All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 1974: College entrance exam? You can rest assured

"The high-frequency head of this set is broken and cannot be repaired. You can only buy new ones." Shen Long pointed to the broken parts.

"But where can I buy it? The repair shop has to find ways to transfer the goods?" Xiao Zhan's brain is clever, and he immediately thought of the repair shop from the dilapidated acquisition point. There must be a high-frequency head there, but it is not expensive. You can buy some small parts, but such large parts must earn repair costs and will not be sold to others.

"Then let's go there and get it?" Kuroko felt that his TV might have to be saved for some time, and he couldn't help but feel a bit lost.

Shen Long patted his shoulder, "don't worry, this is not a way to get it, go, put these home first, and then I will take you to find them." Take the bus home, in Feng Shengli's surprised eyes Put these things down, and then Shen Long took them by car to the next destination.

At the door of an electronics factory, Shen Long stopped. This factory produced high-frequency heads. Xiao Zhan looked at the door of the electronics factory, "Feng Du, are you going to buy it here? Everyone is public to public. Selling is just a few big cars, and it wo n’t be sold to you at all! "

"They certainly don't sell it to us, but some people can buy it from them." Shen Long was not in a hurry. He bought three bottles of Arctic Ocean from the nearby sales department, squatted with Xiao Zhan and Hei Zi at the door and drank, paying attention while drinking him In order to get in and out of the factory, he waited for more than an hour, and Shen Long finally waited for the person he was looking for.

"Thank you guys, I'm going to trouble you. I'll come over and bring you some of our cannabis flowers next time!" A man in a white shirt carrying a briefcase came out of the factory.

"If Guo buys there, support the production of the fraternal unit. Is this also appropriate? You can wait a little while, and I will arrange the loading for you there." The man in the factory sent him out of the door, and then went back to arrange.

Guo purchaser looked at it, and wanted to buy a bottle of soda. Shen Long flew over and bought two bottles and handed him over, "Brother, I invite you to drink soda."

"Why does it mean?" Guo purchasing is a bit dazed. Nowadays, when materials are scarce, it is always the case to purchase others after purchasing. When is it your turn to be invited?

"Brother, are you from the Jinmen Radio Factory? Nothing else, I'll ask you something." Shen Long helped him open the bottle and handed it over again. From his Jinmen accent, Shen Long guessed him Origin.

The first TV produced by New China was called "Beijing Brand", but it was not produced in Beijing. It was a product of Jinmen Radio Factory; since then, various TV brands have emerged, such as Venus, Leap, and Kai of Modu Brother, Xinghuo; Kaifeng in Henan, West Lake in Zhejiang, Haiyan and Yellow River in Shaanxi, etc. However, only a few can continue into the 21st century.

"Inquire about things? Do you want to buy a TV? You can't help me. I'm a small purchaser." Guo Purchasing thought Shen Long wanted to buy him a TV. He usually sees a lot of such people. , But despite his mouth, his hand caught the soda bottle involuntarily.

After seeing him react like this, Shen Long felt more at ease. It would be better if he loved greed and was cheaper. I was afraid that you would n’t get in oil and salt. But then again, it ’s not easy to buy oil and salt in this year.

"Brother Guo, I didn't ask you to buy a TV. You smoke first!" Shen Long ordered another big front door for him and took him to sit down on the road. He didn't rush into the topic, but talked to him. The affairs of the Jinmen Radio Factory and the various difficulties in procurement work soon won the favor of Guo Procurement.

"Brother, it's not that I said, you are not too young to see! If you come to our factory, the director will definitely like it!" Guo Purchased patted his shoulder and said.

"I just know that there is a bit of fur, so it can compare with you!" Feeling almost the same time, Shen Long asked in a small voice, "Brother Guo, what parts did you buy back here? Is there a high-frequency head? Can you? Forgive me a few. The TV in my house is broken. The repair shop says that there is no such part, but I am in a hurry! "

"Yes, there are, but these are all required in the factory, there are counts!" Guo procurement eyes are a little erratic, and the rhythm of speaking is also a lot slower.

Shen Longs second understands, this is to ask yourself for benefits, "Hey, this is a great thing for me, but for Brother Guo, it ’s just a trick to talk about it, you ask them how many That ’s all. It ’s just that the bumps on the road are broken, and more spares are lost. I ’ll pay for the money. After that, I invite you to go to Donglai and rub it in! ”

"Donglai Shunah?" Guo Purchasing couldn't help swallowing, but still shook his head regretfully, "I'm afraid I won't be able to eat this time. I'll have to **** the car back after loading the car in a while."

"That's okay, please leave me a call. When will you come to Beijing again? I'll ask you again. If I owe you, this time, I just added this number to you for each tuner?" Shen Rumby had a number.

"Aren't you repairing TV for your own home? You need so many high-frequency heads to repair TV?" Guo now also understands ~ ~ But I'm too lazy to ask, if you are willing to give this number , I'll take it out for you right away! "

After a little bargaining, the two parties reached a deal. Guo purchases please eat and drink virtual bills in order to black out a few dollars. Shen Long gave him dozens of dollars at a time. What else was he not satisfied with?

Guo Purchasing went in again. After a while, he took the components Shen Long wanted and pulled Shen Long to the corner. He handed over the money and handed over the goods to complete the transaction. After receiving the money, he dealt with this transaction. I was very satisfied, and took the initiative to leave a phone call, "If it is our factory phone, if you still want anything, just call this phone and find me Guo Degang."

"Oh hey, then I met a noble person, Brother Guo, this is the phone number of our alley. The next time you come to Beijing, say hello in advance. Let's go to Shunbudong!" It's much more convenient.

"Hei Zi, you will go to dinner next time, drink a few more with Brother Guo, and I will leave it to you later!" Hey, for this child, I also broke my heart.

"Feng Du, looking at your posture, and still planning to make money from it?" Xiao Zhan could understand, "Now that the big guy wants a TV set like this, he can definitely make a lot of money; but next year's college entrance examination, you are not afraid of delays Is it? "

"It's okay, I have long thought about what school I want to take, and my score will definitely be fine!" Even if I can't take a class now, I want to take that university if I want to take it, whether it's liberal arts or science No problem at all!

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