All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 1947: Cans for cars

As Lin Jun just said, with the recovery of a large number of government functions, transportation vehicles at all levels of leadership; and a large number of collective enterprises, street factories, and township enterprises began to become active, they all need to use cars, while domestic Automobile production capacity is far from being able to meet the demand. It can be said that the lack of cars in China during this period is insane.

As long as you can solve this problem without using foreign exchange, many people will support it, give it the due cooperation, and earn high profits. The country is currently short of money, but the most lacking is foreign exchange. There is still a squeeze.

Unlike many people think, the first foreign car to enter China in the 1980s was not a neon or Southeast Asian generation car, but mainly a car of the old Maozi series, Volga, Poronitz, Moscow, Lada , Skoda, Dacia, these ordinary people may have heard of Volga at most. Others certainly don't know, but in a short period of time in the future, these are popular goods.

Lao Maozi has a city called Togliatti, this is their car city, located on the banks of the Volga River, has an excellent land and water transportation system, the construction of the Volga Hydropower Station has driven the rapid development of industry, where large-scale chemical and machine manufacturing have been built Comprehensive; formed an industrial system dominated by automobiles, chemicals, machinery, including building materials, light industry, food and other sectors, has become an important industrial city in Lao Maozi and one of the largest industrial centers in the Volga River region.

The famous Volga car factory is located here. The Volga cars they produced have been popular in the country for many years. In "Ordinary World", Shen Long ’s old Zhang Tianfujun took this kind of car.

Polonitz is a car produced in Poland using old Maozi technology. The barter trade has achieved the rapid expansion of Polish cars in China, but these Polish-made cars are slowly being overwhelmed by rough craftsmanship and outdated technology. At that time, a large number of domestic cars imported into the "sea".

Because Poronitz is not suitable for official vehicles, many cities in the north use it as a taxi. After experiencing a short period of glory at home, Poronitz was quickly replaced by Toyota, Honda and Nissan.

Moscows are old car factories established in the past 30 years. Now they are in their heyday, occupying the leading position in the country.

Lada is a brand of Volga Automobile Plant, which uses the technology of Italian Fiat and once served as a taxi in Beijing. However, due to various problems, it was eventually replaced by Xiali; because Lao Maozi likes to drive this thing, so in The first of the four major Russian blame summed up by the Chinese in Russia is "Lada drives faster than the Rockets."

Because these models are "fuel-efficient, not strong, and will be broken after a long time", they are ridiculously referred to as the four major broken in Eastern Europe; of course, there are more than one of the four major broken statements, and there is a version Replacing Volga with Skoda, this is not the current Skoda, but the old Skoda of the Czechoslovak era.

Now Skoda is already a brand of the Volkswagen Group. After the disintegration of the old Maozi, the Volkswagen Group took the car factory and used its advanced technology to rejuvenate it.

There is also a Dacia car from Romania, but this is only a short-lived one. In some cities in the northeast, there is a saying "Do n’t buy Dacia", which shows that its quality is really not complimentable. .

Of course, there are also imported cars from outside Eastern Europe, such as Bai Ru, the name of which has never been heard by anyone. This is actually a product of Tarbert, the second largest car factory in France. As for why it is translated into Bai Ru Knowing that birds may have something to do with the white body? At the time, only cadres above the district head were eligible to ride.

Bai Ru will not say that there are a lot of problems with Lao Maozi's car, but there is one advantage, that is, it is cheap. Now China is not a later generation, every penny must be broken in half to spend, so at this time It's useful to get a group of old Maozi cars, whether it's Volga or Skoda.

Lu Yuanchao and others heard that Shen Long was going to the northwest instead of the northeast, which was a bit strange, because during this period, although there was no right to open foreign trade import and export, some international students who already studied abroad began to carry Chinese textiles on their shoulders. Products and household appliances are resold from them using familiar markets and interpersonal relationships.

These people are the first batch of masters. The route they take is the Asia-Europe Railway from Beijing to Moscow. After a few years of gradually opening up the policy, more people will go along this railway, quickly in a short time. Get rich.

"If you have some gadgets, you should naturally go to the northeast to take the train, but we are going to go back to the car this time. Do you want to go to Togliatti and cross Siberia to drive the car back? That is too far. Isn't it better to find a closer one? "Shen Long explained.

Cars can also be transported by rail, but the train from Beijing to Moscow is a passenger car. Shen Long has not yet had such a great energy to allow old Maozi to add a few freight cars. Now the old Maozi is still completely degraded.

"Northwest to Lao Maozi is closer, but the traffic is not good, and, where to find these cars? Those places in Central Asia are very poor!" Lu Yuanchao and others were confused.

"Hehe ~ ~ I'll sell a pass first, if the matter can be done, I will give you a good talk and say, I will go to stock up first, you can help me get it back when the car is bought." Shen Long Rub Rubbing his hands ready to act.

First evacuated all the cash in the account, and then went to the northwest with the family and bought a lot of canned meat in the northwest. Shen Long planned to use these cans to change cars.

At least for now, the income of Lao Maozi ’s workers is still very good. The state continues to increase their wages, but supplies are very scarce, especially meat. Although Lao Maozi ’s territory is wide, due to high latitudes, insufficient sunshine, and low temperatures, etc. The reason has led to insufficient food production.

Food needs to be imported, so naturally there is no way to take out too much food to produce feed to raise meat and livestock, so the old Maozi workers ca n’t buy meat to eat, which has spawned the birth of the black market. When these cans are delivered to big cities, there must be someone who is willing to spend a lot of money on them. Anyway, there is nowhere to spend their money.

However, Shen Long chose to go abroad from the northwest, not only for these reasons, but actually it has something to do with a major international event right now.

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