All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 1939: Neon benefactor Han Chunming

At this time, it was very difficult to go out, so Shen Long went out alone, without Li Chengtao. He and Cai Xiaoli were responsible for helping Shen Long to deliver goods in China, and took a gray machine to Tokyo. As soon as he came out, he saw someone holding his name. Brand, and then walked past.

“Han Sang, I ’m Ms. Kurihara ’s colleague Shingo Yoshizaki. I ’ll take care of your life in Tokyo. The car and residence have already been arranged for you. Please follow me.” The person introduced me. Then he took Shen Long out of the airport, and then boarded the car into downtown Tokyo. He kept telling Shen Long about Tokyo.

Yoshizaki Shingo was surprised that Shen Long was so calm. Because of his proficiency in Chinese, Yoshizaki Shingo had also received several guests from China. They did not see this expression in the prosperity of Tokyo.

"Yoshizaki-san, when will I be able to visit Kanto United TV Station?" Kurihara has a deep connection in Japan, and Li Xiaohua also got his help to grow his business. After Shen Long and her became friends, she naturally helped Shen. Long introduced some channels, the first is the acquaintance of the TV station.

"You can do it at any time, but wouldn't you like to play in Tokyo for a few days first?" These are Shingo Yoshizaki who helped Kurihara Komaki. Kurihara Komaki is still making movies in China, but there is no way to control it himself.

"No, the business matters." Hi, Tokyo is not hot at this time, what's so interesting about it? Still hurry up and make money.

When I got there, I put down my luggage, took a short break, and went out for a meal with Shingo Yoshizaki. On the next day, Shen Long took the "Zhangguang 101" shampoo to Kanto United TV Station and met a friend introduced by Kurihara Komaki. Murata, the head of the advertising department.

"Han Sang, welcome to the Kanto United TV Station. Your 'Zhangguang 101' hair lotion has solved my big trouble!" Murakami touched his head and saw that his Mediterranean had already produced some rare lesbians. Hair stubble, it seems that he has used it, and the effect is not bad.

After greetings, Shen Long explained his intention, "I came to Neon this time just to solve the trouble for a friend like you who suffers from hair loss. However, the efficiency is too low just by word of mouth. You must first advertise. I heard that Kanto United TV Station is one of the most powerful neon TV stations. I believe that if you broadcast ads on your station, it will be very effective? "

"Han Sangmu praised it." Hearing Shen Long praised his TV station, Murakami was very happy. Actually, the strength of Kanto United TV Station was not very good, but then again, if the strength is strong, the advertising fee is high, and Shen Long But there is not much money to advertise.

Murakami also expressed his worries in a polite way, "Han Sang is a friend of Miss Li Yuan. It stands to reason that we should help, but TV stations also have their own rules. After all, our main income comes from advertising."

"Oh, I know, I understand, the advertising fee is calculated according to your standards, and the advertising production is also entrusted to you." Shen Long smiled and showed the cheque. Now that foreign exchange is difficult to do, he still found it. A Japanese company's domestic organization only got it, and it was also introduced by Kurihara Komaki.

When I saw the money, everything was all right. The village Xitou immediately drafted a contract. Shen Long signed his name. The village Xitou was sealed with a seal. Well, in neon, the legal effect of the seal is stronger than the signature.

"So, what kind of advertisement does Han Sang intend to shoot? In my experience, the advertisement for pharmaceuticals is actually very simple. Direct patients can compare the photos before and after using the" Zhangguang 101 "hair lotion." Then both sides Starting to discuss the advertising plan, the village Xitou put forward his own views.

"Cun Xisang's method is not bad, but it's not exciting enough!" Shen Long has already thought about the advertising plan on the plane. "I heard that Guitai's" Kamen Rider "is very popular in neon, I don't know if it can Can't use this to advertise? "

"Kamen Rider" series and "Super Team" series, "Ultraman" series and become one of the three neon special shots, the protagonist is the Kamen Rider that can be transformed, but no matter how transformed, Kamen Rider's The head is always smooth and has at most two tentacles. This shape is very suitable for advertising of shampoo.

In fact, Shen Long also thought about advertising with other popular characters, but Astro Boy has hair. If he takes a break, he may offend the neon monk. Xiaoding is sure to have a high price, so he thought of Kamen Rider; he took out his own The sketch sketched to explain the creativity of Murai West, it is actually very simple, is to drop a few drops of shampoo on the head of Kamen Rider, and then quickly grow green hair, just to illustrate the effect of shampoo.

After thinking about it, Murakami agreed to the plan, and immediately began shooting the advertisement. Shen Long used this time to send Li Chengtao the first shipment. When the shipment arrived at the neon, the advertisement was also taken. , Officially broadcast on Kanto United TV Station.

"Kamen Rider" is very hot right now. After reading the advertisement, many children will touch their father's bare head and ask his father to buy a bottle of "Zhangguang 101" to try it. However, they went to the advertisement but did not find it there. Buy goods.

This is also Shen Long's appetite. Until it feels almost the same, he put his address on the advertisement ~ ~ So someone immediately came to the door and wanted to sell "Zhangguang 101" in his own store, although At the moment, there are only small shops, and Shen Long is not in a hurry.

After the first batch of customers used up, the effect immediately showed. Many hair loss Showa boys had grown their hair. "Zhangguang 101" soon became a hot-selling product in Tokyo, and many large stores began to look for Shen Long to buy. After that, it didn't take long for the first batch of goods to be sold out. Shen Long hurriedly made Li Chengtao deliver the second batch of goods.

With the increase in sales, more and more neon people cured hair loss, and even news media began to report Shen Long and "Zhangguang 101" hair water. For a time, this hair water became a popular product in Tokyo, and Starting to spread to other big cities such as Osaka, Yokohama, Nagoya, Shen Long had to urge domestic pharmaceutical factories to speed up production.

This time Shenlong had money to put more advertisements, began to build billboards, put advertisements in newspapers and magazines, with the increase in advertising intensity, more neon people used "Zhangguang 101" to grow again With the loss of hair, there are more and more news media covering Shen Long.

Some media even gave him the nickname "Neon benefactor Han Chunming" to thank him for his contribution to saving the hair loss of the neon.

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