All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 1946: Lord

At present, there is a very profitable way, and the profit rate is absolutely high. Some people have made a fortune based on this. It was very popular in China for a while. It can be easily done with Shenlong ’s current network, that is, go to neon. Collect old clothes and come back to sell them, and bring back old shirts and old suits that neon people don't want, and you will make big money immediately.

In neon, these things are rubbish, just buy them by weight. You do n’t even need to wash them after they are shipped back to the country. They put the clothes out directly, and some people are willing to buy them; you know that shirts and suits are all high-end goods at this time. The status in the minds of ordinary people is almost equivalent to that of future generations who saw Hermes or something.

Yu Hua's "Brothers" has a related description. The protagonist Li Guangtou makes foreign garbage from neon, and puts back the old neon suits for sale. These foreign garbage suits have become the most sought-after goods.

These foreign **** made everyone in the town imagination, after Liu writer and poet Zhao put on the suits of "Three Islands" and "Kawabata", they felt that Liu Zhen's Mishima Yukio and Kawabata Yasunari wore "Panasonic "Yu extracted teeth in a suit and Wang Bingbang in a" Sanyo "suit made fun of Song Gang's infamous" Futian "suit and Zhang Tailor's" Hatoyama "suit; Xiaoguan Scissors refused to wear scissors after wearing a garbage suit. In order to put on the suits of celebrities and families, I also embroidered “Sony” and “Hitachi” on the chest of the suit, which were not the last name; ; The magistrate wearing the "Nakasone" suit felt more and more like the Neon Prime Minister Nakasone Kanghong; later, the neon prime minister changed to Takeshita, and Tao Qing, who was wearing the "bamboo" suit and was promoted to prefecture, began The imagination is full of emotions.

However, doing this business is too bad. Many of these clothes were pulled from the dead. Many of them were bloody. There may even be other unclean things. Shen Long is definitely not willing to do it. of.

As for other things, such as the buyer ’s factory engaged in industry and some inventions and creations to hang foreigners or something, Shen Long does have this ability, but the current policy has not been completely liberalized. It is not appropriate to do this. Perhaps it can be done in the SAR Once it's done, it's not very convenient in this place in Beijing, let's talk about it after a few years.

"Yo, how did you come here? You haven't been here for a long time, did you find anything new? Why didn't you bring me?" After thinking about it for a while, I saw Lu Yuanchao carrying Lin They came in, Shen Sheng raised his body and greeted him, and the development of the matter was as he expected. These people had less come after the freshness, but there were still some activities that would call him, but they did not affect each other's relationship.

"Now I am busy working all day long, and there is still time to come and play! If Lin Jun is not here today, I don't have this time." Lu Yuanchao, they are now small leaders, and naturally cannot be as leisurely as before.

"Take a drink first or drink directly? Do you want me to play with you a few?" Shen Long asked. The lobby manager in the store had walked up nicely and was ready to make arrangements at any time.

"Play a few first, Junzi has been staying in the old area, and he hasn't drove the edible meat yet. You just forget it. If you come, we will play a fart!" Lu Yuanchao slipped a bowling ball and began to teach Lin Jun How to play.

Several of them entered different work units, and their development direction was different. Lu Yuanchao was in the foreign affairs department, and Lin Jun went to the place. When he last met, he was the deputy county magistrate of a certain province. Now it is estimated that he has been promoted. .

"Junzi, I heard that you are the county magistrate now? Hurry and say, what fun is there for you? I went to wander around that day?" After playing the ball, the big guy came to the box to drink and chat together.

"There's a fart play, my place is terribly poor, let alone say, I still have to take a tractor to go to the countryside for inspection work. Do you dare to believe? The county has a public car, or it runs for 20 kilometers. The kind of dishes! I went to Beijing this time just to see if I can get some financial support, some policies or something, or I do n’t know when I can turn it over. ”Lin Jun vomited.

"There is also a tractor, you can be content. I met a county governor in the northwest last time. He usually goes to the countryside for inspection. At least you have a tractor to sit in." Little spit.

"Is there such a shortage of cars now?" Shen Long Lingji seemed to see the way to the next business, so he quickly inquired about it, he knew a lot of things in the information, but it is better to listen to the views of the parties first. .

"Lack, how could it not be lacking!" Lin Jun sighed and analyzed to Shen Long. He really wanted a car for enjoyment. If he wanted to enjoy it, he would not go to that kind of poor place.

With the restoration of order in various places, the demand for transportation has also grown, as Lin Jun said just now, do you want to do something practical for the local people, at least first understand the situation? If you want to understand the situation, you have to go to the grassroots level. If there is no suitable means of transportation at the grassroots level, you really have to rely on tractors and horses. This efficiency is too bad.

In addition, the economy is also developing rapidly, and the demand for automobiles by various enterprises is also rising. Both transportation vehicles and transportation vehicles are in short supply; domestic automobile production capacity can no longer meet the demand, and imports will cost a lot Foreign exchange, for the country, every cent of foreign exchange is very scarce. It is necessary to give priority to importing various industrial equipment ~ ~ There is not so much money to import cars.

"In that case, if I could get a car from abroad without spending foreign exchange, would I be able to make money?" Shen Long asked, touching his chin.

"That's for sure, let's just say, as long as you can get it, how to get it back to China, and how to sell it, you can do it for me." Someone said immediately that the country has not opened private foreign trade Import and export rights, but the policy is not dead, as long as it can help the country solve problems, many people will support.

"Chunming, do you want to get a car from neon? Neon's car is a little expensive, we are afraid it can't be used." Lu Yuanchao thought of his relationship with neon.

"No, Lao Maozi's car is solid and cheap, so it's more suitable for us now." More importantly, Lao Maozi lacks light industrial products. It is enough to get some light industrial products out for bartering.

"Are you planning to go to the Northeast?" Lu Yuanchao seemed to understand.

"I'm not going to the Northeast, I plan to go to the Northwest!" Too many people have done the routine of doing business with the Northeast and Lao Maozi. I want to play a fresh one.

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