All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 1968: "Our 40 Years"

"You were wrong in this matter, then make up for it with the rest of your life! By the way, some of you belong to A Fei, you should return it to him." Shen Long held "Lian Hua Bao Jian" in his hand Said.

This is the life-long work of the last generation of the stranger Wang Lianhua in the martial arts. In addition to martial arts, there are poison, transfiguration, Gu and Persia's mind-taking method. Wang Lianhua and Shen Lang, Before Zhu Qiqi, Panda Er and others went to sea, they gave the book to Li Xunhuan. Li Xunhuan gave it to Lin Shiyin for safekeeping and was found by Shen Long.

He just hurried through it and found that most of the things recorded in the book are self-explanatory, but still have the effect of reference. Fortunately, his intelligence has been improved, and he has the ability to remember, just read it once and then read the inside. The contents are all memorized, and then thrown to Li Xunhuan.

Li Xunhuan nodded after accepting it, "Since A Fei is a descendant of Daxia Shen, he is naturally more qualified than me to keep this secret book. It is expected that taking Fei as a person will not rely on the contents of it.

"That's it, I'll go, we will have no time to come! You can take away the remaining poison of Hanjisan." Shen Long lost a bottle of Jiuhuayulu pills, and then disappeared from Xingyunzhuang, oh no, It should be possible to restore its original name Li Yuan now?

Shen Longyin sat down on the doom cloud overlooking the city. Xinmei, Zhao Zhengyi, Tian Qi, You Longsheng and others were hurriedly leaving and rushing to various places. The old man, Tianji, who pretended to be a storyteller, was sitting on the restaurant with his granddaughter Looking in the direction of Li Yuan, the expression on his face was serious, and he didn't know what he wanted.

A Fei is rushing towards Li Yuan. Presumably he has heard the movements here and knows that it is related to Li Xunhuan, so he wants to come over and see if he can help Li Xunhuan?

Looking outside the city, a pair of weird horses are rushing towards this side. The middle-most man is born with a fat and sturdy body, and is tall and big. Her tall body is filled with piles of fat, like a building. In Roshan, a group of handsome teenagers are wooing her, and Shen Long recognizes it at first glance. This is the goddess of the Five Poison Boys and the elder of the Western Demon Church.

Hey, it's too spicy eyes, originally I was too lazy to ignore you, but who made you unlucky, but I was seen by this time, and my eyes were spicy, so I will send you to the West Heaven , Otherwise I have to continue to be sick.

But how to get rid of her? If you use fire, you can burn this body for a long time, which is really disgusting, so just use this! Shen Long took out his old wand, pointed at the Huanxi female bodhisattva in the air, and cast a petrified mantra.

"All petrified!" But seeing the big happy female bodhisattva who was originally galloping on the road suddenly froze, the whole person changed from Roshan to Shishan, but her inertia still let her fly forward, and bumped into the road. On the boulder next to the edge, then the stone statue transformed into the female bodhisattva and the stone beside the road shattered at the same time.

The gravel scattered around and cut the beautiful boys, but they did not care about the pain, but showed their ecstasy, they finally saw the opportunity to get rid of the happy bodhisattva, and immediately knelt and knocked the first thousand gratitude, then Scattered around.

Well, this can be regarded as solving an enemy for Li Xunhuan. As for the money gang and Shangguan Jinhong, let him solve it. According to the urine of Gulong World, the world ’s greatest strength comes from guarding. Li Xunhuan now has Lin Shiyin and Long Xiaoyun needs to be guarded. If Shangguan Jinhong comes to the door, he will definitely explode with a greater ability than the original, and he does not need to worry about Shen Long at all.

Since this is the case, there is nothing worth staying in this world. Shen Long finally looked at Li Yuan and saw that Li Xunhuan was burying Long Xiaoyun ’s body and took a glass of wine and spilled it on the ground. Lin Shiyin and Long Xiaoyun were kowtow……

A white light flashed, Shen Long returned to his house, he began to guess what Li Xunhuan would give himself? Tanhua's knowledge and literary skills? This does not seem to be necessary. Li Xunhuan is certainly not as good as Wang Anshi in this respect; his martial arts and flying knife skills? This does not seem to have much value. Shen Long ’s current practice has exceeded the limits of martial arts, so what else can he give himself?

The system did not wait long to reveal the mystery. "Li Xunhuan thank you very much for helping him realize his wish. Now he will give you his heart of warrior sincerity. Please confirm if you accept it."

This is not bad, maybe this is the difference between the ancient dragon martial arts world and the Jin Yong martial arts world, right? The top warriors in the ancient dragon martial arts world are more pure, and the pursuit of martial arts is more pious, and such things can also play a role in other worlds. The world knowledge of ancient dragons and Jin Yong is low. If they return to a high level like "Dragon Ball" Martial plane, this heart will definitely make his martial arts advance by leaps and bounds.

Shen Long chose to accept, and then a white light immersed in his body, Shen Long obviously felt that his understanding of martial arts was a little deeper.

This task didn't take much time for Shen Long ~ ~ From entering this world to completing the task and leaving, it only took a few days. In addition to enjoying the beauty of the winter ice and snow, Shen Long also saw the ancient dragon The world of martial arts is different from the world of martial arts of Jin Yong, so it is not much effort to complete the task.

Back in the real world, it is still not possible to play around freely as usual. Shen Long does n’t worry about getting infected, but he does n’t want to cause trouble to others ’work, so he continues to stay in his hometown, just from the county. Returned to the village again.

Now that their new yard is under construction, someone needs to stare. Father and mother have been busy for a lifetime, and they should take a good rest, and Arya needs online classes, so this matter falls on Shen Long's head. .

He did not stand idly by, and worked directly with those workers. The civil engineering technology obtained from Lei Dongbao in the world of "The Big River" played a role at this time, whether it was bricklayers or carpenters, Shen Long The work was thieves, and the workers couldn't help complimenting them. They didn't expect such a rich man to work better than them.

Under such circumstances, I am really embarrassed that some people are lazy, and some people even ask Shen Long for various work skills. Shen Long does not secretly teach them seriously, which is rare for these ordinary workers. Learning opportunities, after all, the income of simply moving bricks and doing hard work on the construction site is completely different.

On this day, when Shen Long taught them bricklayer skills again, a new task reminder came to his mind, "Feng from the world of" Our Forty Years "asks for your help ..."

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