All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 1982: Taiwanese relatives

"Go, you kid knows what, go back to bed and go to school tomorrow!" Wu Jianqiang is worried, and he wants to catch people as soon as he hears this from Shen Long.

"Yeah, I don't understand anything, but now Heizi is still with me. I keep him earning more than you this month! Hey, just thinking about Heizi is a bit inappropriate to take so much money, is it because of his salary? I ’ll calculate it directly for you; yes, I ’ll calculate it directly for Heizi. At least this month I can give him more than two hundred! ”Shen Long's voice lengthened.

Your child is still in my hands, dare not to treat me? In fact, he gave Heizi and Xicheng far more than two hundred yuan, only that he was more afraid of Wu Jianqiang and Feng Shengli.

"How much? Two hundred? I only took sixty yuan a month! You still gave it to me, and he didn't know where to spend it! I gave him the chance to marry his wife in the future." Wu Jianqiang was speechless Alright, co-authored son now earns more than me?

Feng Shengli is even more guilty. Heizi has taken 200 yuan. How much can Feng Du get in a month? Then I can't take my salary for more than a year? However, he is still too small. Shen Long now earns a month and can earn his lifetime income. Of course, this is estimated using today's wage level.

Shen Long withdrew two hundred dollars and handed it to Wu Jianqiang. Feng Shengli stared straight. How much did you earn? Can you give it to your family? I'm tired of raising a family by myself.

After receiving the money, Wu Jianqiang was naturally not good to underestimate Shen Long, so he asked, "Is this TV station really more promising than the troupe?"

"Isn't this something obvious? Well, if you go to a TV station instead of a TV station, are you happy?" Shen Long asked.

"Surely pleased, the newspaper is higher than the troupe, and the salary is higher, but we can't write articles like Xiao Zhan and his dad, because of the elementary school education level, and the newspaper does not want me!" Wu Jianqiang said, scratching his head.

"That's right, why do newspapers have a high level of treatment? Because it controls the channels for information release, people in the country can only read newspapers if they want to know anything! The same is true of TV stations, not only for news, but also for TV shows. And the newspapers are just words. Do you have to recognize the words if you want to read the newspaper? You do n’t need to watch TV, as long as you have eyes! ”

"Now the TV station is sluggish because there are fewer people who can afford the TV, but now the salaries of the big guys have risen, more and more people can afford the TV, if there will be one in every courtyard in the future TV, that's the time for the TV station! "Shen Long hasn't dared to say that every house has every home, so people don't believe it when they go out.

Wu Jianqiang blinked and blinked his eyes, he was kind of trying to understand, "It seems a little reasonable."

"Look, the big guys are not willing to go to the TV station now. If you go there, you will be a veteran, at least equivalent to the old Red Army who has walked through the Long March. When the TV station gets up in the future, what do you need to say?" At that time, you will be able to cover me. I have to go to the third year of high school and four years of college.

"Yes, I'm going to be the old Red Army now, how can I be a general when I get the title in five or five years!" Wu Jianqiang shot his thigh, "I will go to the TV station tomorrow!"

After Wu Jianqiang left, Feng Shengli looked at Shen Long, "Don't you just solve problems for other people's homes, and also give me an idea!" He is now only the security guard of the power plant, seeing that others have good jobs , I must be uncomfortable.

Why are you in a hurry? After a while, I will let you be the director of the factory. Shen Long smiled, "Well, let me persuade my sister not to object to your marriage with Aunt Xu?"

Feng Shengli suddenly blushed, and he played bachelor for many years, but there was a good object named Xu Yin, who had previously thought that the child was still not good enough to continue the string. Now that the child has grown up, the girl has always opposed him to find his stepmother, Feng Shengli was very depressed, and he asked for a long time, "What are you going to do?"

"It's simple!" Shen Long immediately slipped up her sister Feng Qing and found ten dollars in her hand. "As long as you don't object to Dad and Aunt Xu getting married, she will give you ten dollars every month. If it ’s bad for you, I ’ll raise you! "

Yes, Feng Qing didn't say anything now, holding the money in his pockets happily, and seeing that Feng Shengli almost spit out old blood, I knew it was so easy, I still have to work hard; but if he did not do so It must work. Feng Qing definitely thinks that if he is married, the money will go to his wife. Do n’t see if you can get the money now, it may be uncertain in the future.

After persuading Feng Qing, Feng Shengli began to prepare himself for the wedding. Shen Long continued to work in the store while going to school. The person responsible for repairing electrical appliances and assembling the TV set was also found. It was not an outsider. Xiao Zhan ’s uncle Xiao The Red Army returned from Inner Mongolia and temporarily had no place to arrange it. Shen Long arranged him here.

Through contact with Shen Long, it was found that Xiao Hongjun had read a book, his brain was smart, and he did n’t need much time to learn this technology, so he told him this matter; Xiao Hongjun had actually talked about the object in Inner Mongolia, because For the sake of a TV and his rivals, he fled back to Beijing ~ ~ Shen Long agreed to give him a TV, and he immediately agreed.

Within a few days, Xiao Hongjun ’s fiancee Zizige also came over, so there was another employee in the store; this made Xiao Zhan ’s father feel a little depressed. In the past, Feng Shengli was the worst mixed in the alley. Others, but now to the younger generation, his brother, daughter-in-law and Wu Jianqiang's children have all become subordinates of Feng Du!

The arrival of Xiao Hongjun has made Shen Long a lot easier. Not only has he learned some basic repair knowledge, but he can also help bring black belts, but has saved Shen Long a lot of trouble; and the mother of Xicheng has also done a very successful operation. Now quietly in the store, by the way, help Xicheng, Xiao Hongjun cook them.

The time passed, and now the scale of Gome's repair shops is getting bigger and bigger. Their incomes are also increasing. The weddings of Xu Yin and Feng Shengli, Xiao Hongjun and Qi Zige have been successfully completed.

And Shen Long has also entered the third year, getting closer and closer to the college entrance examination.

On this day, after returning home from school, Shen Long saw a reporter from the TV station carrying a video camera and found it. It turned out that Feng Shengli also had an older brother named Feng Dayou. When he was liberated, he followed Peanut Rice to Baodao. Grandma saw Feng Dayou's name on her TV and immediately contacted the TV station, and the TV station came to shoot the show.

Now I am equivalent to a relative of Taiwanese compatriot, right? This is a good thing. Nowadays, many things are not suitable for oneself. It is much easier to hang the name of a Taiwan compatriot. Shen Long has begun to think about the next plan.

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