All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 1938: Hair water

After buying enough cold drinks to save the first pot of gold, Li Xiaohua ran to the video recording room. This business Shen Long did not intend to dip. He did not have a brother-in-law like Chen Xiaoer, but he could do the next routine. One thing, that is to go to Japan to sell hair tonic, this trick Shen Long used in the world of "Blood Romance", but it is very familiar.

In the future, former Japanese Prime Minister Takeshita visited China, and one of the comrades who received him recommended treatment with traditional Chinese medicine because he saw partial hair loss in Takeshita. As a national gift, he sent 10 bottles of "Zhangguang 101"; The excellent reputation of the product has made "Zhangguang 101" famous in Japan and formed a panic buying spree.

After the war, the Japanese economy recovered. In order to make money, the Showa boys had to work overtime for everything. This also led to serious hair loss in the Showa boys. Using the example of Saitama, "I am rich, and I am bald." Now. "

However, it was a pity to lose the hair after all, so as soon as I heard that there was a magic medicine for baldness, the Showa boys were able to control it. It is said that at that time in Japan, many people were reselling "Zhangguang 101" at a price. It was dozens of times, and some even sold for 40,000 yen, but even so, it was still in short supply.

At that time, there was even a "hair regeneration tourism group" from Japan, just to buy a bottle of "Zhangguang 101" in China. Therefore, there was also a saying on the streets of Beijing at that time, "Climb the Great Wall, eat roast duck, cure baldness."

At that time, Li Xiaohua was studying in Japan and was keenly aware of this business opportunity. Then he found Zhao Zhangguang, the inventor of "Zhangguang 101", and gave them a bus and a car for free in his own name. He tried his best to obtain "Zhangguang" The 101's agency in Japan used Kurihara's help to gain a foothold and earn a lot of money.

Now when Shen Long saw Liyuan Xiaojuan, he planned to cut off the Hu and immediately took Li Chengtao to Wenzhou. At this time, Zhao Zhangguang had not yet established a hair loss specialist hospital or a hair regeneration essence production plant. He was just a little-known doctor However, as soon as Shen Long came up, he directly smashed people with money and promised to help him contact the pharmaceutical factory in Beijing to produce this medicine.

Zhao Zhangguang immediately moved, and immediately followed Shen Long to the capital. Shen Long went to find a pharmaceutical factory, solved the problem of production, and then found Kurihara Komaki again. At this time, "Star of Wangxiang" has officially started shooting. Shen Long made a few laps in the crew and found several crew members with hair loss troubles, and presented "Zhangguang 101" as a gift.

Well, Takeshita Takesh has not yet become prime minister, but the current prime minister Suzuki is also fortunate, but unfortunately Shen Long ca n’t call the Japanese prime minister to China, so he can only start with these people; these crews Although the reputation of the members cannot be compared with that of the Prime Minister, it is fortunate that they are people in the media circle, and it is much more convenient to get them to advertise in the future.

"Han Sang, are you sure this thing is useful?" Baldness is a pain in the hearts of countless boys. As soon as I heard that there is a medicine that can cure this problem, someone immediately moved and used it according to Shen Long's introduction.

This thing is really useful. It did n’t take long for these people ’s hair loss conditions to improve, and even the places that had become the Mediterranean have also produced tender seedlings, which can make them happy, "Han Sang, it ’s really too Thank you! Is this medicine still available? I want to buy it for a friend! "

"Han Sang, also sell me a bottle!" A middle-aged man with thick hair said excitedly.

"Ohashi Mulberry, you have such thick hair, don't you seem to need it? Is it sent to a friend? I guess, is Seta in your department or your neighbor Saitama?" The others were a little surprised.

"To this day, I won't hide everyone!" Ying Daqiao was ruthless and directly grabbed his hair and pulled it up sharply, only to hear the tear, and his thick hair was already completely bridged by Ying Daqiao It was ripped off. It turned out that he wore a wig, which is also a popular product in Japan nowadays. Many people rely on this to hide their embarrassment.

"Daqiao Sang, I didn't expect you to be more serious than me!" Many people felt depressed, because there was no hair loss at this time or even became a hidden indicator of employee promotion. Hair loss proves that your physical fitness is not good and may not be able to adapt to high Intensive work, while working overtime every day has a strong hair. There is no doubt that they are energetic and strong qualified cannon fodder. Such people will naturally occupy a large advantage when they are promoted.

Daqiao Yingshi was able to get promoted to some extent, thanks to this black shiny hair. Who knew that these hairs turned out to be fake, which made the employees who lost to Daqiao Yingshi in the competition feel so bad? You are cheating!

"Oh, it's actually the most advanced wig, no wonder we didn't recognize it, Ohashi, you are ... really enough to pay for it!" Some people have studied the wig carefully, and they don't know that this cost only says Buying a wig still includes everything he paid for promotion.

"Smi Marseille, my hair loss is really too serious, and I have to make a last resort." Inashi Ohashi put his bright head in front of Shen Long, "Han Sang, get rid of it, look at my hair. Can it be saved? "

It's uncomfortable to wear a wig on your head. This stuff is not breathable. High-end goods are no exception. Winter is better. Summer is really uncomfortable.

Shen Long really wanted to reach out and touch his bald head, which feels better than Sakuragi Flower Road, but still hold back, "I'm really sorry, I only bought medicine instead of elixir, your hair It ’s all gone. I ’m afraid my medicine wo n’t do much! ”You ’re completely saved, let ’s forget.

In spite of this, Daqiao Yingshi still bought a bottle around Shen Long and wiped his bare head again, and then a miracle happened, and there was really a little hair growing on Daqiao Yingshi ’s bare head, although it was only big Yi Tuo, still made the bridge british cry.

The rest of the crew were stunned to see this scene, is this medicine too amazing? Now even the employees with beautiful hair come here to buy it. Although I still have hair now, I can't guarantee that I won't become bald in the future. Isn't it harmful to start wiping now? Besides, even if I ca n’t use it, I can take it as a gift. If I can let my boss grow his hair, my future is definitely bright!

After the products were sent back to Japan, they soon received letters from relatives and friends asking them to buy more.

Shen Long felt that the time was ripe and immediately went to Japan.

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