All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 1985: Easy pass

I'm passing first, I hope we can both pass the exam! When you become a director, I will play Lu Zhishen! Zang Jinsheng patted Shen Long on the shoulder and waited at the entrance of the examination room of the performance department. Shen Long also came outside the examination room of the director department.

Candidates in the director's department present two different situations. One is disturbed, their eyes are full of confusion. Many of them still don't know what the director is doing. They just came here because they heard that the school does not have high requirements for cultural class. It is estimated that I came here for luck because of poor academic performance.

The other wave is much more self-confident, they are divided into several small groups, and together they hold their chins and talk about topics that are not understood by outsiders such as Bazhan Montage. The air is filled with joy; most of these are The children of the movie studio, who have been in the ears since childhood, naturally know more than outsiders.

Fengdu, Fengdu! I don't know if the order of the exams is arranged by surname strokes, or the pinyin sequence, but no matter which Feng is quite forward, so the examiner came out and let Shen Long enter.

The content of the first test is very simple, just to recite the sketch and the oral test. Shen Long first read Li Bai's "Willing into Wine", which he heard many people sing during the Tang Dynasty.

After listening to the examiners looked at each other, many people did not know how to evaluate, because the style of Shen Long's recitation is not the same as the current popular method, but it was unexpectedly pleasant; for a while, only a gray-haired examiner hesitated Asked, do you ... imitate the way of Tang Dynasty poetry? Then change the pronunciation to Mandarin?

Yes, I think only this way can better show Li Bai's romance and heroism. Shen Long nodded and replied.

It ’s rare that young people now know this. To be honest, I have only heard it once or twice from Mr. Guo. Did you learn from that teacher? Or are there elders who specialize in this? The white hair examiner asked.

I learned it when I had a banquet with some poets in the Tang Dynasty. You must know their names, but I do n’t believe I learned them. So Shen Long shook his head and found an explanation he could accept. Most of the time, I occasionally go to the university to rub a lesson to learn.

Several teachers stopped talking, but looking at their expressions, Shen Long will definitely get a high score in this project, and then enter the next session to rehearse the sketch.

The rest of the candidates wanted to highlight themselves. It might not be a problem if they were placed in the interview of the acting department, but now it is the interview of the director department. A qualified director can not patronize his performance, so Shen Long and his own The partner simply exchanged a few sentences to understand his strengths, and then discussed a sketch that would highlight his strengths.

'S partner was in the limelight, and he was very satisfied. However, this scene was different in the eyes of the examiner. They more valued Shen Long's coordination ability and overall control ability, which is very important for a director.

Finally came to the oral test, first asked some literary common sense, Shen Long answered right, Liu Bai examiner asked his last question, Feng Du, what do you think is the most important quality of being a director?

Is the ability to observe life and refine life; only with enough observation and experience of life can we extract the moving details from life; what is filming? It is to shoot various details; if there is not enough detail to support, the story is beautiful, it is also empty. Shen Long quoted Xu Wangqiu's statement.

This answer also satisfies the examiner. Most of the children of the movie factory answered the most vocabulary such as technique and art. These are enough to fool ordinary people, but they are far from enough to convince them. Shen Long ’s answer is extremely flat and direct to the core. This is actually the belief they uphold in the director's work.

The examiner scored a few times on the paper and gave Shen Long a high score. Although it was only a preliminary test, Shen Long demonstrated the artistic quality and practical ability of the knowledge reserve that made them think he was the best among the candidates.

How is the exam? As soon as he came out of Xicheng, he asked with concern. Although he didn't understand why Shen Long had to take the Beijing Film Academy, Xicheng still hoped that he would pass the exam.

no problem. After the exam is over, it is reasonable to go home and wait for the results to come out, and then repeat the test, but Shen Long waited for a while until Zang Jinsheng finished the exam.

He was a little upset, because although he performed well, but his age exceeded the standard, Shen Long comforted that since you are all performing, then it must be no problem, otherwise it would take the effort to do it! By the way, do you have a place to live now, or stay with me for two days and then look at the results together!

It takes only a few days for the first test and the retest. Zang Jinsheng is a foreigner. He must find a place to live. He was a little hesitant and felt that it was not very good to cause trouble for the first meeting, but he was still pulled by Shen Long. Go away, pull down the back of the repair shop of Gome ~ ~ There is still room in the room inside, you can live by tidying up.

The results of the first test soon came out. Shen Long ranked first among the candidates of the director department. Zang Jinsheng also ranked first in the list of performances. Both of them successfully entered the retest.

The most important thing in the re-examination of the director department is the film analysis. The film school has its own screening room. The examiner takes the candidates into the screening room, plays a film, and then asks them to write an article to analyze the film.

The film analysis should include various aspects of the theme structure, characters, scenes, scenes, space, light and tone dialogues, but now there are few people who know how to write film analysis. Even the children of the film factory can only pass one or two aspects. For analysis, let alone others.

The examiners also know this, so as long as the candidates write well and make sense, they will give good scores. After they get the test papers, they will review and communicate while they are reading. Well, this student writes well, mainly from the screen. From the perspective of aesthetics, there should be a certain painting foundation. Well, this is Senior Senior Student's test paper.

This article is even better. The standard video analysis format and the content are comprehensive and thorough. Even if you let me write it, you ca n’t guarantee to write better than him! This should be the first place in the retest! It goes without saying that Shen Long is naturally.

Two days later, the re-examination results were announced. Shen Long passed the test easily and won the first place among the candidates of the director department of the Beijing examination room. Zang Jinsheng also successfully passed the examination of the performance department.

After the two came back, they had a beautiful meal and waited for us in September!

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