All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 1975: Uncle, let Kuroko mix with me

"Feng Du, which university do you intend to rely on?" Xiao Zhan got his spirits when he heard this. Although the relationship between them was good, they loved each other. Since childhood, Feng Du likes to study and can be said to be Xiao Zhanqi. However, Xiao Zhan was naturally reluctant to take a school worse than Feng Du, and now he heard the news and naturally wanted to ask.

"Hey, keep it secret for a while! You'll know it by then." Shen Long doesn't want to interfere with Xiao Zhan's development trajectory. What if he hears that he wants to take a university and he has to do the same as his own?

"Very virtuous!" Xiao Zhan felt a little uncomfortable. Apart from Shen Long's unwillingness to tell him what university to test, he was a bit jealous because Shen Long could save the TV beyond his imagination, he certainly couldn't do it himself. He felt overwhelmed by Shen Long, so he hurried home as soon as the bus reached the alley.

Arrived at the house, Xiao Zhan's father Xiao Cong asked when he saw his pouting, "What's wrong with this?"

Xiao Zhan whispered, "It's not because Feng Du asked him what university he wanted to take the exam without saying, he was not convinced when he was young, and he always felt lower than us; do you think his good grades are because he likes to study? He Just want to crush me, boring! "

Xiao Cong stared at Xiao Zhan seriously and educated him, "Xiao Zhan, I asked your grandfather when I was a kid, why did you make a revolution? Your grandfather said that some people were born better than us, and they looked down upon us when they were born, I do n’t Be convinced, so I followed the Red Army. Let those who look down on us have a look, who is stronger than anyone! "

Xiao Zhan looked at his father in surprise, Xiao Cong sighed, but was very firm, "People have to have a strength of dissatisfaction and disobedience, otherwise they will follow the crowd."

Xiao Zhan's mother Wen Tong took over the words and said with a long heart, "If he uses this energy in the right place, it will be great in the future."

Xiao Zhan said, "I will do the same!" Xiao Cong smiled and rubbed Xiao Zhan's head with relief.

Was also heard by Shen Long. He nodded secretly. Although this cultural person is sometimes a little hypocritical, this pattern and three views are absolutely no problem. His father who was an old Red Army had a good education.

"Yo, come back here? Have you bought all the parts? What are you missing? If you are missing, I will help find a way!" Wu Jianqiang, who had been waiting for Feng Shengli all day long after seeing Shen Long and Heizi coming back, stood up immediately Up, after all, it's a big deal of 500 yuan. He must be very worried. He didn't go there today, so he waited here.

"There is nothing missing, I'll put it on you!" Shen Long patted the parts in the bag and said that Wu Jianqiang couldn't find North immediately, and my family can have a TV.

"Dad, don't you know, Feng Du is awesome today." Heizi used to say to Wu Jianqiang that Shen Long asked Dongzi and Guo Cai to buy old TVs and parts today.

"Are you hungry for a day? Let's put things down, let's eat first!" Grandma came out carrying the plate, and greeted while setting the table. "Strong, Heizi, you two come here too. After eating, let Feng bother you. "

"Eh, come to my house to eat tomorrow, I will cut a few pounds of meat!" Wu Jianqiang is not polite, he is a neighbor for many years, who has not eaten several times at other people's homes.

Everyone was thinking about the TV, Shen Long started to work after a few bites, Wu Jianqiang did n’t even want to play chess with Feng Shengli, the two stood behind Shen Long and stretched their necks to see how he used the screwdriver Disassemble the old TV, remove the parts, and then connect those parts to the newly purchased parts with screws and electric iron.

Shen Long's movements are fast and smooth. I don't even need to think about knowing where these parts should be installed. Wu Jianqiang was stunned for a moment. There was a smile on my lips. Should my TV be stable now?

"Hey, hey." Feng Shengli only knew smirk, his heart was full of pride, see? This is my son, who can save the TV by himself.

Even Heizi couldn't take care of going outside to watch TV, and stayed in the room, blinking at Shen Long, Shen Long deliberately taught him something, so he kept Heizi handing tools and parts to himself and returning it by the way. He said what these parts are for, why should they be installed here, but obviously looking at the sunspots, it is obviously not heard.

From the time I finished eating, I was busy until ten o'clock in the evening, the TV was finally installed, Shen Long was connected to the power supply, and the position was turned away. "Uncle Wu, please turn it on!" This is someone's TV, so exciting The moment must be his hands.

"Hole! Click this!" Wu Jianqiang reached out his hand carefully, as if touching a fragile piece of art, and gently pressed the key, which was also a prickly pull of snowflakes and other components. After the preheating is completed, the clear image is revealed, and a full sound is also heard from the stereo.

"Dad, we also have a TV in our house!" Kuroko has no fun to find North, and will never have to go to someone else's TV in the future.

"Feng Du ~ ~ Thank you! Go to my house tomorrow, we have a good meal." Wu Jianqiang thanked again and again, after a few words, he wanted to go home with the TV set, "OK, It's not too early now, you should go to bed quickly, remember, go to my house for dinner tomorrow, I will buy vegetables and cut meat tomorrow morning. "

"If you have any problems with the TV set, please contact me and keep it for you to fix it! Don't worry, let me report it to you!" Shen Long stopped Wu Jianqiang and said, "I bought this old TV and these parts, Oh, thirsty and hungry at noon, I also bought a few bottles of the Arctic Ocean, and I ate something with Xiao Zhan and Hei Zi. The total sum of these fragments was 478 yuan and two. "

Shen Long took out a pile of change from his pocket. "Now there are twenty-one and eight. There are too much hard work for me?" In fact, Shen Long had spare parts before buying parts, except for these twenty pieces. He also dropped most of the old TVs and a lot of parts, which he didn't say for the time being, but don't worry about it, even if Wu Jianqiang knew in the future, he would certainly not be angry.

"Hey, you kid, help Uncle Wu to do something, how can I still have to work hard?" Feng Shengli was not happy.

"It's okay, it's okay, Feng has ran for a whole day, that's right! Even if I go outside and sell TV, and I want to get a TV ticket, the gift of giving more than twenty yuan to someone is definitely not enough, so say me It's earned! "Wu Jianqiang thought about it, and he came to hug the TV and left.

"Uncle Wu, actually I have one more thing to tell you." Shen Long got up and hugged Heizi's shoulders, "Uncle, Heizi will mix with me in the future!"

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