All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 1966: Masters gathered

Shen Long looked at the couplet a little stunned. In fact, this couplet is not compliant, not to mention flat. As far as the battle is concerned, a door and a father and son are obviously not right, but this is not strange to Gu Long. His writing is influenced by Japanese swords. The halberd novels and Western detective novels have a greater influence. The study of classical culture is not as thorough as that of Jin Yong. If Jin Yong is used to write this couplet, it will be more complete and complete.

The content of the couplet also made Shen Long feel a little awkward. No matter which dynasty and generation, a family with seven jinshi and three flowers is definitely one of the best local nobles in the local area. How can the family go to the triad, even less likely Abandoning the ancestral home is a great filial piety; but thinking about the ancient dragon world, even the prince must be a swordsman, Shen Long barely accepted this setting.

Long Xiaoyun in a golden robe came out and hugged Li Xunhuan, tears were already in his eyes. He pulled him for a while and then saw the bare Long Xiaoyun. Now he scolded, "This animal is used by his mother. It ’s so ridiculous, I should n’t have passed on his martial arts, brother, you ’ve learned! My son is your son, do n’t say that his martial arts are abolished, even if he is killed, it should be . "

These words made Li Xunhuan even more uncomfortable, but Shen Long did n’t want to listen to them. The gentleman could bully him. Long Xiaoyun pinched Li Xunhuan ’s character so he said, he took Li Xunhuan and walked inside. , A lot of guests are already waiting. "

There was a trace of fear in Long Xiaoyun's eyes. In the past, he regarded Long Xiaoyun as the biggest dependence, and now even Long Xiaoyun dared not turn his face with the person in front of him, how can he not be afraid? Li Xunhuan can only be pulled into it.

"Li Tanhua, it seems that although you have been away from the Central Plains for a long time, your reputation is not weak at all. How many people came to meet you today?" Entering the hall, Shen Long saw the iron gallbladder shocking Qin Xiaoyi, the contemporary A swordsman Tian Longxue's successor, You Longsheng, Luo Yang's Tian Qi, Gongsun Moyun and Zhao Zhengyi, who are known as heroes, and at the top of the hall, sits a hairless man with pale eyes, but his eyes are gleaming. The old monk who wanted to come was the master of eyebrows in Shaolin Temple.

Li Xunhuan is not a fool. He is also puzzled by the fact that so many martial arts experts have gathered together. Long Xiaoyun quickly said, "Brothers must not be misunderstood. Now that the plum blossom robbers are back in the rivers and lakes, Master Xinmei and the heroes are discussing how to deal with plum blossoms. Stolen, now you are back, brother, I think that the plum thief has only one dead end. "

"Amitabha, Xiao Li Tanhua has not been in the Central Plains for many years, and his appearance is still unchanged today. It is indeed a blessing fortunately." Master Xinmei said with his hands folded, the rest of the crowd also stood up to say hello.

"Oh, this is also a coincidence. Xiao Li Feidao has not been in the rivers and lakes for many years. The plum thief has also disappeared for a long time. Now that the plum thief is back in the rivers and lakes, Xiao Li Feidao is also coming." You Longsheng, the descendant of Tianshan Xueyingzi, is a little bit unafraid. Everyone treated Li Xunhuan so much, and began to be angry on one side.

Shen Long dragged a chair and sat down, raising Erlang's legs to watch the excitement. Well, these people are shameless and worthy of learning. Someone saw Long Xiaoyun's appearance today. Not only was he surprised, "Master Long, you How did it look like this? Master Qin, didn't Master go out with you? "

Qin Xiaoyi's old face blushed and immediately sneered, "Xiao Li Tanhua wants to shoot, how can someone in Qin stop it?"

"Oh? Xiao Li Tanhua and Lord Long are at the end of the eighth worship. Why did he shoot Master Long? Didn't even care about the brother's feelings?" Zhao Zhengyi followed.

"Humph! I am someone ..." Long Xiaoyun wanted to help Li Xunhuan when he heard this.

"Huh, isn't it true that the father and mother don't care about teaching as uncle?" Shen Long was interrupted by anyone who had expected to export. Shen Long said, pointing at Long Xiaoyun with Erlang's legs, "The child followed a group of messes on weekdays The person's learning is broken. What happened to Li Tanhua's help in discipline?

"Who are you? When is your turn to speak here?" You Longsheng took the case.

"Golden silk armor was taken by him. The origin of this person is suspicious, maybe colluding with the plum blossom thief." Someone immediately pointed out that Shen Long was the one who robbed the gold silk armor.

"Young Master Long originally followed Mr. Qin to invite Mr. Mei Er to diagnose and treat his children. Xiao Li Tanhua not only prevented Mr. Mei Er from being diagnosed and treated, but also injured Young Master Long. This is too much! Qin Daxia sees in his eyes? "Some people fear that the world will not be chaotic, and continue to fan the flames.

"In my opinion, this man's swordsmanship is strange, and no one knows. I'm afraid he is a plum blossom thief? Xiao Li Feidao was unexpectedly mixed with plum blossom thieves. I can't think of it." There are even people who have made a good show of planting and framing. , Want to buckle the name of the plum blossom thief on Shen Long's head, Shen Long estimated that this guy was afraid that Lin Xian'er was tempted to say so.

"Amitabha, you do n’t need to be restless, you must have some hidden feelings, it ’s better to listen to Li Tanhua slowly ~ ~ Master Xinmei tried to make a round, but listening to what he said, to Shen Long and Li Xunhuan Not necessarily without doubt.

"What can be hidden? It's just that the child wasn't taught well, and then a little bit provoked by someone who was deliberately insulted. Then he started first, and then the skill was not as good as the person. The martial arts were abolished. Asking me to say that the child was in trouble, half of the responsibility is on his parents In the body, the other half of the responsibility is missing from Qin Xiaoyi; Xiao Li Tanhua is not only right, but has merit. If a child like this continues to rely on martial arts, I am afraid that he will not live long! "Shen Long said lazily.

"Huh, your eloquence, I'm afraid it's not easy to deceive everyone." Qin Xiaoyi refused to carry this pot. "Master Long just worried about the serious illness of the child and spoke a little more eagerly. Li Tanhua would bully the child. People can only watch Master Long being abolished for martial arts; Lord Long, I have no face to stay in when something like this happens. Since Master Young has returned home, someone Qin will leave first. "

Long Xiaoyun quickly stopped, "Why is Brother Qin so, can I still believe Brother Qin?"

"That is, what kind of character is Qin Daxia, what he said must be the truth, you must swindle others." Other people can ignore the truth, they only know that Qin Xiaoyi and himself are the same party, they must support him, so everyone in the hall They all spoke either to support Qin Xiaoyi or to refute Shen Long.

Shen Long was too lazy to fight for his tongue and shook his sleeves. "What the **** is going on, will it be clear when you see it with your own eyes?"

A beam of light emerged from Shen Long's sleeve mouth, and the picture appeared in the air. It was the scene where Qin Xiaoyi took Long Xiaoyun and Mr. Mei Er to talk, and the big guys were shocked.

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