All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 1979: West city

Do n’t get me wrong, Shen Long did n’t see the Nets Highest God. If you were to count her age, he was not born this year. He saw the chess endgame in the middle of the crowd. Originating from an ancient Chinese chess endgame, Shen Long glanced at the chess piece. From the pattern point of view, it is exactly the endgame of the game recorded in "Dream in the Divine Machine".

Playing chess endgames on the street is also a kind of Jianghu technique. In fact, it really is not a liar. People have shown the endgame there. Whether they can win or not has already been determined. You must feel that you are awesome. Do n’t complain if you lose. people.

In fact, the variables of the endgame are very limited, and it is the real endgame that can eventually make a draw. The endgame vendor has already cooked all the tricks he has played, he will not make mistakes, and if you take the wrong step, you will die. Even if you are proficient in all moves in this round, it is nothing more than a draw.

It is impossible to win, it is impossible to win in this life, most people just give money to others; because this set of inputs is less easy to use, and there are many people who like to play chess and a wide audience, it has been popular for a while. The streets of the city can be seen until the chess gradually declines, this scam disappeared.

The stall was a little girl, wearing a plaid coat and a hat that covered half of her face, but Shen Long recognized it at a glance. This was Xicheng who stole things from Feng Du ’s house. Xicheng ’s father was a chess master If it were n’t for her health, she might be able to enter the national team. She has been learning since she was little and has learned a lot.

So when I run into problems, I think of making money with this technology, but there are many people watching the lively crowd, but there is no one who really pays money to play chess, and Xicheng is a little irritable. "No, you are so eloquent one by one. , Why do n’t you have to try it for 20 yuan? You can take it away if you win, how good it is. "

But no one agreed. The big guy continued to analyze the endgame with great interest. It seemed that he did n’t hear what Xicheng said. Shen Long cleared his throat and said, “This is a simple game. I can't turn over. "

"Then you ..." Xicheng looked up and frowned, how could this person look familiar? And what does he mean to smile at me so much?

"Hey, what are you looking at? The money you owe me hasn't been paid yet. I can wait for you to grow up to marry you. How come you have no news as soon as you leave?" Shen Long said with a smile.

Xicheng finally remembered this time, and there was a hint of surprise in his eyes, "Hey, it's you, how come you came here!" She hasn't been going well all these years, and what she did with Feng Du when she was a child After her only warm memory, Xicheng wanted to find Feng Du since returning to the capital. I didn't think about it yet, so I met here.

"Let's go, let's find a place and talk slowly!" Shen Long helped Xicheng to collect the chess stand. After he came out, he sent the black son away. "Heizi, you can look at Dongzi first and see if you received it today. No, I will go back at night. "

There was no Starbucks at this time, so the two of them walked and chatted, and Shen Long asked, "Aren't you going back to your hometown? When did you come back? Can't you leave this time?"

Xicheng's eyes were full of confusion. "I don't know. After my father died, my mother was sick again. My mother is from Beijing. I went back to see the doctor with her. Now we rent a house."

Shen Long asked, "Since your mother is from Beijing, you should have a home in Beijing."

Xicheng explained, "My two uncles' children are both older. Our small courtyard was full of houses, and there was no place to intervene."

Then, Xicheng took Feng Du into a narrow, dirty, water-filled small alley, which could only be passed by one person. Xicheng walked in front, Shen Long followed closely; walked to a broken door, Opened the door and went in. As soon as I entered the room, it was dark and I could hardly see anything.

Xicheng turned on the light, and a thin middle-aged woman coughed while sitting on the bed. Finally, she suppressed her cough and looked up at Shen Long. Shen Long said hello, "Auntie."

Xicheng quickly introduced, "My friend, buddy."

Xicheng's mother said with a smile, "I didn't expect Xicheng to have friends in Beijing, and she had never lived in Beijing for a month."

After one sentence, she coughed violently again. Xicheng hurried forward to beat her mother's back. Shen Long took out the handkerchief and handed it to Xicheng. The mother covered her mouth with a handkerchief. There was a great deal of interest in Shanghai.

Xicheng told Shen Long that her mother had lung disease and had to undergo surgery, but she had no money. As for those uncles, they opposed it when her mother and her father got married, and looked down on them on weekdays. Xicheng was unwilling Open this mouth.

Then Xicheng sent Shen Long out and walked out of the alley, facing the prosperous street, Xicheng suddenly choked up, but held back, "Actually my mother is in good health, but after my father died, my mother ’s body became more and more No; she actually missed my dad, and I know that she called my dad ’s name when she was dreaming, and they were so good! "Then the tears finally couldn't help ~ ~ rolled down from her eyes.

Shen Long reached out and patted her on the shoulder, "It's okay, crying out is better than holding it in my heart."

Xicheng is like a wounded hedgehog, all covered with people, "You don't need it, you people in Beijing will be ashamed." She hasn't felt much warmth since childhood, and it is inevitable that she will give birth to a thorn to protect herself.

So Shen Long was not angry, "How much does it cost to perform the operation?"

Xicheng temporarily stopped sobbing, "Hundreds of dollars, I just started to set up the stall today, but it hasn't opened yet."

Um, it ’s about the same. In almost the same era, Su Meng ’s dad needed 30,000 operations, which is too exaggerated. Even if the operations are different, it ’s unreasonable. Hundreds of dollars make Xicheng difficult. Su Meng dared to borrow 30,000 yuan, which is also bold enough.

Su Meng thought of looking for Han Chunming to borrow money, but Xicheng wanted to make money on her own. Although the way of making money was slightly debatable, Shen Long also liked her a lot.

"That's not much, or I'll give it to you first, and then you slowly find a way to be okay, anyway, you owe me more, it doesn't matter if you don't, you will be my wife in the future!" Shen Long said.

Xicheng chuckled, "Who wants to be your daughter-in-law?" Although he said so, his heart was warm, "Don't lie to your dad like before, this is a few hundred dollars, myself Find a way slowly! "

"I have money, don't believe you go to my house to see it!" Hi, buddy, when did I lack money!

:. :

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