowed Not to mention, there is no orange that is more suitable for cold drinks. The grapes are too sweet, the apples are sour, and the plum soup is not too much sugar.

"I try." Cai Xiaoli took a sip, and the cold and soda soft water drove away the sultry summer seashore, and the whole person became energetic, drank a whole cup without paying attention, and burped. "Delicious!"

"Chun Ming, give me a cup!" Li Chengtao also wanted to try it, and soon betrayed his faith. "It's more enjoyable than ... than the Arctic Ocean!"

In fact, it may not be the case. The key is that the place is different. Today Beidaihe has no one to sell cold drinks. Both of them have been hot for two days, and they can only rely on the cold water they bring to quench their thirst. That is so cold.

"How are you? Do you think this business can be done?" Shen Long wasn't just planning to come over and play. The business of buying bell-bottoms went down, so I had to find a more profitable business to do it. In the hot season, he immediately remembered the history of another local tyrant, and after a little inquiries, he found that this routine was useless, so he quickly moved over.

Once the richest man in Beijing, Li Xiaohua, his life experience is a bit like the protagonist of the nets. Li Xiaohua was born in a working family in Beijing in the early 1950s. He didn't graduate from junior high school and jumped into the Beidahuang.

There he escaped many times, and later he also met his first love, but she went back to Beijing and married a high-ranking child. The words that the mother of the girl said at the time made him remember, "You ca n’t Bringing happiness to her, you can't change her life, you want nothing, just a farmer. "

Facts have proved that the divorce stream is based on reality. Since the breakup, Li Xiaohua has embarked on a counterattack. At a Canton Fair, he saw a cold drink machine made in the United States. He realized that this machine would lay eggs. So he bought all of it and took the cold drink machine to the Beidaihe waterfront to sell cold drinks.

At that time, Beidaihe had a lot of people who came to escape the summer heat, but they did not sell cold drinks. After all, the cold drink machine is still a high-tech gadget for China, so he started his own business and completed the original accumulation in a summer. Since then, all businesses have made money, and soon became the richest man in Beijing.

Well, he is definitely richer than Xu Fei ... In the future, he will become the first Ferrari owner in Beijing, and he will be granted the license of "Beijing A00001". Many foreign leaders will be interested in visiting Beijing. See Li Xiaohua and sign his name on this Ferrari 348.

So many years later, many people wanted to buy this Ferrari at a high price. Whether it is the car or the license plate number, they are very attractive to them. Some people even drove a high price of 200 million yuan. However, Li Xiaohua has not shot, and finally said After the deadline expires, it is sent to scrap ...

When Shen Long was meeting with Lu Yuanzhao before, they happened to come back from Beidaihe. He immediately remembered this matter. After learning that there was no one selling cold drinks there, he immediately went to Huadu to find a way. Get a cold drink machine back, ready to copy Li Xiaohua's family history.

"Look and take a look, the cold and delicious cold drink is coming, and you are guaranteed to take a sip of coldness, and the summer heat is swept away." Shen Long shouted directly, and also copied the advertising words of later generations.

"How much? Give me a cup." Someone came over now.

"A cup of two cents." Shen Long took a cold drink after taking it.

"Wait a minute? Two cents are so expensive? The Arctic Ocean only costs fifty cents a bottle! After returning the bottle, you can get one cents back ~ ~ Are you a little too expensive?" The price scared the guests A jump.

"Look at what you said, this must also be sold by the Arctic Ocean! You see, this is a cold drink machine imported from the United States. It is cheaper and I lose money!" Shen Long pointed to the English letters on the machine nameplate.

"Really imported from the United States? Then I would like to taste the taste of the cold drinks in the United States." Shen Long said that this person was stunned for a while, and immediately couldn't help but pay.

After drinking it, smash it into your mouth, "It tastes good, give me another cup!" On a hot day, drink a cold drink, but it is very cool, this cup is not enough, and here comes the second cup.

Someone took the lead, and the next thing was much easier to handle. Customers kept asking for prices. Although a dime is expensive, it does n’t have much money. Those who can come to Beidaihe to avoid heat are definitely not poor. After a while, Shen Long lined up in front of him.

They immediately began to divide the labor. Shen Long was responsible for receiving drinks, Cai Xiaoli collected money to find money, Li Chengtao was responsible for recycling the cups for high temperature sterilization and then continued to use, and the money in the cash box increased at a rate that was visible to the naked eye.

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