All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 1980: Gome

Shen Long took Xicheng back to his yard. Today, there are fewer neighbors watching TV outside. Now there are more and more people with TV in the alleys. Even if they do n’t, they are also used to rubbing with good people; This finally let the Xiao family breathe a sigh of relief. It has been entertaining so many people for several years, and now it can finally be cleaned for a while.

Feng Shengli was a little lost. The Feng family had no TV for a few days. He had n’t come to remember feeling the pain of the Xiao family. He just felt that so many people came to have face, but now this scenery is just beginning to end; He even complained that Shen Long had saved so many TVs. If he only saved one for his family, his scenery would last for a long time.

"Yo, Feng is back? Who is this? Isn't it your daughter-in-law? Your kid's eyes are good." A few people started to tease when they saw Xicheng.

"This is my friend who helped me get the parts, Uncle Wang, if you say that again, when people are not happy, I will have no parts, then your TV will have to wait!" Shen Long returned.

"Yeah, look at my mouth. Am I wrong? Isn't it okay? Girl, you have a lot of adults, just when I just put a fart!" The other party immediately begged for mercy, but he gave all the money.

Shen Long and Xicheng entered the house, and Heizi immediately pointed to an old TV to show his credit to him, "Feng Du, I just moved back from Dongzi. He said that I would let you go first, and then come over to get money later."

"I glanced at it, he said that more money came .... Well, the price is okay, just come to him later." Shen Long glanced over and pointed at the old TV and parts and said to Xicheng, "Look No, I'm saving TV for others now. Do you know how tight TV is now? "

Now Xicheng finally believed. She was studying in a high school abroad, and the quality of school teaching was poor, so Xicheng had long broken her thoughts of college entrance examination. She was thinking about her own troubles. What is lacking in the market can make money, she is better than the average person. More, "Feng Du, you are really amazing! But I ... But I don't know when I will borrow it."

"It's not anxious, just now I want to find someone to help. I'll find you some money first. You take your mother to a better hospital. The operation is a big deal. The small hospital is not reliable." Xicheng's Mother died because of the operation failure, so Shen Long said so.

"As for repaying money, I have a way. I plan to find a repair shop on the facade. It ’s not a problem to always pile up so many messes at home; but me and sunspots have to go to class and have no time during the day. Stare, it would be better if you could come to help, and I will pay you a salary and pay a commission, so that you can slowly pay back the money. "

"But in this case, you ca n’t go back to school and get a high school diploma; it does n’t matter if you want to study, anyway, there is only more than a year left now, and I welcome you when you graduate You come. "Shen Long took out his solution.

"What's the use of my high school diploma? You say, let me do it, I can work now." Xicheng didn't hesitate at all, she had already thought about going on her own.

"That line." Shen Long opened the cash box, took the money from it and counted the pile and handed it to Xicheng, "Then you take it back first to help your mother get a better hospital, do the surgery, let's talk about it after the surgery is done. Other things. "

Xicheng took over and counted, "There is more."

"The extra thing is for you to move to another place. Your mother is sick now. It is not good for your body to continue to live in such a broken place. Besides, can't you restore nutrition after surgery?" Shen Long thought very thoughtfully.

Xicheng's eyes were a little reddish. "Feng Du ..." She hasn't felt this warmth for a long time, and then wiped a tear. "This weekend, I'm not in a hurry to take my mother to the hospital. It's not necessary to open a repair shop. Well, let ’s find a place now! Then I ’m looking for a place to live! "

She was also not hypocritical, she did n’t push three or four, maybe she had confidence in her ability to make money, and felt that sooner or later she could return the money Shen Long lent to her; so the two went out with the money, this time Kuroko is also brought.

"When I took my mom to rent a house a few days ago, I saw that it was quite suitable for opening a store. It was not far from where you lived. I'll show you to go!" Xicheng just rented a house before, understand A lot of information took them to the door of that family.

Shen Long looked at it, and the place was really good. The houses on the street had a large flow of people. There were shops in the front, and there were accommodations in the back. They could live with people and be warehouses. "You have a good vision, this is a good place. Your mother lives behind, and saves you from running back and forth every day. "After the operation, people need to be taken care of. If Xicheng lives here, you can look after the store and take care of your mother.

Xicheng found the landlord, "Uncle, how do you rent this house? How much is the shop in front? How much is the residence in the back?"

"I will rent together if I want to rent, without opening the zero rent." The landlord is a little puzzled ~ ~ I want to rent together, just ask. "Xicheng said stubbornly. After asking for the price, he bargained again, and finally let Shen Long sign a contract with the landlord. After that, he said to Shen Long," Feng Du, I will give you the rent for the backyard on a monthly basis. " . "

She was quite clear, she was unwilling to take advantage of others, and Shen Long was not hypocritical, "OK, so be it; let's go buy something first and put it here."

While the store is not yet off work, the three people continue to get busy. They bought a lot of gadgets such as counters, boards, and light bulbs. Shen Long also got a wooden board as a signboard and asked someone to borrow pen and ink to write the name of the store.

Xicheng also bought futons, coal stoves, and other objects with the money Shen Long gave. She planned to pick up her mother at night. She looked at Shen Long and wrote, "Yo, Feng Du, you can use the brush!"

"Hi, I just wrote it casually." Is that okay? If I plan to mix up with the calligraphy world, I will definitely be able to make a name.

In the evening, three people went outside to find a restaurant to eat, and Shen Long packed a copy for Xicheng ’s mother, "Tomorrow we are going to have classes, you arrange your mother first, and clean up the store when you ’re free, at night We slowly moved our family's things over. "

After a week of busy work, Xicheng packed up the store, and the mother also changed the hospital to prepare to line up for surgery. Shen Long and Hei Zi also moved the old TV, parts, and tools at home.

By the end of the week, they were ready to open for business. The firecrackers sounded, and Shen Long untied the plaque, revealing the name of the store—Gome Electrical Appliance Repair Shop.

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