All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 1984: Future star

This is none other than Zeng Jinsheng, who played Lu Zhishen in Chao Tingtai's "Water Margin". He was born in a military family, so he dreamed of becoming a general since he was a child. After joining the army at the age of seventeen, he became a performing team because of his good temperament Model, and participated in the British model congress.

In 1980, when the teacher of the PLA Academy of Art found him in the army, he was very optimistic about his image and temperament, so he wanted him to study at the Academy of Art, but then the national disarmament, all departments of the PLA Academy of Art did not enroll, Zang Jinsheng Therefore, the opportunity to enter the art school is lost.

However, Zang Jinsheng also changed his ideals. In order to be an actor, he retired to Jinmen and worked as a worker while studying. Then he hurried over as soon as he heard that the Beijing Film Academy had enrolled students. It's so foggy, what do you mean?

Shen Long came to him and said with a smile, "As soon as I looked at your figure, I thought of Lu Zhishen in" Water Margin ". If you shoot the TV series of" Water Margin "in the future, you are definitely the best candidate for Lu Zhishen!"

Zang Jinsheng was happy as soon as he heard this, and he smiled, "I ’m not as strong as Lu Zhishen." Well, he was only twenty-three this year, and he has n’t been blessed yet. Then he extended his hand, "My name is Zang Jinsheng, from Tianjin , Want to take a test in the acting department, what is your name? And I plan to take the acting department like me? "

"Feng Du, from Beijing, I came here to test the director department." Shen Long reached out and shook his hand. Don't think that I want to be an actor when I look handsome. What do I care about is the meaning.

Then Shen Long climbed up the tree hurriedly, helped the little girl to take off the balloon, and continued to chat with Zang Jinsheng. Zang Jinsheng was a little worried. He was too old and had passed the minimum age limit of the film school. But he was very relieved, "It must be no problem, quietly your temperament is much more handsome than Tang Guo, the teacher will definitely want you!"

Tang Guoqiang has to wait three years before he comes here to study, but people have become famous for works such as "Little Flower" and have become synonymous with handsome guys.

Jingcheng Film Academy not only recorded Zang Jinsheng, but also made him the class leader, and has been the chairman of the school student union. Sophomore started filming. He played a role in Huang Jianzhong's film, and I don't know whether it is because of this relationship. Later, when Huang Jianzhong filmed "Swordsman", he let him play the master of non-stop.

Zang Jinsheng was very happy to hear, "By borrowing your good words, if I can record it, you will have no problem. When you become a director, I will play your film."

"No problem, I'll ask you to play Lu Zhishen when I get there." Or I'll film "Water Margin" by then, I am familiar with "Water Margin", I have been on Liangshan for several years, every day and these The guys deal with each other.

After walking a few steps, Shen Long looked at a star again. Well, in fact, it can't be said to be a star. This generation of film school students are willing to work hard to polish their acting skills, and rarely speculate on themselves, saying that they are actors and even performing artists. Suitable.

This girl is called Na Renhua. She looks 18 or 9 years old now. She is wearing Mongolian ethnic costumes. She is not timid when she comes to this place. Do n’t look at other people ’s young age. In fact, they have already played movies; Just graduated from the film school, he became the star of "Xiang Xiao Xiao".

This film was adapted from Shen Congwen ’s novel of the same name, co-directed by major directors Xie Fei and Ulan, and won multiple awards. Na Renhua also won the Golden Rooster Award for Best Actress for this film. It will definitely blow into the sky.

Standing not far from Na Renhua is Lin Fangbing, who was also admitted to the Film Academy this year. The most famous character in the future is Yang Guifei in "Ming Tang". With this role, she won the Golden Actress Award for Best Actress; It does n’t bother her that she has gained 30 pounds for this role. Who would do that if she put it on the female stars of later generations!

Is a handsome guy among them. Well, few of them came to take the art test today, but few of them are handsome, but this one is particularly handsome.

Shen Long also recognized who he was. Is n’t that the Emperor Wu Jifa in "Feng Shen Bang"? As soon as he saw him, Shen Long remembered the scene when he watched Fu Yiwei play the role of Da Ji feeding grapes to the King when he was a child. Shen Long wondered at the time, this is probably the supreme enjoyment of life, right?

This is Zhang Xiaolin, a representative of the Shanghai School, but after entering the new century, he did not perform much. He went to the film troupe as a deputy head, focusing on promoting the troupe.

There are n’t many people who Shen Long knows. This session is not as good as the 78th level where Zhang Fengyi and Zhang Tielin are located, nor the 85th level where Tang Guoqiang is located. There are still fewer famous actors who can give big guys. I'm afraid that Zang Jinsheng standing next to Shen Long was impressed.

Looking forward, a boy with long hair and a sketchpad is standing in front of the examination room. This is the senior student who has filmed "Kara is a dog." He is also a representative of the sixth generation of directors.

He is from Beijing. He studied painting in the middle school attached to the Central Academy of Fine Arts ~ ~ Later, when he became interested in movies, he came to the Beijing Film Academy and passed the exam successfully, but the film he shot was not very loved by Shen Long. Look, that "Kara is a dog" went to starring Uncle Ge Youge.

Next to him is Wang Xiaoshuai, these two are students from the middle school attached to the Academy of Fine Arts, and they took the film school together.

It should be said that the reputation of the director is much louder than that of the actor in this class of students. In addition to Mr. Lu and Wang Xiaoshuai that Shen Long saw just now, there is Lou Ye, but Shen Long did not see it.

Lou Ye is now studying animation at Modu Art School. Even if he applied to the Beijing Film Academy, he should take the art exam at the Modu Examination Room, so Shen Long is not surprised.

Most of the students in the yard were a little nervous, and even worried about taking Xicheng, she helped Shen Long organize the clothes, "Is it alright?"

"Surely there is no problem, you can rest assured." Hey, when the time comes, I will meet Xu Wangqiu. He should have graduated now? It would be nice if he could meet him, he was much more interesting than Wang Xiaoshuai and Lou Ye, and Shen Long still had a lot of thoughts and thoughts.

This is different from your electrical appliances, cultural exams, and Xicheng does n’t know what to do in the art exam, but she is instinctively worried about Shen Long, but she put these words in her heart, did not say it, just looked at him Eyes, "Well, I also believe, who are you, there can be things that Feng can't do!"

While speaking, the exam time is up, and the students come to the examination room of their respective departments and wait for the name to enter the exam.

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