All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 1947: War money

In 1979, Lao Maozi took a solid step towards death. They tried to use Afghanistan as a base to go south, and then opened up land passages directly to the Indian Ocean, threatened the oil-producing regions of the Middle East and detoured to surround Europe, and echoed with their Pacific strategy. The purpose of its world domination.

So when the internal political situation in Afghanistan was turbulent, he decisively stepped south and stepped into the imperial cemetery. Then he was dragged here and there and started a ten-year war.

The nickname of the Imperial Cemetery is indeed correct. It is easy for a powerful empire to defeat Afghanistan, but want to occupy and notify that it is the **** mode. Whether it is Lao Maozi or the Freedom Lighthouse, they are kneeling here.

At the beginning, Lao Maozi was very easy to go. He occupied the main city of the Imperial cemetery and the main line of transportation in a week. It was no worse than the free lighthouse of later generations, but then they soon cried. Mao Dumu Yes, they had no way to implement effective notifications when they were raised. The rebellions in various places were endless, dragging Lao Maozi deeply into the quagmire.

Their steel torrents did not play much role in the complex terrain of the imperial cemetery. Far from the freedom lighthouse support for the guerrilla donkeys, the war was deadlocked. Both sides chatted in Geneva while talking casually, while they were in the Empire The cemetery continued to fight, making Lao Maozi exhausted.

This war also spawned a business, which is the reselling of war materials in Afghanistan. This business can even be said to be the biggest business of the old Maozi. The Afghan military region and the Turkmenistan military region in the rear constantly paint their cars. Apply a layer of blue paint and sell it, and many of the undersides of the car can still see the khaki military camouflage.

Of course, this business is also extremely dangerous. Most people can't do this, but Shen Long is not afraid of these. Anyway, if the old Maozi don't follow the rules, it's not his own loss.

He went abroad from the northwest border, and then passed one check after another in proficient Russian. Shen Long has dealt with Lao Maozi in many worlds, and they are really familiar with them, and they were relieved by a few sentences. The guard was able to enter Turkmenistan in the future.

When I got to the place, I did n’t have to act in a hurry, I found a place to stay, and slowly approached the old Maozi military, and gradually gained their trust, first took out a small batch of canned goods and replaced it with a KAMAZ truck; I once drove the Kamaz truck across the new bridge connecting Crimea and Russia, and turned into a truck driver to show the world the image of a tough guy again, driving this truck to become popular on the Internet.

The quality of this truck is good, and it can adapt to various harsh environments, so it has become the main force for Lao Maozi to transport supplies to Afghanistan. There are a large number of such vehicles in Turkmenistan; but what is the use of the car alone? These officers and soldiers also have to eat, so many adventurers come here to exchange supplies for cars or arms for profiteering.

The officer of Lao Maozi sold the car very cheaply. After all, there are too many cars in this place, but what is lacking is various light industrial products. As for reporting, it is simple. Tell them that these cars were bombed by guerrillas in Afghanistan. However, even the KGB cannot verify it accurately.

Needless to say about arms, now that we are fighting, what does it mean to lose some arms? No one will come to check.

Ordinary adventurers usually prefer arms, because this thing is not very easy to carry, and it can be replaced by a batch and then a truck. Shen Long focuses on cars, and at first it was a small four-ton truck. Then there was a big ten-ton truck, another Volga, Shen Long also likes to play tricks like other adventurers, and slowly won the favor of Lao Maozi.

"Han, to be frank, you have changed a lot of cars. Other people should leave with arms and cars by this time. Why don't you leave?" The lieutenant colonel Xie Delin asked. The adjutant of a real person.

"Oh? Didn't you need my canned food anymore?" Shen Long asked. He didn't invite Xie Delin to drink. Old Maozi's bureaucracy was too serious. Shen Long is now playing a businessman. They may accept the businessman and give it to himself. Wine, but generally do not drink with merchants, because they feel that merchants and themselves are not of the same grade.

In the future, when China negotiated to drink alcohol in the past, it was because they were all officials, and the old Maozi officials felt that they were eligible to drink with themselves.

"Do you still have it? How much do you have?" Xie Delin heard his eyes lit up. Canned meat is now a hard currency on Lao Maozi's side. It is very popular whether you enjoy it or sell it.

"I can give as much as you want." I have a large warehouse in China, enough to change a lot of cars.

"Han, who the **** are you?" Xie Delin was alert, and most people didn't dare to say this.

"It's very important. Actually, I'm just like you. I do things for others. You have a car, I have canned food. It's good for us to exchange with each other. Why bother to figure out each other's identity? Look, I I never asked who you were doing for. "Shen Long spread his hands.

"So, if I need to, where are you going to trade? How many cans can be delivered in the first batch?" Xie Delin thought and asked.

"Here!" Shen Long clicked on the map ~ ~ We made an appointment, you brought the car here, I also pulled the can, and when you took the can, I took it Go back in the car! For the first batch, let me give you 500 tons of canned food first, and then gradually increase the supply. "

"I need to think about it." This number is not much, and the people behind Xie Delin are not interested. If more, it is estimated that he should consider whether to swallow it directly.

Xie Delin's superiors finally did not resist the temptation of this wave of interest, what is a car for him? There are more cars driving into Afghanistan from here every day and never coming back. Instead of sending them to the Imperial Cemetery and being blown up by the guerrillas, it is better to change some cans and come back, at least so that they can still benefit.

So the first wave of transactions was successfully completed. Shen Long transported the canned goods to the appointed place in advance. When the time arrived, Xie Delin brought the convoy with him. The men under his hands transported the canned goods to the car and left the car. In place.

Then Shen Long finds a good driver to get in the car and transports these cars back to China. As for distribution, you do n’t have to worry about Shen Long. As long as you let out the wind, you have a car in your hand, and some people come with big bags of cash to buy .

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