All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 1972: Foundation of dream

Feng Shengli was still angrily before, looking at the increasingly clear silhouettes on the screen, and a proud look on his face involuntarily, this kid really had a better chance than his dad!

The picture is completely normal, even clearer than that of Xiao Zhan ’s ruby ​​TV. The sound from the stereo is clear and full, and is explaining the situation abroad. Well, it ’s time for the whole news of Chao Ting Tai to end. Shen Long saw the Cuban bearded man on TV and thought he looked extra young.

"Feng Du, let's go home with me to find my dad. Let's take the money and buy parts! I also want to watch TV at home!" Heizi dragged Shen Long to leave.

"What do you want? Don't look at what time is it now? Is that shop still open?" Feng Shengli grabbed him and smiled happily, "Hey, Feng Du, move the TV outside. , Let's watch TV while eating! "

I do n’t have to go to the Xiao family to squeeze with them in the future. My own TV can be viewed as much as I want! Feng Shengli was spoiled during the meal, staring at the TV without blinking his eyes. The chopsticks were pulling on the table unconsciously. Nothing happened when he ate a large bite of pepper.

Xiao Zhan had envy and a trace of loss in his eyes. The envy of Feng Du was that he could save the TV by himself, which is much more powerful than him; and what was lost was that from now on, there was another TV in the alley; those nights People who would come to watch TV in their yard are both troubled and proud of him. Nowadays, there are fewer people in the yard. Their troubles are less, and the same pride will be reduced a lot.

Hei Zi was entangled with Shen Long, "Feng Du, if we can't do it today, let's go tomorrow? After a while, I will go home and call my dad out, let him come to watch your TV, and give us the money, Let's take it out and buy parts! "

"Dad, I bought the parts and borrowed the money from Xiao Zhan and Hei Zi!" Shen Long suddenly remembered this, and the borrowed money could be returned to others. It is not a good habit to owe debt.

"How much?" That's how the 500-hundred-dollar TV came, without spending a penny or asking for a TV ticket, so Feng Shengli offered the money willingly.

Actually, Xiao Zhan and Hei Zi lent only one or two dollars to Shen Long. How much money can a high school student have now? This is not 0202, but when Shen Long's eyes turned, he doubled this number several times. "I think, they just gave me two and three. Give me fifty! "

Xiao Zhan and Hei Zi thought it was Shen Long ’s own cost, and Feng Shengli thought that it was still borrowed from Xiao Zhan and Hei Zi, so he had no doubt. Without a word, he counted five portraits of workers and peasants from his pocket. There are only ten denomination bills, which is still Feng Sheng prepared in advance to buy TV, or who now has so much money in his pocket.

Heizi looked at these banknotes with eyes, and now fifty yuan is an astronomical figure for ordinary middle school students. The children of ordinary people have seen so much money, which is almost his father's salary for a month.

Shen Long sighed in his heart, why is this enough money? You can't even buy bell-bottoms; in the world of "Under the Zhengyangmen", he seems to be flipping bell-bottoms at this time, right? I went to Zhengyangmen and looked at that day to see if I could find Han Chunming, but it should not exist?

After all, these are two completely different worlds, and he also asked Lu Yuanchao when they were in the "Under Zhengyang Gate" world. Have they heard of Zhong Yuemin and Yuan Jun, they have never heard of it, little **** They are familiar with the name. They talk about the little bastard, but they are relished. However, Shen Long has never heard of Li Yuanchao, Zhang Haiyang, Li Kuiyong, Zhong Yuemin, and it seems that the death of the **** has nothing to do with them.

After eating, Feng Shengli moved the TV directly to the courtyard, and Wu Jianqiang, who came to find his children, saw it but couldn't be envious. After hearing about Shen Longzun's TV experience, he found it just like Heizi. Shen Long, "Feng Du, how much did you spend saving this TV? Save one for my house too? I will go home and take the money for you!"

Before Shen Long agreed, he ran home and fetched fifty full portraits of workers and peasants, and fortified Shen Long, "You can take them first, although I can use them, as long as I can see the TV as soon as possible." Do n’t vote for the TV. If you miss this store and look for it, what kind of crowded shopping malls in Beijing have you seen?

The last time he and Feng Shengli went to the mall to watch the bustle, he was almost trampled to death by the person who bought the TV, or was rescued by the police who maintained order. Nowadays, there are only a few TVs sold in every mall. They can't get in with their hard work, not to mention that they have no way to get TV tickets.

You are really Kuroko's father, and are as rash as Kuroko, so the salary for almost a year is so easy for a child? Shen Long said to be speechless ~ ~ Is this too big?

"Lao Wu, what are you doing? It's not suitable for children with so much money. If you really want Feng Du to save TV for you, then go with him to buy parts tomorrow." Even Feng Shengli has some I ca n’t see it anymore; other neighbors actually want Shen Long to help, but this is a major issue involving one year ’s salary. No one except Wu Jianqiang can make this determination.

What if Feng Du bought the parts with money and did n’t save the TV? What if the saved TV breaks after watching a month? After all, this is not something from a regular factory?

Feng Shengli reached out and took the money back to Wu Jianqiang, but Shen Long quickly took it back, "Uncle Wu, tomorrow I will go to the stores to see, some parts are good to buy, but some are still bad. Buy! If I can get enough parts for a TV, I will help you install it. If something goes wrong, I will also be responsible for repairs. If I do n’t get enough, I will return the money to you! "

Through the expressions on the faces of Wu Jianqiang and those neighbors, Shen Long realized that this was a good opportunity to make money, bought the parts and installed them, and then sold the TV to those who needed it. There was definitely a lot of profit in it.

Almost all dreams are based on money. Although it is still a long time before the film and television production field is opened to private capital, in order to better realize Feng Du ’s dream, it is better to make money and accumulate capital. Now that such a good business opportunity has been discovered, it must not be missed.

"OK, let Heizi take it for you!" Wu Jianqiang didn't think anything was wrong.

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