All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 1967: End of mission

The big guy looked at it in a daze. This scene was completely beyond their imagination. Qin Xiaoyi heard his words provoking Long Xiaoyun's words and wanted to refute it, but his neck was like being pinched and could not speak at all. In a word.

Then Long Xiaoyun used all kinds of damaging means to kill Li Xunhuan, but they were resolved by Li Xunhuan one by one. Seeing here, even Long Xiaoyun had nothing to say, if he met such a bear child, Certainly not only by abolishing martial arts.

The three-dimensional video playback ended, and the hall was quiet for a long time. Finally, Li Xunhuan broke the silence of the scene. "Shen Xianchang, Xiaoyun will be young, and I will ... I will teach him well."

Long Xiaoyun also reacted, quickly knelt down and knocked at Shen Long, "Please also forgive me, Chang Xian, for neglecting discipline, and in the future I will teach Xiao Yun how to be kind."

"Oh, as a father, you shouldn't care about discipline, but people like Qin Xiaoyi don't have any good intentions." Shen Long said he looked at Qin Xiaoyi, "People like you are vain heroes, because of you What I have done, I ca n’t overdo your martial arts? ”

Qin Xiaoyi opened his mouth and tried desperately to explain. However, under shock, he only made a few roars in his throat, still unable to speak, but he was unwilling to sit still and could only try his best to run outside the hall.

"I still want to escape in my hand?" Shen Long sneered. "Since you don't know any good, then blame me for being ruthless!" Only a click, the sound of thunder sounded in the clear winter, Qin Xiaoyi just flew out The hall was hacked by Thunder, and now he was chopped out of focus, and he was so dead that he couldn't die anymore.

Everyone in the hall swallowed and sipped together. Those who had just tried to plant stolen Shenlong quickly knocked on their heads to ask for mercy. I also ask Daxian to forgive me for waiting. I will be sincere and sincere in the future, and I will never dare to do anything else. "

"Well, since I said that I am a plum blossom thief, then I will find out the real plum blossom thieves for you, but it happened that the plum blossom thieves happened to be in this garden!" The thunder continued to sound, from far to Recently, at the same time, there were rapid footsteps, Lin Shiyin and Lin Xian'er appeared in the hall at the same time.

The clothes Lin Xian'er used to disguise plum blossom robbers and swords were also summoned by Shen Long with a flying spell. Seeing these, even Yu Longsheng and others who wanted to extricate her did not dare to speak.

"Lin Xian'er, you look better in clothes than you don't wear clothes. Let's talk about all the things you pose as plum thieves. I can make you die easier! Wash your sins in the future. After that, I might still be able to be reborn as an adult. If I do n’t tell you honestly, I ’ll take out your soul, ask it, and fight again! "

When facing Shen Long ’s hanging wall, Lin Xian'er couldn't help but smiled abruptly, he said what he had done in the past, and heard everyone's face red and white for a while, especially You Longsheng's When the goddess looked at it, Lin Xian'er died of himself after he finished speaking; Lin Shiyin wanted to say something, and finally turned into a sigh.

"You all get away, remember what you said today." Shen Long was really bored to see the others, so he drove them away, but reminded him when Master Xinmei passed by, Bai Xiaosheng had long been interested in Shaolin Yi Jin Jing has passed.

After the crowd left, Li Xunhuan wanted to help Long Xiaoyun, but Shen Long said again, "Long Xiaoyun, don't you want to say something? For example, how do you know that the three murderers outside the customs will ambush Li Xunhuan? How do you know that Li Xunhuan is going to take the entrance of the road? Also, do you really know that Li Xunhuan and Lin Shiyin were already married? "

Shen Long was a little puzzled when he saw here, and then combined with the change in the expression of Long Xiaoyun's face when he pressed Lin Xian'er just now, he had vaguely guessed the truth.

"Big Brother!" Hearing this, Li Xunhuan's face became very ugly, Lin Shiyin fell to the ground.

"Mother!" Long Xiaoyun hurriedly helped Lin Shiyin. Lin Shiyin had tears in his eyes and asked with a trembling voice, "Xiaoyun, these ... are these all true?"

"Ha ha, ha ha ha ..." Long Xiaoyun grinned, "These things have tortured me for more than ten years, I can finally say it today! Shi Yin, since I saw you at the first time, I have loved you But after waiting for inquiries, I realized that you have already set a date with Xiao Li Tanhua! "

"My Long Xiaoyun is just a rough man, how can I compare it with Xiao Li Tan Hua? The paper, people are Tan Hua Lang, I only know a few words? On Wu, he ranked third in the weapon spectrum, I even I do n’t have the qualifications to be on the list; he is a child of a wealthy family, and he has nothing.

"I thought about it for three days and three nights, and I did n’t think of a way to make you abandon Li Xunhuan and love me? I should have given up at this time, but I still ca n’t stop the lovesickness for you for a long time. These thoughts are like a knife cutting my heart ~ ~ Then I changed, and I started to think of various ways of shame. "

"I slowly approached Li Xunhuan and learned his character, knowing that he is the most loyal, and he would rather grieve himself for his loyalty; so I secretly told the news to the three evils outside the customs, and then helped them contact the best players and ambush Li Xunhuan."

"The situation on the day was as I expected. Although he had a sharp edge of nineteen people, he was seriously injured in the end, and I hid aside and watched quietly. I saw that I was going to be hurt by a pair of tyrants. Under the Duoguanhu basket, it came out that resulted in a serious injury to the bully, saved Li Xunhuan, and became his benefactor from then on. "

"You all know the next thing. I pretended that you and Li Xunhuan were already married, and tortured myself to the point of being unrequited, before I revealed to Li Xunhuan the feeling of love for you, forcing Li Xunhuan to leave his house and leave home. ... "

Li Xunhuan's hands were shaking, and this truth made him difficult to accept.

After talking about these things, Long Xiaoyun gave Li Xunhuan and Lin Shiyin a few heads, "This is all the sins I committed in those years. I have delayed you for more than ten years. Now is the time to repay, but Xiaoyun is innocent Yes, I hope you can bypass him. "Long Xiaoyun killed himself.

Shen Long sighed and came outside with a flash of his body. I do n’t know how long it took before Li Xunhuan took Lin Shiyin hand in hand and Long Xiaoyun came out hand in hand. He looked at Shen Long ’s back with a long sigh. Now, I do n’t know if I should thank you or hate you! "

At the same time, Shen Long heard the sound of the completion of the task.

:. :

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