All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 1981: TV station

The neighbors in the neighborhood knew the situation in advance, so they came over to support the show. After the bustle, some of the big guys returned home, while others stayed to ask, "Feng Du, when will my TV be good? You put it here. Taiwan let me take it away! "

"Don't worry, your home will be ready in three days. You should go home and call the TV cabinet first!" Shen Long said with a smile. The TV in the store can't be sold. This is used as an advertisement. Yes, he also planned to put the TV at the door in the evening and let the neighbors watch it together. In this case, they would definitely ask that the TV came from there. Those who have money and ca n’t get TV tickets must be Will want to buy.

The sound of firecrackers and crowded people really attracted a lot of passers-by to come and watch the bustle. It was a child who saw the electrical appliances inside. They still had a little unbelief. "You can repair televisions and recorders at such a small age?"

"Aunt, don't underestimate people. Look here! See if you don't. No. 1 in the city's physics skill competition. Feng Du's skills are better than the average college students!" No need to talk about Shen Long, Xicheng began to brag about him Then, pointing to the certificate specially taken from home, the aunt was stunned.

Shen Long pouted, what is better than the average college student? Today, I will put the words here. You can find it everywhere in Beijing, and you can find someone who is better than me.

"Huh, look at the children in other people's homes. It's so powerful at a young age." Shen Long became a child of another's family in the heart of this aunt. "The radio signal in my house is a little bad and can help me fix it. Do not?"

"No problem, you're here. I'll help you insert a team and let him repair it for you immediately." Xicheng is very talkative. After a while, the aunt came with the radio, and Shen Long repaired it after three and five divisions.

It did n’t take long for someone to notice the TV. “Yeah, is your TV good? Is it in your shop? Does it sell? How much?”

"Not for sale, but you want me to save one for you. Well, see, see if you are saving TV over there. I guess it will be just another half an hour. You can watch it here if you are not worried; and You do n’t need a TV ticket. You can just give me 500 yuan, which is much cheaper than buying it in a shopping mall. "Xicheng ’s job is perfect. With her greetings, there are already several people sitting in the store waiting for Shen Long to put the TV The machine is installed.

After half an hour, the TV was assembled, connected to the power and pressed the switch key, a figure appeared on the screen, and the big guy was stunned, "Hey, I can really watch it!"

After watching for five or six minutes, Shen Long turned off the power and greeted Heizi. "Heizi, send the TV to Sansui's house." Heizi then rode a tricycle to deliver the goods. He was responsible for purchasing and shipping in the store. jobs.

"This is set by others in advance, and it will be delivered today after it is installed. There are five other families who want to buy it later. You want to go to the back row, and you can get it one day earlier when you pay the money one day earlier; one year If something goes wrong, we will repair it. Anyway, the storefronts are here, and we ca n’t run away. ”With the encouragement of Xicheng, someone immediately went back to get the money. Do n’t want TV sets for TV tickets. It would be a pity if you missed them.

"Radio? Of course it can be assembled, but you still have to wait; the recorder, that's no problem ... I'll register it for you ..." Not only the TV, but also some electrical appliances such as radios and recorders, Shen Long can also be assembled here This is much easier than assembling a TV, and parts are also easier to buy.

They had been busy from morning to night, and they were able to rest for a while. West City counted the money merrily. "Three thousand two hundred and twenty-two ... Feng Du, I received five TV sets and two tape recorders today. 2. The money of two radios, plus other bits and pieces, a total of 3,572 pieces of sixty-three, we have made it! "

"Opening today is noisy and bustling, so the business is so good. When everyone goes to work tomorrow, it will definitely be less, but you can rest assured that we will definitely make money!" Shen Long silently calculated the cost and profit. This store can earn at least 20,000 or 30,000 yuan a month, if you expand, you can earn more.

"Well, I'll think about more ways to see if I can recruit more business, but you can install TV alone in the store, and you still have to study for college, will you be too tired?" Xicheng asked Road.

"It doesn't matter if you take the university entrance exam, but you can't just let me assemble it by yourself. It's better to get two skilled people to come over. In these few days, you should inquire and see if you have any knowledge and no work. Let him come to the store to help. "Shen Long is not afraid that this business way will be learned by others. Even if he has this ability, it is not easy to find accessories. This is all cost and way.

And several important accessories are assembled by Shen Long with scattered components, which can't be bought outside. As long as you control this, you are not afraid that they will run for a few months.

"Well, I have to be honest, there is nothing else to think about ~ ~ Xicheng also thought of this," You can rest assured, I know who to find the right person, I will help you find it first, when the time comes You choose. "

"Just do it, you hurry back to rest, Heizi, come over and grab the handle, we will put the door panel on, we will go home and sleep when we are done!" Shen Long got up and closed the door with Heizi together Home now.

When I got home, I saw that Wu Jianqiang was sighing and drinking with Feng Shengli at his home. "I said the other day that the troupe is about to reopen. I'm still waiting to go back to work in the original unit. Who knows what they say I am too fat, what role? I ca n’t sing anymore, so I ’m going to be diverted to the TV station. Why! Why am I fat? Ca n’t I sing? ”

"Yes, you're so fat as a landlord and an old translator. Isn't it good!" Feng Shengli was gloating on the side.

"Hey, although the troupe and the TV station are both cultural, but the TV station has a low salary and the administrative level is half the level of the troupe, I don't want to go at all." In fact, this is why Wu Jianqiang is unhappy.

If the work of the TV station and the troupe is at the same time, the fool would give up the troupe to choose the TV station, but now it is different. The TV industry has just started, and the big guys have not realized the potential of the TV station.

In the future, if you want to develop on the TV station, it does n’t matter if you can. If Wu Jianqiang can go to the TV station, it will be much more convenient. When thinking of these, Shen Long pulled a Mazar to sit over and ate a few peanuts. Persuaded Wu Jianqiang, "Uncle Wu, you are wrong, the future development of the TV station will definitely be better than the troupe!"

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