All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 1983: Arts exam

It will take some time for the TV station to produce and broadcast the program. Feng Dayou of Treasure Island sees that it will take some time to return to Beijing to find relatives, so after the reporter left, the courtyard returned to calm.

After watching the excitement, Xiao Zhan ’s father Xiao Zong walked to Shen Long. “Xiao Zhan just discussed with me. He decided to apply for a major in electronic engineering, a new major, and there will be a future in the future; if he wants to go to the University of Science and Technology, Beijing The home school is too difficult to test. You have done a good job in physics. You also assembled the TV by yourself, or report it. "

He is one of the few cultural people in the alley. He consciously has the obligation to provide help to children in this kind of event that has a bearing on the future of children. In fact, he must really do what he said. Talents are very scarce in the future for a long time.

Shen Long shook his head, "I don't want to study science!"

Xiao Cong is a little strange, "Learning mathematics and physics well, I am not afraid to go all over the world. The study of science and science is much wider than the liberal arts. I am studying arts, and the path of liberal arts students is narrow." This is also the reality for a long time in the future.

"I don't study liberal arts either. I like to watch TV, so I want to make TV shows in the future. I have inquired about it. There is a director department at the Beijing Film Academy, which is dedicated to teaching this. I plan to take this exam!" Batch division, then I would become the sixth generation director?

This is a bit unpleasant, I do n’t want to mix with Lu Chuan, Jia Zhangke, Wang Xiaoshuai, Lou Ye, the film they made is not very interesting; to say that the artistry is not comparable to the fifth generation of Laomouzi and Kaige It ’s even more nonsense to say commercial value. Hey, I still do n’t mix well with them in the future.

"Jingcheng Film Academy teaches making movies? It's not teaching how to make TV shows. Besides, your grades are so good. It seems that the Beijing Film Academy is a little bit disadvantaged!" Xiao Cong was a little dazed. This decision was completely out of him. Expected.

Of course I know that the real professional counterpart should be film and television directing and production, but now it seems that there is no university that offers this major, so I can only go to the Beijing Film Academy.

"Who makes me like this? I can do what I like for a lifetime. Why can't I say that I'm at a disadvantage? I told our teacher, and the school gave me a certificate. I will take the art test this weekend! "If you want to go to the Beijing Film Academy, you have to take the art test. The Beijing Film Academy has three test sites in Beijing, Modu and Chang'an. Shen Long lives in Beijing, so you don't need to go to the field specially, which is much more convenient than other candidates.

This was somewhat contrary to Xiao Cong's expectations. He didn't expect a high school student to say such a thing. After thinking it over carefully, he thought that what he said was very reasonable. Although he said that the path of studying liberal arts is relatively narrow, But you let him choose again, he will still choose to study liberal arts instead of science.

"Your idea has always been right. I won't persuade you if you think about it. I hope you can pass the art test and get to the university you want to go to. But in this case, you and Xiao Zhan may have no way every day for several years. Meet. "Xiao Cong still hopes that the friendship between Xiao Zhan and Feng Du will continue.

"That's fine, didn't Xiao Zhan's winter and summer vacation have to come back, and can usually write letters!" Or, you let him also test the Beijing Film Academy? Just listening to his name knows that he is suitable as an actor.

Feng Shengli had long known that Shen Long was going to the Beijing Film Academy, but he didn't really support it, but now he can't control Shen Long anymore. He was married to Xu Yin, but Shen Long paid for it, now. Every month, the family also pays money to be responsible for the family ’s expenses. Whoever has control of the family ’s economy will naturally have a greater say.

Xiao Zhan had some regrets after hearing about this, "Hey, do you want to check the scores of the art exams in the Beijing Film Academy? The requirements for the cultural class do not seem to be high. Your high scores are wasted."

"It's okay, who will make me happy! But don't think about me taking the Beijing Film Academy, I will put down the culture class, but I told the teacher, I must give the school a high score, and he agreed with me Apply to the Beijing Film Academy. "To convince the school is not easy, the teacher regarded him as the seedling of Qingbei, Shen Long took a lot of effort to get it done.

At the weekend, Shen Long brought a letter of introduction and stationery, and took a bus to the Beijing Film Academy. The art test center in Beijing was placed here. Xicheng also followed him and said that there were many beautiful girls in the film school. She was afraid that Shen Long would have taken a look at it; after nearly a year of contact, the relationship between them was getting closer and closer. If the high school had not graduated, the last step might have been completed.

As for Yichun, because of Shen Long ’s deliberate indifference, the relationship between the two of them has faded a lot, and Xiao Zhan made up for Shen Long ’s position. The relationship with Yi Chun is getting better and better.

Jingcheng Film Academy resumed its preparation in 77 years, and then enrolled the first batch of students in 78 years, but since then it has not been officially recruited again for several years ~ ~ In addition to teaching 78 students, the main The manager puts on training classes for performing teachers, and each department also holds special courses for cadres to train film cadres for ethnic areas.

Recruitment did n’t start until this year, so there were quite a few students taking art exams this year, but it still ca n’t be compared with the era in which Shen Long was. Now everyone just regards directors and actors as ordinary jobs, and there are countless people in later generations. The yearning star.

Despite this, they still need to face fierce competition, because the school plans to enroll a small number of students this year, the performance department is less than twenty, and the director department has only 16 undergraduates and colleges combined.

Shen Long arrived a little early, so he took Xicheng to turn around in the school and was walking around. He saw a little girl coming with a balloon in his hand, probably a school teacher's child.

It may have been a trip under my feet. The little girl stumbled. Although she did not fall, the balloon flew up and hung on the tree branch by the road. The little girl cried suddenly.

Saw a man with thick eyebrows and big eyes, and hurried over, "What's wrong with this?"

"Balloon, I want a balloon!" The child shouted pointing at the balloon in the tree.

The man had enough two times, but he scratched his head. "What if I ca n’t climb trees?"

"It's okay, you go to pull up the tree and put it down, won't the balloon come?" Shen Long said with a smirk. He didn't expect to encounter a star when he first came to school. Isn't that Lu Zhishen!

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